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8 Poland units

I have a special request. I've been working on this all night and I think you know what you're doing since you work with danrell's units (espcially since he's using the same core set for each medieval group). Just take a quick peek at the last post here in Danrell's other thread: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=236005 Just an ounce of guidance will help me immensely... and I'm almost done. Thanks :)

<<edit>> old post got it done.
Right, I'm sorry for the following constructive critique, but after managing the various versions of the Polish Mod for almost 6 years one does get all sorts of pet peeves ;)...

My gripe is with the armament of the hussars. First of all, the lance (kopia) was no ordinary tourney knight lance. It was a specially engineered lightweight, (usually) single strike monstrosity with a length of 5 meters by average. A couple of reference pictures are contained here:
(there is an English version of this page somewhere, but I couldn't find it)

Also, as far as I recall, the Polish hussars typically did not use shields - it would be in conflict with their tactics. Their primary defense (apart from armor) was the aforementioned enormous length of their kopia.

Other than that - excellent job, danrell :D!
If author need help Senior DTP Operator (Illustrator, CorelDRAW, Photoshop, InDesign.. ets) I readily help :)

I'm a pole, and when i read the title i didn't beleive you could pull it of, THEY ARE BEUTIFUL. Amazingly well done. Good job.
Thanks for these units danrell, I like them so much I started learning how to edit the CIV xml files in order to add them :)

As other people who want to use them will have to go through the same steps, I decided to post a mod here which replaces all the standard civs with alternatives which use your units.

If you are iterested in it, get it here

All units are included, so you do not need to download them separately.
Awesome without shield and with new lance. Thank you :) :goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob:
Wow... just wow. It's seldom to see such level of artism in unit design, and even more rare to encounter a modder who so diligently listens to the comments of users. My hat is off to you, danrell.

I feel extremely bad about writing the following (as I've just told kodzi), because your units are on such excellent level. OK, let me put it this way - if you would ever want your hussar unit to be even more accurate historically, I'm leaving the following tidbit of info about the usual mode of attack by this formation:
The tactic usually employed by the Polish hussars would be to charge into the enemy formation with their lances (this would be the First Strike in civ), optionally repeat the charge, and eventually, once the charge was over, utilize other weapons - such as the sabre (the 2nd and 3rd pictures are most representative) or the nadziak. The lances were used specifically for the charge. This was because the lance's construction - such was their length that they had to be light, and hence brittle (which was semi-intended - a broken lance was still good for continuing the charge into the deeper rows of an infantry formation).
It is a pluggable civilization in my mod, if you want it as a standalone civ, you probably need to remove a few entries from Poland_CIV4UnitArtStyleTypeInfos.xml (anything not ending in _POLAND, just to be safe).

You can leave everything else untouched.

PS: the same will be true for Israel once I add it ;)
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