It was 4000bc. The small aztec tribe finally stopped moving around and settled their first city. They must have been starving from all that running around. To them the city was known as Tenochitilan, a name far to hard to say or write. The first elected ruler was Montezuma. An idiot of a ruler who did nothing. He was the best those bone-brains had at the time.
Continuing, Tenowhatever's name was changed to MEEP. The decision was made by Montezuma XXX who was found to be slightly less of an idiot. Under Montezuma the XXX to L, technologies were discovered, along with a civilization and a city founded. According to ancient scripts, this era "Knew What They Were Doing (at least more than the previous)".
Aztec's smartest were going heavy amounts of research. Apparently, a man by the name of Steve Craft had a brilliant breakthrough in mining. At first the general public called the idea of mining "Nerd Talk" and "Something out of Science Fiction", but eventually it caught on and employed the majority of the work force.
After many years, a group of Montezuma's Monkeys/Civilians were trained to become settlers. Contrary to records found, Montezuma claimed that the group was reluctant to leave. The target location was a place on the coast to the northeast to MEEP. Montezuma guaranteed that the location was free of the fluffy white creatures who populated the area west of the target as local beliefs showed them as demons.
The oldest and only team of scouts reported back to Mexico with news of a strange civilization to the far north. Their name was the Anericams. However the Mexicans could not be sure about this, because a local tribe supposedly had drawn over the received script and corrupted it. Montezuma was angrier than anyone could possibly imagine and almost called off the exploration. Due to this corruption, many believe that the Anericams are imaginary. The drawing shows the leader, Washington, dressed in a very awkward kind of clothing. Plus even Montezuma could'nt afford a room with carvings of that high caliber. Is this man fake or real?
A messenger reported yesterday of the construction of a city. Named Tenosomething,
the name had a high cultural value. The name was a genius idea from Tuna (6 months old). Word was spreading of this man who was becoming a legendary player of Mexico Ball. Already, many priests are describing Tuna as a prophet, or possibly even a god.
The following years, Tuna gained many followers and was elected as the eternal, immortal, president. He gained the title, Super Awesome Courageous Honest Intelligent Immortal Supreme Being Tuna. Tuna officially added the second Mexico to the name his first day in office. Here ends the pre-tuna era and its historical boredom
Celebrating Tuna's Godly powers, A large stone figure was constructed which took immense amounts of labor. The monument was formerly dedicated to Montezuma, but after Tuna was elected all connections between the monument and MTZMA have been destroyed. The figure is located just outside of Tuna's palace for him to feast his eyes on. Tuna gave a speech when it was completed saying "When you apply hard work, you be liked be me more" Immediately following the speech, production levels in MEEP doubled and culture rapidly increased.
Tenosomething began quickly expanding. It began to pump out the majority of Mexico Mexico's Military and Labor. Some say this was the result of it being named by Tuna.
"Tuna's godly powers have blessed this city with gifts" said a citizen of Tenosomething. Farms around the city are quickly being built.
With Tuna now in control, Technology was moving as quick as you would expect with him around. Recent discoveries had allowed new types of military that use arrows. Tenosomething was the first to utilize this tech and build a strong archer. These units will be very good at defending cities from demons.
The Holy Blessed City of Tenosomething had now very developed land compared to MEEP. Farms that were built were giving large amounts of food. Tenosomething also began to consume the fluffy demons in Mexico Mexico's first step to eliminating the pests. Growth is now exploding.
A new temple in honor of Tuna was constructed. It's variety of beautiful artwork and complex design make it the most impressive structure ever built in Mexico Mexico's History. Every Upday the population gathers inside to celebrate and worship Tuna.
Soon pottery was discovered. Well, I wouldn't say it is really called "discovering" as it was just a few old women in MEEP making artifacts for Tuna to put in the Parthenon.
The concept was quickly grasped by farmers everywhere as a great way to store food/demons while still honoring their supreme master.
Tuna brought more than just awesomeness; a great prophet by the name of Moses was born in MEEP. Legend has it that Tuna watched him being born. Moses joined the city as a priest. Due to his presence, the economy began to boom and culture was increasing fast.
Sailing through water was discovered after the nerds put some wood in the water. These boats are powered by wind or The Breath of Tuna as local religion calls it. These boats will help in Mexico Mexico's expansion.
A new city was founded from the dust. Boats did not cause this city but that is not the point. Little Meep is the newest city at the hands of Tuna. The name comes from the nostalgic settlers who founded it. With corn and hills it may be an important city in the future as it has a perfect balance of food and production. Tuna is incredibly happy about this news.
A third wonder in Tuna's honor was being constructed when he noticed a major flaw in the design. The architect of the Great Pyramids of Meep had promised that the pyramids would be purple. When the architect came to Tuna, he said that the pyramids were almost done and explained every step left. What he didn't mention was painting it purple. Tuna immediately called off the construction and sold all of the stone to tribal villages, who payed large amounts of dough. The architect was known to have gotten on a boat and never came back.
Finally, the last civilization of the new world was found. The incas appeared to be more advanced. Their clothes seem to be similar to Mexican Mexicans (unlike those anericams). These much friendlier people should become a good ally to us. Hopefully. Hopefully. Quickly after we met them, they requested open borders, something we had just learned to do. See what did I tell you? Of course, we accepted.
The same turn, Tuna adopted Heredity Rule. Why have elections when you'll out number the opponent 1-0 (not that anyone dared running against Tuna)? Well soon after, the anericams asked for open borders. Tuna was hesitant. A voice in the back of his head told Tuna to take over Anerica and not make friends with them. Then he realized that signing open borders would allow Mexico Mexico's units to scout out their territory (neither of us want to see what those barbarians are doing, but we must).
The next turn Washington popped up again asking for dear for sheep. Although Tuna did not want to trade with them, "Anything to get rid of some demons!"
The quick expansion allowed for another city. Its name was Miami. The city is a common vacation spot for both civilians and Tuna.
Technology and lifestyle was increasing fast in Mexico Mexico. In fact the most recent discovery was iron working. This allowed us to make swords er... paddles. With paddle technology, Tuna started a secret project called Project Jaguar. No, it was not named for a jaguar coming into the meeting room. Maybe. The project was to make a new special unit called a Jaguar. Well now with the ability to work iron the only thing needed was some iron.
The hunt was on to acquire some of this strange new metal. Tuna scoured through the maps and records collected by the scouts. The best reserve was just north of the Great Lake of Tuna. A settler's train begun.
Using his newly developed equation, Tuna determined every civilizations' score. The news spread happiness through the empire. Mexico Mexico had just recently surpassed Inca.This made Tuna the official best leader ever.
I'm concerned about IMG limit so I will see you in the next episode coming up very very very very very soon.