Éa, The Ageless and the Divine (phase 2, alpha)

Names for weapons:
Earthhart, Starcrusher, the will of (insert deity here), Wyrmtongue, the Sword of Kings, Caledfwlch, Doomblade, manslayer, boneshatter, lycansbane, fleshrend, +5 sword of smiting, the word of (that same deity), the spear of light, mjolnir, blooddrinker, soulsear, the woodsman's axe, the arm of (some arrogant warrior guy), nightbreaker, the duskbow, the axe of eclipse.

Ideas for artworks:
The throne of skulls, the chalice of pure water, bag of void, the starstone crown, (engineer's name)'s portable fortress, the copper gauntlet, the golden armour of (civilisation's current ruler), the living statue, the clockwork man (first golem - unlocks the creation of golems for those with the tech),

plus tapestries: "the battle of Avonsbridge", "the taking of (Name of recently conquered city)", the great house of (civ's first leader) [a family tree type thing], "The Mappamundi",
and paintings: "Portrait of (Civ's previous leader)", "(a description -eg the castle) of (the civ's capital)",


I thought one generic Artist class was enough. The works of the Artist would then define whether they were painter, bard, sculptor or multi-talented renaissance men. Especially for Sidhe, you expect artists that could develop in a number if different ways.
Looking at it another way, I never considered that the Epics could only be created by a bard; a battle can be portrayed in an epic tapestry, creation can be portrayed in an epic ceiling mural. By leaving it as just general Artists, the player can decide what his vision of the Artist's achievements is.

If you're looking for jobs for Artists, then temporal and religious propagandists seems obvious, although it might overlap somewhat with your Merchant plans.
An artist(or bard) might found A Satirical School - any civs that have negative diplomacy rating with the owner get a diplomacy malus with all other civs that the owner knows. This malus would increase during wars.
An artist could create a minor Religious Opus in a city to increase the religious pressure the cult/religion exerts.
Exceptional artistic religious works, could be built in the founding city of Cults/Religions, boosting culture and religious pressure.
An artist visiting a foreign lord could expect a certain level of hospitality (i.e. Extortion) from his host. A host which doesn't provide this would leave themselves open to ridicule and would lose respect of his people and other leaders. Essentially, the host civ accepts an immediate financial hit or else that leader has an extra unhappiness and a diplo malus from everyone he meets until he dies (maybe there could be a time limit on it for Sidhe leaders) or until the Artist dies.
Brehon law was poetic, learned by rote, so if you are keeping bards as distinct forms of Artists, you might give them some abilities to reflect a more orderly society when they are present.

I do like the idea that an Artist will create only one Magnum Opus but I'd leave the random element out of it.

I'll think about what you say for leaving them all class Artist, with your own development determining what they are.


Great list there. I like many of them.

"the arm of (some arrogant warrior guy)", "the golden armour of (civilisation's current ruler)", "the taking of (Name of recently conquered city)". These are fun, and work with the mod's concept where the player is creating the history/myth of the world. The named artifact is still around 100s of years after the person or event is long past...
yeah I guess. I put a rather varied bunch in there, I wasn't sure what you'd want so~

anyway If you do end up doing the all artists are just artists thing, then I would like to ... re-suggest (...Is that a thing? anyway... yeah) the magnum opus thing (maybe not entirely random though)? Also perhaps have artists cover a range from paintings to plays to crafting items; make engineer's shtick the whole monuments business and make artists do, for example, legendary weapons.

Alternatively you could just completely remove the distinctions between great people and make it so that all great people are just great people in stead of artists and engineers and warriors etc., but make them spawn with one or more ... sort of talent areas? which define what they can do and what they can do well? So say, some of them can do magic while others cannot, but the magic-users aren't neccicerily all thaug-mages (I can't spell thaumaturge); some are the crafters of wonderous items, while others are the magical architects of phyisics-defying wonders etc.

Or not. I'm really just putting ideas out here :).
For any C++ coders following the mod, I've finally uploaded the current phase 3 dll to GitHub.

