• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

A Place In The Sun

Tee Kay

Three days sober
Aug 21, 2005

*theme music*

The year is 1831. New nations are rising out of the turmoils of revolution and war.

New ideologies emerge to challenge the old order.

New industries and scientific discoveries are lighting the way to a brave new future.

Will the great empires of the Industrial Age lead the world to the bright dawn of prosperity, or the dark nights of war?

"We wish to throw no one into the shade, but we demand our own place in the sun."
- Bernhard von Bulow

Joining the Game

Select eight provinces with one of them as your capital. The each province must be connected to your capital either by land or sea, and must host at least one Culture Group that is present in your capital.

Choose a name for your country, your country’s flag, and government type, and write a bit (or a lot) on your country’s history, background, culture, etc. This game is supposed to be based on an alternate timeline branching off from OTL around, oh, AD1700 or so, so please keep that in mind.

Game Rules

Spoiler :
This game is experimental; Rules subject to change

Game Basics

In APITS, you control an industrial age country striving for power and glory. The map is divided into Provinces which may be owned by you, another player or NPC country, or not controlled by any recognised state.

Turns and Orders

The game is divided into turns each taking half a year in real time. Orders can be placed in the thread or sent by PM, with the newest order overwriting any previous one. Please send complete orders every time you change/resend orders.


Each turn you may be called on to respond to events happening to your country. These will be based on your roleplaying actions, or they may be based on historical events, or they can be random events.

Core Provinces

Of the Provinces you own, they may be Core Provinces or Non-Core Provinces. Cores include all the Provinces that you start the game with, along with any other Provinces which gained Core status at a later stage, and are indicated by your Country’s flag.

Cores are the most integrated and loyal regions of your country; each core province gives an additional 50% defensive bonuses to units in that province and gives you one free unit. For each additional unit you build over the number of your core provinces you must pay an Upkeep.


APITS uses a highly simplified culture system with 15 Culture Groups. Their relevance mainly pertains to the expansion of cores. Certain levels of Civics Tech and some events allow you to nominate a province to be upgraded to a Core, but only a Province with a Culture Group already present in any of the country’s existing cores can become a Core province.

Culture Groups can overlap and may change by events.

Industrial Capacity

The “currency” of the game is Industrial Capacity, or IC. Each turn each Province produces an amount of IC, called Base IC, as indicated by numbers on the map. The sum of your Provinces’ Base IC modified by bonuses or other effects (if applicable) is your Total IC for the turn. From this, any Upkeep that you need to pay is subtracted to give your Available IC, the amount of resources you have free to spend on building units, researching technologies, and so forth.

IC Cost is the cost to expand Base IC in a province by 1. This is equal to your average Base IC (Total IC / number of provinces) at the start of the game.

Note that only IC from provinces connected to your capital by either land or sea is counted towards the sum of Base ICs. Blockades can be used to disrupt the connection. If your Available IC is negative, an event will fire giving you unpleasant choices.


Each country has a Stability level indicating how secure your government is that turn, with 10 being most stable to 1 being least stable.

Each stability level from 5 and below increases the probability of an armed rebellion happening somewhere in your country by 10% each turn.


The tech tree in APITS is split into four branches: Military, Civics, Economics, and Science. The exact nature of what is researched at each Tech Level and the corresponding bonus is determined by whichever country reaches it first. In addition there are basic bonuses for each level:
- Each Military Tech level increases unit strength by 1 and cost by 2
- Each Civics Tech level increases Stability by 1 and Upkeep cost by 2
- Each Economic Tech level increases Base IC by 1 and Base IC cost by 2
- Each Science Tech level decreases one of Unit Cost, Upkeep or Base IC cost by 1 (your choice)


Players can conclude diplomatic agreements between themselves or with NPCs. Breaking treaties may trigger penalizing events as appropriate.

Espionage and Special Missions

A list of espionage missions and their costs will be posted later.

You can also suggest any other special missions (eg building a canal through Panama for instance) to the GM.

War and Combat

APITS uses a combat system similar to Diplomacy, with a few key differences:
- Units don’t have the same strength, so a country whose single unit has strength 3, for instance, would win in battle against two units each of strength 1.
- In addition, there are other modifiers such as provincial defensive bonuses from terrain, cores, or fortifications.
- There are two types of army units, infantry which can move one province per turn, and cavalry which can move up to two provinces per turn. Cavalry can move through provinces already occupied by another unit.
- Fleets can move up to five provinces per turn; crossing a sea zone takes two moves, and crossing an ocean take three moves.
- Ferrying army units works by loading directly on to fleet units
- Units may be built or disbanded at any time
- Units are built with IC and their costs start at 1 for infantry units and 3 for cavalry and fleet units. Upkeep costs for non-free units start at 1 per turn. They can be built anywhere that is connected to the capital either by land or sea.

