The mod doesn't need any dlc,
changed many things and I don't remember them all, I think it's easier to read the mod description at this point
Separatism now is gained when you conquer the city not when you make peace and can't be reduced untill you make peace with the old owner and if you kill all partisan of a separatist revolt the separatism in the city is reduced by 1/5

may not be compatible if you started your game with old version

fixed many bugs as always...
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reduced WEP gained after combat

you need need at least -200 loyalty to be able to reduce separatism and if the city have your culture it's 4x faster

changed lotyalty bar colors :
if the city is besieged by a revolt : red
if the city win or lost siege but can't revolt : yelllow
if the city have positive loyalty : fill green (200 or more loyalty per turn) to yellow (50 loyalty per turn), back blue
if the city have a negative loyalty : fill yellow (50 loyalty per turn) to rose(-200 loyalty per turn or less), back yellow (1% chance of revolt) to red (100% chance of revolt)
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Rainbow bar (fix last game update)
if a revolt win a siege, the city become separatist

separatism now reduce depending on loyalty per turn, if you have less than -100 loyalty per turn separatism won't reduce

max loyalty is now 5000, so there is more time before revolt

fixed some bugs and fixed notification crash (again)
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Fixed game crash when creating a notification, if you create or dismiss a notification using the event "GameEvents.PlayerTurnStarted", the game could crash, you should use "GameEvents.PlayerTurnStartComplete" instead, the crash happen when my pannel try to dismiss notification stack with the bad event, sorry for every crash caused.

added New government compatibility
GOVERNMENT DIGITAL DEMOCRACY average loyalty per turn : 13.655
GOVERNMENT CORPORATE LIBERTARIANISM average loyalty per turn 10,955 and - 1WEP per turn
GOVERNMENT SYNTHETIC TECHNOCRACY average loyalty per turn : 13.205 and religion multiplier 0.5 = divided by 2

fixed game lag when loyalty lens was enabled during AI turn
fix Notification stack
Sry but found another bug due to GS I may find some other in future days, should be compatible with started game from last versions
now compatible with GS
same version but without notification, the game should not crash.
fix bug and balance
notification may crash the game.. it's a bit random (or I don't understand) so if you want to take the risk.
Disable Notification cause it could crash the game (only Loyalty notif)

You can now chose player who will be killed at start and appear later in the game after a colonial riot:
Random: chose the number of random civ that will be killed (same continent kill players on the same continents)

Other Continents : kill players that are not on your starting Continent (that are separated by water)

Only Certains players : chose any civ you want to see as colonial

Only Certains alive players : Chose civilization that will be killed from civilization currently in the game

Water unit now won't siege city but will be more powerfull depending on Era

x2 more Elite unit always depend on loyalty

colonial riot cap is now -500
  • all revolt besiege city but not for the same result when they win it,
  • Revolt Unit won't quit their territory
  • There will be "Elite" Unit, Elite are last era unit, number of elite depend on your loyalty per turn (if you have -100 lpt you will have 1/10 of elite unit in your revolt if you have -200 2/10 ect...)
  • At least half of player killed at start will be major player
  • balanced colonial riot
  • Minimum Distance from capital for colonial riot is Number of plot of your map / 400
Now the City that are further than 30 plot from capital will Riot if there is too many citizen and not enougth district, amenities, garnison, more it's far more it need all these and will end in a separatist revolt like city who has been taken by force,

separatist revolt : barbarian will siege the city, if you don't kill them the city will become a free city,

free city: if the city culture isn't the last owner then the city goes back the the player who own the city culture (remind culture change only if you have 0 separatism in a city), so what happen to colonial riot, they become a new player, who was killed at start, or they join the closest colony (20 plots)(colony are new empire created by riot), if there is no more dead colony player then the closest player who wasn't the last owner become the new owner

fixed bugs for people who don't own all dlc buildings (say me if I missed something)
may have some bug fix update in future, if you find one say me.. have fun
Do not use NotificationsForMoreNotification with this mod.. all notif are already in
sorry for not having given news for so long, so finally update is here,

Sepratism : When You make peace or defeat a player every city you decide to keep will become Separatist, more the city have citizens and culture per turns more it will be long to change the city culture, culture is based on who found the city, the only way to change a city culture is to have 0 separatism in the city.

  1. War migration, citizens will flee country who have War Exhaustion, more WEP = more migration, will search ideal city who have less than 10 WEP.
  2. Religion Migration, citizens will flee cities who have a negative religion stability, more heretics = more migration, will search an ideal city or country who follow his religion.
  3. Government Migration, citizens will flee country who have a negative Government stability, Worst Government stability = more migration, will search an ideal city who have a positive government stability and a different government
  4. Separatist Migration, citizens will flee cities who is separatist, more city is separatist = more migration, will search an ideal city who have his culture and is not separatist (come back to his original country)
What is "ideal city":
every city have an attractivity depending on :
  • City at war have 0 attractivity
  • City who are closer have an attractivity bonus (max migration distance depend on era goes from 20 plots to 100)
  • Citizens prefer not changing country if possible (more attractivityif same country)
  • Citizens prefer city with positive loyalty (more loyalty per turn = more attractivity)
  • Citizens prefer city who have housing and food surplus
  • Citizens prefer City with amenities
  • Citizen prefer cities who have district and more gold per turn
  • citizen prefer city who have wonders
more a city is attractive more it will get Migrations

So now what took me so much time is better compatibility with other mods, changed every file now I only use the notification file from the game... expect it will work

Have fun
Fixed all bug i could found like a big lag when openning loyalty lens and religion change notif triggering every pop change and more bugs

new notif:
Barbarian Village Discovered
City tile ownership changed
Deal expired

photo of all notif ( in french cause i am french but in english if your game is in english)


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Now Chance of revolt notif updates when chance of revolt changes
Loyalty can not be lower than 500 (prevent from 100% chance of revolt and from cities becoming free cities for no reason)
Fix a bug with Religion change notif triigering while no religion changed
fix a bug where player was notified for pagan religion
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