Civ5-EaDLL repository
Compare to master

Compilation of all mod changes is controlled from EaModding.h, which also documents the changes. From here you can compile the mod with/without various changes by enabling/disabling defines:
Spoiler :
// EaModding.h
// Precompiler instructions for adding Ea mod code
// Comment-out any blocks of code you don't want
// Paz: Welcome to my universe!

// All dll modifications are marked by pre-compiler defines below or by "Paz Bug Fix"

#pragma once

#define EA_DLL_VERSION 1

#define EA_CONFIGURATION 3		// 0, Compiles as unomdded dll
					// 1, Compiles Isolation Code only
					// 2, Compiles with civilian rules only - NMCTJs Mod
					// 3, Compiles for Ea

// Isolation Code - move define here and set EA_CONFIGURATION to 1 to test a change in isolation

#if (EA_CONFIGURATION > 1)					// This is the No More Civilians Traffic Jams (NMCTJs) Mod!
// Civilian rules:
#define EA_BREAK_CIVILIAN_OTHER_RESTRICTIONS	// Can move into foreign units or cities if not at war

// Ea GP Support
#define EA_BREAK_GP_1UPT
#define EA_GP_SPECIAL_ATTACK_CONTROL		// Modifies CvUnit::canMoveInto and CvUnit::isBetterDefenderThan [and CvDangerPlots::ShouldIgnoreUnit?] to handle special GP attack rules


// Some of Gedemon's Combat Events

// Civ & Leader changing:
#define EA_CIVILIZATION_TRAITS				// Traits can be from Leader OR Civilization [Requires new Civilization_Traits table]
#define EA_CIV_LEADER_CHANGING				// Adds player:ChangeCivilizationType() and player:ChangeLeaderType() with trait resets
// Civ contact:
#define EA_EVENT_CAN_MEET_TEAM				// GameEvents.CanMeetTeam; prevents all contact including war state change, but can still start/end war via Lua
#define EA_EVENT_CAN_CONTACT_MAJOR_TEAM		// GameEvents.CanContactMajorTeam; prevents UI and AI interaction after meeting
// Animal player support:
#define EA_ANIMAL_PLAYER					// Add as player 62 (define ANIMAL_PLAYER, ANIMAL_TEAM enums); all spawning logic on Lua side						
#define EA_ANIMAL_BEHAVIOR					// Don't enter enemy borders; don't pillage trade route

// Gods
#define EA_RELIGIOUS_MINORS_DONT_DIE		// These are gods in Ea and don't have cities
// Policy, Tech counting

// Promotions


// Misc extended Lua support:
#define EA_EVENT_CANAUTOSAVE				// GameEvents.CanAutoSave(bInitial, bPostTurn) CallTestAll
#define EA_EVENT_TECH_COST_MOD				// GameEvents.PlayerTechCostMod(techID, iPlayer); CallAccumulator that uses return integer as percent cost modifier
#define EA_UNIT_MORALE						// Set of Lua methods and persisted unit int for Ea's Morale system (needs UI Lua/XML support to show in unit panel)
#define EA_UNIT_PERSON_INFO					// Just a persisted unit int used for GPs, with Get, Set Lua methods
#define EA_PLOTS							// Persisted plot data for Ea's Living Terrain and plot methods
#define EA_EVENT_MINOR_FRIENDSHIP			// GameEvents.PlayerMinorFriendshipAnchor(eMajor, eMinor); CallAccumulator

// Macros
#define SHOW_PLOT_FLOATUP(pPlot, ePlayer, szMessage, fDelay)  if (pPlot->isVisible(GET_PLAYER(ePlayer).getTeam())) DLLUI->AddPopupText(pPlot->getX(), pPlot->getY(), szMessage, fDelay)

// Work in progress:
//#define EA_LEADER_SCENE_BYPASS	// This is insane!  (needs support LeaderHead and related xml/lua)
//#define EA_PLAYER_DEAL_API		// Needed for EA_LEADER_SCENE_BYPASS to work

// Depreciated, but should work if we ever need it again:
//#define EA_SET_FOUNDED_FIRST_CITY				// Added but never tested

// Doesn't work or dangerous code
//#define EA_FOUND_RELIGION_NO_FOUNDER		// Found religion without fouder or holy city or notification
Project files are available if anyone asks.

