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4-leaders mod


Grand Emperor
Aug 14, 2011
Nergenshuizen, Belgium

4-Leaders mod

Version 1
Spoiler :
Added 4 leaders for each civ

America:Washington,Lincoln,F.D.Roosevelt,Theodore Roosevelt
Arabia:Saladin,Harun al-Rashid,Shajar al-Durr,Umar
Babylonia:Hammurabi,Nebuchadnezzar II,Semirames,Nabopolassar
Byzantium:Justinian I,Theodora,Basil II,Constantine
Carthage:Hannibal,Dido,Hiram I,Hanno
China:Mao Zedong,Qin Shi Huang,Wu Zetian,Yongle
Dutch:Willem van Oranje,Wilhelmina,Johan de Witt,Maurits van Nassau
Egypt:Hatshepsut,Ramesses,Thutmose III,Baibars
England:Elizabeth I,Churchill,Victoria,George III
Ethiopia:Zara Yaqob,Menelik II,Haile Selassie,Makeda
France:Napoleon,Louis XIV,De Gaulle,François Ier
Greek:Alexander,Pericles,Leonidas,Philippos II
Holy Rome:Charlemagne,Charles V,Maximillian I,Franz II
Inca:Huayna Capac,Pachacuti,Tupac Inca Yupanqui,Quilago
India:Asoka,Gandhi,Razia Sultana,Akbar
Khmer:Suryavarman,Soma,Indravarman I,Jayavarman VII
Korea:Wang Kong,Gwanggaeto,Seondok,Sejong
Mali:Mansa Musa,Sundiata Keita,Sunni Ali,Askia
Maya:pacal II,Siyaj K'ak',Lady Xoc,Ix Yohl Ik'nal
Mongolia:Genghis Khan,Kublai Khan,Ogedei Khan,Toregene Khatun
Native America:Sitting Bull,Hiawatha,Tuskaloosa,Sacajawea
Ottomans:Mehmed II,Suleiman,Osman I,Selim I
Persia:Cyrus,Darius I,Shapur II,Abbas I
Portugal:Joao II,Afonso Henriques,Maria II,Henrique the Navigator
Rome:Augustus,Julius Caesar,Hadrian,Trajan
Russia:Catherine,Stalin,Peter,Ivan IV "The Awesome/Terrible"
Spain:Isabella,El Cid,Philip II,Francisco Franco
Viking:Ragnar,Canute,Margrete I,Harald Bluetooth
Zulu:Shaka,Cetshwayo,Matope,Nelson Mandela

Added Nusantara,Tibet,Vietnam
Leaders:Songtsen Gampo,Khri ma lod,Nyatri Tsenpo,Lobsang Gyatso
Leaders:Samaratungga,Tribhuwana,Hayam Wuruk,Suharto
Leaders:Ly Chieu Hoang,Trung Sisters,Le Thanh Tong,Ho Chi Minh

Added better LH's for Alexander,Qin Shi Huang,Catherine,Isabella and Montezuma
Replaced Police State with Absolute Monarchy to avoid too many favourite Hereditary Rule
Added individual city-lists for some leaders

To-do list for version 2
Spoiler :

Add Unique Heroes
Add Unique Palaces
Add more civics
Add more traits
Add more civilizations(Poland,Polynesia,Thailand,Morocco,Sri Lanka,Uzbeks/Turks,Afghani/Pakistani,Italy,Georgia/Armenia,Congo,Burma...)
Add a two UUs and/or UBs for each civ

Credits:Ekmek,cybrxkhan,SaibotLieh,melcher kürzer,veBear,The Capo,smeagolheart,Seasnake,IgorS,cfkane,Methyl Orange,The_J...(If I forgot somebody please point me)


*Indonesia is a name that in the history of it did not exist,therefore I prefer the name Nusantara,which is the Indonesian name for Indonesia and existed much longer then the name "Indonesia".​


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nice to see this one finally come out, its been in the works for a while

anyway i see a lot of lh i havent seen before, did u make a lot of them?

also i can help with some of ur to-do list, i can definatly make some palaces for you, as well as assist in some new civ making, or ideas for uu/ub
Yes,there are some of my unreleased LH's in that mod,they should be released soon...
I think I already have the palace graphics,but if I need one I will tell you that.
Suggestions are always welcome.
The first 4 you mentioned are in the downloadsdatabase,the other not.
An idiot downrated my file to 1 star!
Please help me to uprate it or I will delete my file...
Why does this always happens to me?
There is certainly someone who hates me...
Maybe I should make multiple accounts?
I voted A+. RapidShare serves it up very slowly (took me 10 hours to dl), which might be why someone complained.
civciv5, do you pak yours? BEcause I use RapidShare for my mods and I have no problem with it. IT is the fact you add so many leaderheads the mod size is so big, also the reason i did not download, because i attempted to and it also gave ma around 10 hours

