Epic mod--RAMAYANA


Jan 14, 2004
Pune, India
Hi everyone,
my plan is to make a mod depicting the salient features of the great Hindu epic- the Ramayana - written by the great hermit 'Rishi Valmiki'

The Ramayana is perhaps the world's first ever epic poem. originally the text contained 24000 verses- a thousand each for each letter of the supreme and sacred Gayatri chant of 24 syllables.

The whole epic is divided into seven books (Kandas) - Bala, Ayodhya, Aranya, Kiskindha, Sundara, Yudha and Uttara - split into 647 cantos (Sarga-s.)

Little is known about the composer - ancient Indians believed that it was not man but knowledge that was important

The Vedas which were the scriptures revealed to the ancient seers in the course of their supernatural experiences. the Ramayana has the character of the Vedas, as it weaves a story around a personification of that Ultimate Reality sought by the Vedas.

The word "Ramayana" not only indicates the title of the work but means also the path taken or followed by Sri Rama, the hero (ramasya ayanam).

This path was the path of righteousness in all activities and hence, this text is regarded as a code and manual of correct living, (Dharmasastra. )

Whosoever devoted to the Lord in unflinching and true devotion, earned His grace and (Purusartha) i.e. liberation from purposeless existence.

The story in brief –
-RAMA prince of Ayodhya, & son of the great King Dasaratha is sent into the forest for 14yrs exile to keep his father’s promise to
-Kaikeyi mother of BHARATA & wife of the King
-he is accompanied by LAXMANA(his brother) & SITA(his wife) into the forest
-here they spend many years living a simple life & protecting the many Sages of the forest from vicious Demons
-the Demon king RAVANA abducts Sita
-Rama sets out to defeat Ravana, on the way he meets HANUMAN(son of the wind God) & SUGREEVA(King of the powerful Vanaras) who provide him with an army for the purpose
-a bridge is built to LANKA(Ravana’s capital & Ravana is attacked & slain by Rama)
-There are various wondrous events all throughout the journey which is 2 much to write here:crazyeye:

I am building the storyline & philosophy but need help 2 convert it into a game
For now I need the foll. units-
Shree RAMA


Anyone interested in making theses & more units please PM me & I will make available all details & pics
Also I will require wonder splashes & building graphics which i have no idea how 2 make:(
Please post All views or questions regarding this mod I will be glad to elaborate:)
Great idea:goodjob: I was planning on making a mod out of this some time ago, but got caught up in other projects
This epic carries a great spiritual & philosophical message...which i hope 2 bring out using the civilopedia coordinating with the tech tree. will be fun i'm sure:cool:
What's next? You could make a followup Mahabharata mod? That is the greatest piece of literature ever! Or make BR Chopra's Mahabharata a great wonder. :)

So from Poona, eh? Finally I meet another Indian in civfanatics. One Gandhi avatar meets another. Jay Bharat! ;)

Ramayan was actually a great wonder in ctp1 if you wanted to know. I am making an ancient india mod, so if you are making a wonder for it too, it would help me greatly. See my sig for more details. Waiting to see this mod complete, fellow Bharata-desi.

Possible Civs:
Kosala (Dhasharata)
Lanka (and parts of S India where Kara and Dooshana's outpost were) (Ravana)
Kishkinda (Sugreeva)
Mithila (Janaka)
Guha Chieftain (The guha chief, forgot his name)

Hard to think of civs. Maybe give everyone a locked alliance against Lanka. These are all the nations you need, since it now really concentrates on Rama invading Lanka.

Kosala gets lots of land since they were really powerful at the time. Make them dominate N India. Also make a government in Kosala that is overpowered. This way you simulate the people of Ayodhya's happiness, and tolerance to war. (otherwise they might think it is just an agressive war, stupid AI).
There r few Indians in the gaming world, yaar! n hard to find!
where r u from?

-Basically my idea was to have 2 civs,
Suryavanshis, Rakshasa...... & Barbarians( very powerful)
thanks 4 the tip its a good idea

- i want to keep the map such that certain areas will be blocked off requiring to encounter a static civ like Khara or Dooshana
Is there any way to limit the size of a civ???????????

- I want to separate Rama & Ravana till the tech-' bridge to Lanka' is researched.....but is it possible to have a bridge unit that when produced can be paradropped n is then static on the ocean????

-Sugreeva, shree Hanuman & other powerful figures can be hero units,
only how do i limit their production to 1 ???

-would it be better to mod in conquests, does it have better gameplay variety & rules, as i find vanilla civ inflexible:(
any answers, suggestions?

i need unit designers!:hammer:
when i'm ready with the tech tree i'l need someone to model it....

BTW- GUHA is the chief & the tribe is the Nishadas;)
Here is a provisional tech- tree for the first 'era'
(no eras but there is just an advance)

& this for the next 'era'

it moves according to events with related improvements being made available....in other words it is not tech based but event based

any views on this method of tech progression? should it be a little different?
its the best i could think to narrate the epic!