Edit: I'll be maintaining Lua/SQL/XML code for phase 3 development in a separate GitHub repository here.
For any C++ coders following the mod, I've finally uploaded the current phase 3 dll to GitHub.

Civ5-EaDLL repository
Compare to master

Compilation of all mod changes is controlled from EaModding.h, which also documents the changes. From here you can compile the mod with/without various changes by enabling/disabling defines:
Spoiler :
// EaModding.h
// Precompiler instructions for adding Ea mod code
// Comment-out any blocks of code you don't want
// Paz: Welcome to my universe!

// All dll modifications are marked by pre-compiler defines below or by "Paz Bug Fix"

#pragma once

#define EA_DLL_VERSION 1

#define EA_CONFIGURATION 3		// 0, Compiles as unomdded dll
					// 1, Compiles Isolation Code only
					// 2, Compiles with civilian rules only - NMCTJs Mod
					// 3, Compiles for Ea

// Isolation Code - move define here and set EA_CONFIGURATION to 1 to test a change in isolation

#if (EA_CONFIGURATION > 1)					// This is the No More Civilians Traffic Jams (NMCTJs) Mod!
// Civilian rules:
#define EA_BREAK_CIVILIAN_OTHER_RESTRICTIONS	// Can move into foreign units or cities if not at war

// Ea GP Support
#define EA_BREAK_GP_1UPT
#define EA_GP_SPECIAL_ATTACK_CONTROL		// Modifies CvUnit::canMoveInto and CvUnit::isBetterDefenderThan [and CvDangerPlots::ShouldIgnoreUnit?] to handle special GP attack rules


// Some of Gedemon's Combat Events

// Civ & Leader changing:
#define EA_CIVILIZATION_TRAITS				// Traits can be from Leader OR Civilization [Requires new Civilization_Traits table]
#define EA_CIV_LEADER_CHANGING				// Adds player:ChangeCivilizationType() and player:ChangeLeaderType() with trait resets
// Civ contact:
#define EA_EVENT_CAN_MEET_TEAM				// GameEvents.CanMeetTeam; prevents all contact including war state change, but can still start/end war via Lua
#define EA_EVENT_CAN_CONTACT_MAJOR_TEAM		// GameEvents.CanContactMajorTeam; prevents UI and AI interaction after meeting
// Animal player support:
#define EA_ANIMAL_PLAYER					// Add as player 62 (define ANIMAL_PLAYER, ANIMAL_TEAM enums); all spawning logic on Lua side						
#define EA_ANIMAL_BEHAVIOR					// Don't enter enemy borders; don't pillage trade route

// Gods
#define EA_RELIGIOUS_MINORS_DONT_DIE		// These are gods in Ea and don't have cities
// Policy, Tech counting

// Promotions


// Misc extended Lua support:
#define EA_EVENT_CANAUTOSAVE				// GameEvents.CanAutoSave(bInitial, bPostTurn) CallTestAll
#define EA_EVENT_TECH_COST_MOD				// GameEvents.PlayerTechCostMod(techID, iPlayer); CallAccumulator that uses return integer as percent cost modifier
#define EA_UNIT_MORALE						// Set of Lua methods and persisted unit int for Ea's Morale system (needs UI Lua/XML support to show in unit panel)
#define EA_UNIT_PERSON_INFO					// Just a persisted unit int used for GPs, with Get, Set Lua methods
#define EA_PLOTS							// Persisted plot data for Ea's Living Terrain and plot methods
#define EA_EVENT_MINOR_FRIENDSHIP			// GameEvents.PlayerMinorFriendshipAnchor(eMajor, eMinor); CallAccumulator

// Macros
#define SHOW_PLOT_FLOATUP(pPlot, ePlayer, szMessage, fDelay)  if (pPlot->isVisible(GET_PLAYER(ePlayer).getTeam())) DLLUI->AddPopupText(pPlot->getX(), pPlot->getY(), szMessage, fDelay)

