This is a large map script for Colonization that simulates earth like plate tectonics and weather patterns caused by geostrophic and monsoon winds. It is similar to my PerfectWorld mapscript for Civ IV, but with a new climate engine that is both better and faster. The climate model uses four seasons of rainfall. During the northern summer, continental heating creates a northern low pressure zone that draws moisure into the continent from the ocean. In winter, or the southern summer, the same thing happens in the south. During spring and fall, the wind brings moisture from the ocean according to the prevailing, or geostrophic wind. The climate on a plot is determined by how much total rainfall it gets throughout the year. The cooler high altitude plots tend to cause more moisture in the air to fall as rain and depleting the moisture potential, creating rain shadows on the leeward side of a mountain range in a natural way.
There is an option to adjust the distance to Europe along the coast. The default is 4 tiles, with options for 3,6 and 8. There is also an option to change the land forms to choose large continents or smaller islands.
To use this file, download it here from the downloads database and put it in your Colonization\PublicMaps folder. Also, this map is somewhat slower than the stock mapscripts and Col will become unresponsive during generation. Just give it a couple of minutes.
Here are some screenshots of some 'huge' maps (50x100)
Here are some of huge maps with the 'More Islands' option
Here are some standard size maps (30x60)
Here are some standard Island maps
Here are some close ups, notice the rain shadow in the second picture.
Version history:
1.04 - Fixed a copy and paste bug that overwrote changes the land percent. Also, made separate filters for temperature and altitude filters. This allows some better definition to the mountain ranges.
1.03 - Fixed a problem with mountain ranges forming between the map content edge and the water band added to ensure distance to Europe. Fixed a problem where light forest was placed on a lake.
1.02 - Maps really were too large so I shrank them and made them taller than they are wide. Added an option for distance to Europe. Added a land forms option for more or less islands.
1.01 - Fix for multiplayer
There is an option to adjust the distance to Europe along the coast. The default is 4 tiles, with options for 3,6 and 8. There is also an option to change the land forms to choose large continents or smaller islands.
To use this file, download it here from the downloads database and put it in your Colonization\PublicMaps folder. Also, this map is somewhat slower than the stock mapscripts and Col will become unresponsive during generation. Just give it a couple of minutes.
Here are some screenshots of some 'huge' maps (50x100)
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Here are some of huge maps with the 'More Islands' option
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Here are some standard size maps (30x60)
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Here are some standard Island maps
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Here are some close ups, notice the rain shadow in the second picture.
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Version history:
1.04 - Fixed a copy and paste bug that overwrote changes the land percent. Also, made separate filters for temperature and altitude filters. This allows some better definition to the mountain ranges.
1.03 - Fixed a problem with mountain ranges forming between the map content edge and the water band added to ensure distance to Europe. Fixed a problem where light forest was placed on a lake.
1.02 - Maps really were too large so I shrank them and made them taller than they are wide. Added an option for distance to Europe. Added a land forms option for more or less islands.
1.01 - Fix for multiplayer
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