VERY IMPORTANT--- how do i make 2 different races research different techs?:confused:
Y'know you could make that url in your sig a link by simply enclosing it in "[ url]...[ /url]" sans spaces?

Even neater, you could make "Epic Mod- Ramayana" a link by typing "[ url=http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=76781]Epic Mod- Ramayana[ /url]", again sans the spaces within the square brackets.

Anyway, I find this project interesting. I won't be able to offer any real help, I'm afraid, but I think I'll follow it. This seems like it will become a pretty unique scen.
Has anyone got the answers to the questions i posted?
I'l spell them out again-----
1.how do i make 2 different races research different techs?

2.Is there any way to limit the size of a civ?( in terms of no. of cities)

3.is it possible to have a bridge unit that when produced can be paradropped n is then static on the ocean????

4.how do i limit a unit's production to 1 ???

5.are the rules & concepts of 'conquests' more flexible with AoE style conversions & all, good enough that i upgrade to it before making the mod?????????

This is me 2day:confused:
I hope this is me tomorrow:) !!
Well in response to your question, I'm originally from Bangalore, Karnataka but I'm currently based in the Denver, Colorado, USA.

Mai America mem hu parantu mera dil hai hindustani. :love:
(I can speak Kannada and Sanskrit not Hindi unfortunately, I left India early in life. :crazyeye: )

You could limit civ size by not allowing settlers or permitting only certain civs to build settlers.

The bridge can be accomplished by allowing workers to move on water and editing the mod so that roads are allowed on water. The AI thank god would never exploit this cheat anyway so that will prevent a hell lot of bridges. Do you have Conquests? In conquests you can have a bridge wonder and have it churn out "Vanara senya" whose skill is bridge making. The techs only for one civ are there in c3c, but I don't know how to use it since I don't have c3c.
I get u, spent 12 years outside India myself:D
Thanks for the ideas, the puzzle is sorting out slowly.....i'l be checking out conquests i think, can't afford to miss out on better gameplay!
I sorta find it funny how Lakshmana's anger is a tech.

For the four eras do you plan to do Aranya, Kiskindha, Sundara, Yudha Kandas? If using C3C, make Kosala the only playable nation.

BTW about the bridge, I'm not sure if a road over water will let you move troops over the sea. Try experimenting. A different way to do it is to maybe make an immobile ship unit. I got no other clue how to do it. Good luck.
The tech tree is 'event-based', so Lakshmana's rage means him cutting off Shoorpanakha's nose..... which in essence made Ravana do what he did, so i think it is an important event
I plan to go by the Kandas as far as possible...

for great wonders there will be-

Dharma- religion of righteousness
Artha- finance in the right direction forright development
Kama- Good desires
Moksha- Enlightenment

Small wonders-

Panchavati cottage
'Temple of Rameshwaram'
Bridge to Lanka

any more to add?

Those in ' ' mean structures built later to commemorate the event

I'm still waiting for someone to offer to design the units...no one has so far!
how do you make the asuras research different techs than the Suryavanshis?
Also, when i try to change barbarian tribe names it says-' please write exactly 76 lines'
god knows what that means but it stalls the editor! any idea what to do?
If you want them to research diffrient techs there's this flavor thing in conquest's where you could set that. I don't know much about the flavors though so I can't really help you.

Edit: In conquest you can also set locked war and locked alliance.

@civlleader my dad is from Banglore also
Ooh a Ramayana scenario/mod.. sounds great. Because I'm bored I feel like editing a unit so I'll be fulling around with a few archer units out there to create Rama. However, it may turn out not too good because I'm not very good at art programs, but if it turns out good I'll let you guys use it.

BTW, I'm Indian too.... well the Native American kind. ;)
Well Mobilize since you do intend to make the Rama unit, n he being the Hero :king: , it would be nice if you can make 3 attacks if possible:)

1.- he touches the bow to his forehead in prayer & then fires the arrow
2.- an arrow which bursts ibto flames
3.- an arrow which bursts into blazing light!
what say you..... possible?

BTW, I'm Indian too.... well the Native American kind.

Thanks Columbus :goodjob:

If you want them to research diffrient techs there's this flavor thing in conquest's where you could set that. I don't know much about the flavors though so I can't really help you.

thanks for the tip silver2039... conquests is gonna be it!
(btw- what does '2039' stand for anyway?:confused: )
oh and any idea about the error message in the Barbarian edit

"when i try to change barbarian tribe names it says-' please write exactly 76 lines' "
n then stalls!
For them barbarians, just put the normal list of barbarians. Replace the first few with barbarian s tribes appropriate for your mod. Then w/ the Civ3 upgraded version or PtW scenario editor, hit space bar. Then chose what tribe each barbarian hut wil be. I hope I made sense, if not someone could expand onto this.
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