// Work in progress:
//#define EA_LEADER_SCENE_BYPASS	// This is insane!  (needs support LeaderHead and related xml/lua)
//#define EA_PLAYER_DEAL_API		// Needed for EA_LEADER_SCENE_BYPASS to work

// Depreciated, but should work if we ever need it again:
//#define EA_SET_FOUNDED_FIRST_CITY				// Added but never tested

// Doesn't work or dangerous code
//#define EA_FOUND_RELIGION_NO_FOUNDER		// Found religion without fouder or holy city or notification
Project files are available if anyone asks.

Edit: I'll be maintaining Lua/SQL/XML code for phase 3 development in a separate GitHub repository here.

Thanks! I'll take a look tonight. And in regards to the project file, that would be nice to have (preferably the 2012 solution).

Edit: Could you please also upload the Modbuddy solution and project to the non-DLL repo as well? Thanks.
The dll is a VS2010 project. For some reason, I don't see "Export Template" in the File menu (and google search suggests that maybe this isn't implemented for C++ projects). But I guess I can just zip up the sln and all relevant files. VS2012 is something you have to purchase, isn't it? That's why I'm working in VS2010.

I can't upload the Ea Media Pack to GitHub since it's 1 Gb of mostly media files. I'll probably just upload all three projects (EaDLL, Ea_Sword_and_Sorcery, and Ea Media Pack) to my ge.tt site.

I'm going to work on this for one more day and then upload the 3 projects and update GitHub code. I added a bunch of stuff this weekend and I want to work out some of the more blatant bugs first.
The dll is a VS2010 project. For some reason, I don't see "Export Template" in the File menu (and google search suggests that maybe this isn't implemented for C++ projects). But I guess I can just zip up the sln and all relevant files. VS2012 is something you have to purchase, isn't it? That's why I'm working in VS2010.

I can't upload the Ea Media Pack to GitHub since it's 1 Gb of mostly media files. I'll probably just upload all three projects (EaDLL, Ea_Sword_and_Sorcery, and Ea Media Pack) to my ge.tt site.

I'm going to work on this for one more day and then upload the 3 projects and update GitHub code. I added a bunch of stuff this weekend and I want to work out some of the more blatant bugs first.

The project is a vc++ 2008 project, but in the SDK it comes with solutions for 2008, 2010, and 2012 (all of which use the same project). Adding the project file to the GitHub repo would work fine. I would recommend though that you keep the SQL/XML/Lua on Github though just from my experience using source control with C2C. That makes tracking gameplay and balance changes easy, and you can normally decouple those changes from the large art and media files.
OK, I got the Arcane Tower working. It's a pretty neat system where the improvement name and effects are dynamic. So you have "Eöl's Tower" in the map mouse-over text and its contribution to civ mana and spellcaster modifiers is updated whenever Eöl levels up (the stats are visible to all in the Wonders tab of the Wonders, Epics and Artifacts page).

Unfortunately, I don't have (and haven't found) a good graphic for it. I'm using the Chateau right now as placeholder graphic, but it looks pretty ridiculous. Holy Site might be a better placeholder graphic but I'm using that for Temples. Can someone point me to a better graphic for this? Even links to a Civ4 graphic might be useful -- I can put it in the Éa art request thread.

Still hoping for a dedicated 3D artist for Éa. You don't really have to be an artist for this -- just willing to put in 100 hours installing and learning how to use various 3D software following the many tutorials here (which, to be honest, is a real PITA, which I know from my own halfhearted starts on it). Maybe someone will come along after phase III is out.
The project is a vc++ 2008 project, but in the SDK it comes with solutions for 2008, 2010, and 2012 (all of which use the same project). Adding the project file to the GitHub repo would work fine. I would recommend though that you keep the SQL/XML/Lua on Github though just from my experience using source control with C2C. That makes tracking gameplay and balance changes easy, and you can normally decouple those changes from the large art and media files.

