Video: Troll or Mistake?

Was the leader information in the video a troll?

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Super Moderator
Dec 24, 2001
Albuquerque, NM
What do you think? Did Firaxis release the video with the portraits intentionally as a puzzle or troll? Or did they just make a mistake and not realize that zooming would reveal all/most?

Troll: Bad list to mislead
Puzzle: the real list to see if anyone figured it out
Mistake: Oops
It is a puzzle. Why would they include that part at all? To show us some people or the walls?
I'm strongly hoping they're trolling us.
A big oops, or maybe a small oops if some of the information happens to be incorrect.
I'm sorta hoping that some of the info they gave is accurate, and some info (i.e. Afonso, Medici, GANDHI) is a trick to keep us from finding everything out. It seems too big of an oversight to accidentally leave that shot in the video.
It is a puzzle. Why would they include that part at all? To show us some people or the walls?

Yes? That's literally the point of dev-documentaries.

Spoiler :

You just film people looking like they're making the game and then you talk over it.
It had to have been edited beforehand, probably reviewed. Everyone must have missed it if it's a big oops.
Yes? That's literally the point of dev-documentaries.

Spoiler :

You just film people looking like they're making the game and then you talk over it.

Makes sense. I'm about to change my mind. What a blooper :lol:
It's a challenge, hense the Civet (Civit, civ reddit) on the page.
It's a very creative puzzle. Well done Firaxis. :)
I think it's an oops, specially if the 22 imply 4 are part of the early dlc, which I don't think they would want to give hints this early.
Still, it it hard to believe that they would miss something like this. It's a carefully edited video. They want to make things interesting from the very beginning, or they simply underestimate the perception skills of civfanatics :lol:
I think it's an oops, specially if the 22 imply 4 are part of the early dlc, which I don't think they would want to give hints this early.

There is something like a deluxe edition, available on the same day, I guess. This will include all the civs + the four ones you pay extra for.
Small opps... maybe. Don't think they noticed they were showing it. The recording cut in this scene is the same they are using at 0:17-0:18 (developers working on a schedule/flowchart), but at that different angle, it gets a slight view of the concept wall in the room behind that corridor.

Will not say its a big opps, because they would have probably clean this wall from anything too much secret... I mean: it's a big opps we now know Torres del Paine is a natural wonder?. Of course, this was not expected to be shown, just happened to be too close to the known leader concepts (Cleo image). So for the "leader-board" (pun intended :p ) i think it is the same... a mix of everything. I can imagine some video editing:

-FX1: Opps they catched these images of the leades we had in the wall..
-VideoEd: Ah, but they are too far away to be clearly seen...
-FX1: But the people at CivFanatics are Fanatics!... i mean... they are going to lose sleep hours just to figure out every detail...
-Marketing: Well, we know that... you know... we have already stoped trying cleaning the screenshots... even if something is hidden by the fog and in the last visible tile, it's up in Arioch site the next day...
-Edd: Indeed, that can be fun to se what can they do with this. Remember they are still discussing about that hint we provided on the districts in the E3 video commentary?
-Marketing: That was EVIL!
-Edd: So, this is as well.
-FX1: Ok, let's go. Video approved. Put it in you-tube...

So, small opps, turned puzzle with a bit of troll... I think it must be a mix of all three options.
Still, it it hard to believe that they would miss something like this. It's a carefully edited video.

It's a carefully edited video, but not necessarily carefully edited by someone at Firaxis - probably someone at 2K. And even if it were checked over by someone at Firaxis, it wouldn't necessarily be someone that knows what those few random sheets of paper tacked up on the wall contain.

There is something like a deluxe edition, available on the same day, I guess. This will include all the civs + the four ones you pay extra for.

Not necessarily available on launch day. The description says "access to four post-launch DLC packs", but not "early access".
It's a carefully edited video, but not necessarily carefully edited by someone at Firaxis - probably someone at 2K. And even if it were checked over by someone at Firaxis, it wouldn't necessarily be someone that knows what those few random sheets of paper tacked up on the wall contain.
In the actual video the one second visual is very quick and unless you knew both what those images were and that when zoomed, could be identified, you wouldn't give it a passing thought.
It's a carefully edited video, but not necessarily carefully edited by someone at Firaxis - probably someone at 2K. And even if it were checked over by someone at Firaxis, it wouldn't necessarily be someone that knows what those few random sheets of paper tacked up on the wall contain.

Actually, they film walls and posters and show content already revealed. That would imply they were not aware of it. But how funny it is. They leaked most of the civs and leaders themselves by accident? Even NDA is worthless :lol:

Not necessarily available on launch day. The description says "access to four post-launch DLC packs", but not "early access".

Possibly true, but soon after the release day, so they already have decided, which civs and leaders to include in these DLCs. And the number 22 also agrees. The revealed civs and leaders agree. Everything...
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