@Chuggi.....no problem mate, and i think it would be a great idea to break up the white with some red....it seems, not only for artistic creativity, but also, in researching the uniforms of the industrial age, many times, diferences in regiments and such were reflected by different color vests or piping, etc....that is proly why the movie has red piping and the pic has yellow
@Acronym2 (and other artists!!!) in doing some of my research for uniform art i stumbled across digger's site...this is the first page i found.....
the site is not the easiest to navigate thru, but on the top of the page, u will see "thru age 2", thru age 3", etc....maybe not thousands of pics, but an extremely nice collection of art for uniforms from 1700's to WW2...the rest of the site is also worth a look