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A New Hope: A Star Wars Mafia Game (Game Thread)

Link is Mafia? *feigned shock and confusion* I never saw that coming!

Earthling was actually right for a change - you should have lynched Link and then possibly done me in during the night :)
Alright, I'm at a loss at what to do now.

Do faction members know each other? Are there any real clues in the kills? What's Quicktopic?

The mafia faction members generally know eachother. I think there is a Sith faction and an Imperial faction to mirror the Jedi faction and the Rebel faction. Maybe there are more I'm just guessing at that idea.

The write-ups don't provide clues as such.

Quicktopics are chat logs that players can create and invite people to talk in them. Just give someone the IP address and they can read the QT.
Yay a bandwagon, but in all seriousness I am inclined to trust yoda, so Link

As for lightsabers I don't think I can use them so in the interest of fairness Niklas and Krill
Also, bad player's analysis is missing one thing. Assuming that Grevious was trying to kill the first day (likely) then we actually started with 3 kills (though for some reason the star destroyer was not used at the start (mabye it is only every few days, I think there is precedent for that (yay for nested statements))) which either means that one faction has 2 kills or there is a third bad faction (serial killer?)
is there nothing i can say to convince you of my innocence?
This is usually accompanied by wild accusations of guilt against multiple different parties and various claims of innocence backed up by suspiciously absent people :)
Yoda and Link are both awesome.



I am slightly sceptical about landlubber though, is he saying he isn't part of a faction? Why would he need protection, surely Yoda has allies in the game. Also, I thought scanner results were Innocent and Evil, not Mafia. I could be wrong on that though.

If he's Yoda, I'm sure the GM made an exception.
OK, almost a hundred posts since my last a couple of days ago. I might have missed something.


I have somehow survived my exam .
And now all that remains is sitting out this whole witnessing thing which should be over by Wednesday the 18th if everything goes according to plan. Once again, sorry, people, I'm trying to bring some other unforeseen IRL crap back under control but I think the worst is over, at least for a while.
You can PM me or leave visitor messages or whatever but don't expect an immediate answer. I'll do my best.

...back to the game.
Unless with Anakin Darth Vader is out too. That ain't too bad.

Also oh lightsaber! I'll have that!

Oh and abstain
Anakin switching to Darth Vader? :eek:
Hadn't thought of that one, but now that I think of it, maybe it's good, in the long run.

Yo buddy with the Hyperdrive!!!

I'll restate my previous offer - contact me over private channels and I'll make you the deal of your lifetime.
Are you trying to hold Amidala's ship to ransom or something like that?
I don't trust you much, Jabba.

The hyperdrive guy could be Krill. he says he's Watto.
Lightsabers to Niklas.

And, I guess I should say it...
I'm Yoda, and I scanned Link16 as mafia. I'm not a faction scanner, however I do get "Innocent" and "Mafia" results. Guess who came up as mafia?
You claim to be Yoda, you vote all items to Jabba, you also say you have no protection, and then Tabba offers you no protection. What are you up to?
For your own sake, link16 had better be mafia.
This is usually accompanied by wild accusations of guilt against multiple different parties and various claims of innocence backed up by suspiciously absent people :)
Oh really? When has that happened? :mischief:

OK, I might browse through older stuff again after witnessing is finished.

Over and out for now. I'll try to tune in sometime later tonight after Day is over.
(looks back to see if anything's missing)
Oh, I forgot (thanks Methos for unwittingly reminiding me)
Abstain on all items. (don't even remember all of the colours and really must get going).
I will give 2 credits for one of the unofficial light saber auctions.
So...what's the tally for the items?

Yes that would be nice.

Also don't trust the Hutt! He'll put you in a rut! VOTE NICTEL FOR LIGHTSABER!
I will give 2 credits for one of the unofficial light saber auctions.
There is only one lightsaber auction.

Don't listen to Nictel, he's just like the rest of those stalinists, trying to use me as something scary in order to get items for himself. I'm not at all scary, and will distribute money from the auctions fairly. What will Nictel do with them? Of course he will claim that he's a jedi looking to protect himself from sith - but do you truly know that he is?
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