I use .rar, but i have heard that .7z can decrease size of file by 33%, if you use .rar i would attempt to use .7z

Also your leaderheads must be really big, because there are many many more leaderheads in civ gold, yet yours is near or as big as civ gold
Also nother idea,
have you thought about just taking over civ gold? I've put some thought into it, possibly calling it "Civ platinum" or just asking a moderator and letting me take over, but I got to many projects to take on right now, but this mod has a similar goal to civgold, just an idea
I did not pak them,I don't know how to do that.
But I have pakbuild.
I,taking over?
Sorry,but I have other projects (RFC South East Asia,this mod...)
Maybe later...
Can everyone please uprate this mod,an idiot has downrated it?
Or I will delete this mod if my mod does not get a rating of minimum 4 stars within 10 days.
And long waiting time to download it is no excuse,good things in life require patience.
without paking this art (i havent played but i know from expirience) the mod takes forever to load. taking a look at the 800 mbdownload, that means mod is well over 1.5 gb, which is way way to much for mod, unpaked it will take a very long time to load mod, many times over 30 minutes on some slower computers

I would suggest working on your leaderheads, since i know theres many more leaderheads in civ gold and its not much bigger, so im assuming your leaderheads are bigger than normal

I would really pack with .7z, since a 10 hour DL time and a 30 minute mod load time, is undoubatly worth a bad rating, although I would not rate it, i think its just that someone would, and deleting it and reposting it is just cheesy
When I load the mod it highly takes 2-3 minutes to load.
In the next version I will pak my leaderheads.

Thanks for rating all of my files.
But I don't know why Shin Sawbu and Pulakesi are rated 2 and 1 star.
I will also try to download some of your mods.

I downloaded your Travel Through Time Africa a while ago (4 months ago or more).
And I don't want to disappoint you,but...
The last time I downloaded it,I don't liked the leaderheads.
There were a lot of modular components.I think they are from CivGold.
The leaderheads (some of them) were old,outdated and not good.
I think there is nothing wrong if you replace them with betters and more recent.
I don't remember the rest.
I don' know if you updated it in the last months,but it's possibe and it can be much better now.
Can't say i do care about those leaderheads to much. I did put in improved graphics mod so the basic ones are improved, but none of the leaderheads look bad in my opinion at all, plus im probably going static since i can then add 100 times more

Africa did get updtae though, added 2 leaderheads i beleive (with the two new civs), along with other things

Also when you pak your leaderheads, I would suggest not paking them together. Since in my expirience when you do that the game is slower
Hmm, when I pak my stuff, actually the total file size is still the same.
Unless you managed to use the compression function, which somehow does not seem to work for me.

Actually, I don't see the big fuss about file ratings. More than 100 people download my stuff yet they don't carry a rating and I don't care either. If you are THAT concerned, you might as well make a second forum account and do the votings...

Anyway, either the link doesn't work or rapidshare doesn't work. It just tells me "Download parameters invalid - please try again later."
Rating doesnt matter, Civciv5 if first person ive seen in a bit to care, but platyping it does not change the file size. What paking it does is take the load time down. The time between you pressing "Load mod" and the mod starting up (that white square shows up) is depending on art size. The blue loading line is based on xml, python, DLL etc. It cuts my mod art load time from around 10 minutes to less than 15 seconds on my computer
civciv5, do you pak yours? BEcause I use RapidShare for my mods and I have no problem with it. IT is the fact you add so many leaderheads the mod size is so big, also the reason i did not download, because i attempted to and it also gave ma around 10 hours

Yeah, I know about paking and load time. It was this that got me thinking "what has paking gotta do with mod size and download time"
So I thought you may have done something different from me.

Anyway, this is why I am slowly releasing all the GIR and tsentom1 wonders on standalone versions, so I can pak the whole Gigapack up for good
I thought you were releasing them because you improved the code. But if you look up a couple posts i did talk about load time, not just download time.

also platyping if you could check out my TTT: Modern alliances thread, im gonna coment in it need some help with python things, thanks :D
Codes definitely changed :D
In fact, overhauled for some of them.
Modders can get the codes from Gigapack since they are commented anyway.
Just releasing them on standalone now so that if I need their artwork in future I don't have to unpak Gigapack

But I guess this is not the thread to discuss them lol
I noticed that there are some changes to the civics system that come along with this (absolute monarchy instead of police state).
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