Yeah, I sort of half-understand that. I installed both VS2008 and VS2010 and then modded from the 2010 solution.

The non-dll mod (the one built by Modbuddy) is already split into two. There is the Ea mod (small) and the Ea Media Pack (~1 Gb). Ea Media Pack is normally very infrequently updated (it changed once for the 17 versions of the small mod during phase II). However, it's changing rapidly now with the pre-phase III release builds. The Ea Media Pack is not "pure" media -- it has tables (SQL) that directly relate to the art assets, and you need it for a functional mod build.

So I'll put the EaDLL and Ea project solutions on GitHub and set it to update with each commit. The current Ea Media Pack project updates at GetHub for code files only (I use a .gitignore file to skip media files). The Media Pack project has to go to ge.tt due to its size. With each commit to GitHub, I'll just note in the commit name whether it requires an updated Media Pack (most will for the next few weeks, but then rarely after that).
I would recommend including enough of each project in the repositories so that if someone were to clone them, they could open it up and start working/compile a working version of the mod themselves. That's generally what you want to do for using a source control solution to help people collaborate on a shared code base. (So you include project and solution files, and presumably the other 2 game core dlls, unless you've actually removed them from the solution itself.) It makes sense not to include the big binary stuff (media pack), Git isn't the best at dealing large binaries, and if you're already distributing it separately already then there aren't any issues with not having those assets when working on the code.

I've only recently started following Ea (I've been aware of it for a while, but never looked much further) and I'm extremely impressed with the volume of content you're adding to the game! If I can be of any git-related help, then let me know.
Thanks for the tips.

I would recommend including enough of each project in the repositories so that if someone were to clone them, they could open it up and start working/compile a working version of the mod themselves. That's generally what you want to do for using a source control solution to help people collaborate on a shared code base. (So you include project and solution files, and presumably the other 2 game core dlls, unless you've actually removed them from the solution itself.)
I guess I'm violating this right now because I don't have Lua_51, FirePlace (whatever that is), and other base source code folders that (I assume) are needed to compile the dll. (I did remove the other two pre-expansion2 dlls since I'll never mod them.) I'll try to get this all sorted out this weekend. The test will be if someone else can compile a functioning mod from GitHub plus the Media Pack solution.

I'm still a bit unsure what I'm doing with GitHub. The way I created the "master" branch was to move my modded CvGameCoreDLL_Expansion2 folder out of my project (temporarily) and replace with the unmodded one. Then I committed to "master". Then I made a new branch "Ea" and committed again to that branch after restoring my modded CvGameCoreDLL_Expansion2 folder. I got things out of sequence several times and could only fix by fully deleting and re-creating my GitHub repository (overriding GitHub messages warning me not to do that). I'm sure there's a better way, but what I was doing was simulating what would have happened if I had started using GitHub before I started modding the code.

I've only recently started following Ea (I've been aware of it for a while, but never looked much further) and I'm extremely impressed with the volume of content you're adding to the game!
When all our mods are out and functioning reasonably well, we should all take a weekend to play other modder's mods. I've been following yours and others in the posts. But I almost never play mods myself, not since FFH. (Problem is, when I play any video game then this mod halts development for a week or two.)
Thanks for the tips.

I guess I'm violating this right now because I don't have Lua_51, FirePlace (whatever that is), and other base source code folders that (I assume) are needed to compile the dll. (I did remove the other two pre-expansion2 dlls since I'll never mod them.) I'll try to get this all sorted out this weekend. The test will be if someone else can compile a functioning mod from GitHub plus the Media Pack solution.

I'm still a bit unsure what I'm doing with GitHub. The way I created the "master" branch was to move my modded CvGameCoreDLL_Expansion2 folder out of my project (temporarily) and replace with the unmodded one. Then I committed to "master". Then I made a new branch "Ea" and committed again to that branch after restoring my modded CvGameCoreDLL_Expansion2 folder. I got things out of sequence several times and could only fix by fully deleting and re-creating my GitHub repository (overriding GitHub messages warning me not to do that). I'm sure there's a better way, but what I was doing was simulating what would have happened if I had started using GitHub before I started modding the code.

