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43 Civilizations - Beta Testers Needed!

I think Civ5 is a 32-bit program, so it should not be able to address more than 4 Gb - given that you are running other processes (system, network, antivirus, etc.), 8 Gb should be just fine.
I think Civ5 is a 32-bit program, so it should not be able to address more than 4 Gb - given that you are running other processes (system, network, antivirus, etc.), 8 Gb should be just fine.

Yep - civ will just throw all that overflow onto your hard drive.
ohhhh, but I'm experiencing sudden slow downs and whenever I make more units and reveal the map, I increase the usage of ram, from 7.55gb, to 7.65 in just creating 3 more units, and no, I'm not running antivirus, just system processes of win7, and Civ 5 only.
ohhhh, but I'm experiencing sudden slow downs and whenever I make more units and reveal the map, I increase the usage of ram, from 7.55gb, to 7.65 in just creating 3 more units, and no, I'm not running antivirus, just system processes of win7, and Civ 5 only.

Yeah, didn't say it would be fast, just that going over 8gb isn't going to cause your computer to explode. That's what the swap file is for.

I think turn times should be most improved by ram speed and cpu speed.

When g talks of resources I think he means keeping code to less than 4gb.

I didn't think civ v could use more than 4gb ram
I seem to remember Gedemon put out a fix for his 43 civ DLL that made leaders 23-43 show up as 2-D leader screens. Is there any way to incorporate that or something like it into this mod, or should I get used to looking at the Hanging Gardens screen currently replacing leaders?
I seem to remember Gedemon put out a fix for his 43 civ DLL that made leaders 23-43 show up as 2-D leader screens. Is there any way to incorporate that or something like it into this mod, or should I get used to looking at the Hanging Gardens screen currently replacing leaders?

That's already how this works. If it isn't you've got an install issue.
am I correct this beta only work with 10-12 version? is it a simple code change we can do to make the latest beta work with 43 civ (with the latest source from git)?
Anyone having tested this already in the World Congress stage of the game? In vanilla, already going beyond 16 Major civs tends to frequently create votings where you can see't anymore all of the voting civs for a proposal, because the result windows gets truncated at some point instead of having a rollbar.
I can't get the city states to work. Every time i start a game on Communitas or standard maps i don't see the city states beeing processed at end turn.
Doesn't matter how many civs + city states i'm selecting. I can select the 43 without any problem. But with lower # of civs you should expect City states.

Edit: It does work on Ynaem with 43-20... any suggestions?

I also got the 'defeated' after turn one with Butan Civ. The fix above helped me.
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I can't get the city states to work. Every time i start a game on Communitas or standard maps i don't see the city states beeing processed at end turn.
Doesn't matter how many civs + city states i'm selecting. I can select the 43 without any problem. But with lower # of civs you should expect City states.

I got a exactly same problem. I thought it's only mod conflict I'm using, but it happened to you, too... I have no idea:(
Ok, but I thought McShame was playing Communitas and said it was ok? (see some posts above)
I had the problem with Small Continents too.

Playing now the Extended earth map. But to be honest the only thing i like about those maps is that they are huge.
I prefer maps which are random.. You want to explore. Not know upfront what to expect.
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