Better Trade Screen

Better Trade Screen 4.4

Reviews 4.58 star(s) 28 reviews

Better Trade Screen 4.1 worked fine for me in Civ 6 GS, and now 4.2 should be even better. :)
Shows you trade routes before the traders set off -- essential for trade civilizations like Rome and Egypt.
Works well, and looks good. My only complaint isn't with this mod, but how this mod reveals the impractical length of trade routes created by the games' designers.
Works like a charm. Thank you very much :)
Repeat route works again
So great, so useful -- and it's incredible that the base game did not include some of these obviously necessary features.
Very essential mod, can't play without it
Firaxis please take note.
perfect, great addition to the game.
Essential for maintaining your sanity if you love large empires, excellent for small empires as well.
So much better than the vanilla screen
My prayers have been answered. When you have +30 trade routes and +15 cities, this mod really pays off, making you able to sort trade routes by yield and no only by the citie where the trader is standing but all cities. Thanks a lot. You should make something similar to spies.
Excellent mod! Makes playing the game so much better.
4* because it's only going to get better. Just what should have been in the game to start with.
This is just great. Works since V1 like a charm and getting better and better. Thank you.
Works great! Thanks!
Love this mod! Can't play without it. Thanks!
love the mod, keep up the good work!
This is solid work. Great job!
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