This is a good idea, because if Firaxis releases a new patch and changes the DLL you can add those changes to the Master branch, then merge the Ea branch with the Master branch. In theory this should allow you to then create a new Ea branch starting with the new Master code, and then revert the Master branch back to the (new) Firaxis code.

Also, yes, we do need the headers for Lua51 and the others to compile the DLL. But not the code from Vanilla or GaK

Also, regarding the big binary Media files, it might make sense to create a second Modbuddy project for those, and build it as a separate 'mod'. Then build the DLL/other stuff as a second mod, and force the user to activate both mods in order to work. That makes development easier, as changes can be made to each separate 'mod' more or less independently (except when adding assets).
OK, I learned the hard way that not all modded C++ files are in CvGameCoreDLL_Expansion2. My addition of Animals as player 62 changes and adds defines in CvGameCoreDLLUtil/include/CvDLLUtilDefines.h.

Anyway, If I've done everything correctly, it should now be possible for a modder to reconstruct the current phase 3 build from my GitHub repositories plus the current Ea Media Pack (that's at an external file sharing site but linked from the GitHub readme). The current build should run without error, at least until your Thaumaturges start doing stuff.

For testing mod, always use the mod's Autoplay function rather than starting it from the Fire Tuner page. Just type:
Autoplay(<turns>) to start and Autoplay(1) to bring it to an end.
OK, I learned the hard way that not all modded C++ files are in CvGameCoreDLL_Expansion2. My addition of Animals as player 62 changes and adds defines in CvGameCoreDLLUtil/include/CvDLLUtilDefines.h.

Anyway, If I've done everything correctly, it should now be possible for a modder to reconstruct the current phase 3 build from my GitHub repositories plus the current Ea Media Pack (that's at an external file sharing site but linked from the GitHub readme). The current build should run without error, at least until your Thaumaturges start doing stuff.

For testing mod, always use the mod's Autoplay function rather than starting it from the Fire Tuner page. Just type:
Autoplay(<turns>) to start and Autoplay(1) to bring it to an end.

Did you move the repository? The old link you posted gives a 404 error now.

Edit: Found it, but I can't build it because you added the solution but not the project file. Could you please upload the project file as well?
Hey Pazyryk, I know phase 3 isn't even out yet, but I wanted to put forward a couple of ideas for you to consider for the not-so-close future;

I'm not really sure how to describe this but I was thinking of a couple of things along the line of ... lesser(?) characters. I mean things like governors, adventurers, nobles etc. especially with monarchic and aristocratic type civs. And titles, which are kind of like items?

This is a basic outline of the idea, but it's not really thought out yet. I thought I'd suggest it anyway though, as a point of consideration, to see what you thought.

Why not do this with the existing GPs? The mod currently renames GPs when they become leaders: King _____, Queen _____. We could give titles like Earl or Baron to other GPs. And your warriors could be Sir <name> of <some city>. This could be purely cosmetic, or it could have some minor effect. All this would be tied to the Aristocracy policy.

I've kicked around a similar idea for some particular subclasses. You could have Archdruid or Patriarch for the highest level druid or priest in the world. Again, mostly cosmetic, but perhaps with a small bonus of some sort...
Yeah that sounds good! Um yeah plus maybe add in a GP class which is an adventurer type thing? Subclasses being things like explorer e.g. bonus line of sight, maybe a small amount of xp from uncovering fog of war and more from finding natural wonders? Also maybe a slayer typed thing, but unlike the current warrior class it's bonuses revolve around single combat and killing powerful enemies, rather than being a heroic leader and general? As another subclass I mean.
I definitely want to add dungeons and things like that (similar to FFH). We don't need an adventurer class. Any GP could go explore a dungeon in theory, but you would want to use classes that can deal with the baddies that appear. Either a Warrior or spellcaster of some sort. (Think of Warriors more like Conan in the original books. He was sometimes a lone adventurer, sometimes general, sometimes king.)
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