"Go bind your sons to exile; to serve your captives' need."
- Rudyard Kipling​

The Map

Spoiler :

Nations of the World

Non-Player Countries:

Spoiler :

The Confederate Nations of the Indian Country
Capital: New Orleans

A political and military alliance of Indian nations of the Southeast, dominated by the so-called Five Civilised Tribes: the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole. With British help the tribes fought back against the Americans and the 1815 Treaty of New Orleans established the Confederation to replace the war-time alliance. The porous northern border with the United States often sees incursions by American settlers, Cherokee raiders, and runaway slaves.

Canadian Republic
Capital: Fort Rouge

The North American northwest is a wild frontier land of traders, voyageurs, and various aboriginal and metis peoples. Following the conquest of Quebec by the British, French-speaking settlers from New France began to filter west, in what is known as the "Grand Voyage", away from British control. In the 1820s, these Grand-Voyageurs and their metis allies established a "Canadian Republic" and vowed to maintain their independence against both the British and the Americans.

Caliphate of Sokoto
Capital: Sokoto

A wave of religious enthusiasm has swept across the Sahel in the last few decades, resulting in the establishment of several Islamic states, chief of which is the Caliphate established by Fulani jihadists at Sokoto. In recent years they've marched east and defeated the venerable empire of Kanem-Bornu, adding their lands to the Dar-el-Islam.

Capital: Gondar

Ethiopia is an empire in name; in reality it has been embroiled in dynastic and tribal fighting for as long as anyone can remember. A strong leader has lately emerged and has managed to hold the tribes together for now, but for how long is anyone's guess.

Capital: Oslo

The North, after many centuries of near-constant warring, is at peace. The Queen of Norway has found herself crowned monarch of all three Scandinavian kingdoms. She's surely hoping that this latest experiment in Nordic unity turned out better than all the other times. A federal liberal system has been established to this end.

Kingdom of Hungary
Capital: Budapest

The breakdown of Ottoman and Habsburg order in Eastern Europe saw Hungary reborn, although squeezed between three major powers, it may not last long.

Kingdom of Siam
Capital: Bangkok

Dai Viet
Capital: Hanoi

"What want these outlaws conquerors should have, but History's purchased page to call them great?"
- Lord Byron


1831 | 1834 | 1837 | 1840 | 1843 | 1846 | 1849 | 1852 | 1855 | 1858 | 1861 | 1864 | 1867 | 1870 | 1873 | 1876 | 1879 | 1882 | 1885 | 1888 | 1891 | 1894 | 1897 | 1900 | 1903 | 1906 | 1909
Join as the Inner Dominion of China, a Taoist theocracy

Claim Shanghai (capital), Shantung, Hupei, Hunan, Amoy, Canton, Peking and Sichuan.

Colour: purple

Spoiler flag :

Leader Title: Middle Voice
Middle Voice: Ruan Shen

Spoiler goverment :
Officially a Taoist theocracy, set with the Inner Chamber and the Outer Council, with the Middle Voice as the prime speaker on behalf of the theocracy.

The Inner Chamber composes of those set to Taoist most devout practices. These senior scholar, priests and other holy figures are commence to senior observation of the daily lives of the peoples of China, the spreading of the Taoist faith, the managing of Taoist practices in China and observing the long term desires of China.

The Outer Council has more secular functions, serving on economics and infrastructure as well as entertainment, while keeping to the theocratic notions. CConfucius scholars and Buddhist monks are permitted members of this council in a Taoist theocracy.

Both councils are by a appointment system; the Inner Chamber through an electorate composing of priests, the Outer Council of general agreement of judgment. There are considerations among certain figures to develop the seeds of what would be a electorate for the system.

Between these is the Middle Will, made up of the most senior of figures who appoint from them the Middle Voice, who officially is meant to act as a voice than a supreme ruler, whose leadership is meant to be “unseen” and prepared to “let go.” Unofficially the government is still trying to organize the proper methodology of this (thanks mainly due to the arguments for official leadership by figures like the feudal lord Wang Yin) has meant that the Middle Voice processes executive power.

As seas gain their power from streams so must the leaders gain their power from the people” has been the argument from notable scholars in the government. Reformation is under consideration to hence change the Taoist directive theocracy.

Economy: not-interventionist. The Dominion has a wu-wei ("nothing doing") approach; not doing nothing at all but not too much action, and only that which accords with the unfolding of events. Any policy hence would aim not at "stimulus" or investment, but, rather, at mild redistribution. If undue economic inequality is unnatural "vainglorious thievery" then there will a notion of taking from those with much and giving to those with little; not too much but some redistribution.

Under construction.
Rhineland, Prussia, Bavaria, Hesse, Berlin, Saxony, Tyrol, Vienna
Confederation of the German Nation (Eidgenossenschaft der Deutschen Nation)
Capital: Aachen (Rhineland)
Government: The Confederation of Germany is not a nation in the conventional sense. Rather, it is a loose confederation of nations inspired by the Swiss model. Various nations within the Confederation can elect a representative, the Syndic, who functions as the figurehead of the nations when a collective interest is found. Although in theory the Syndic could be anybody, he is most often a monarch, as is currently the case with Syndic Maximilian Joseph von Wittelsbach, of Bavaria.
Spoiler :

History: The Holy Roman Empire, as a result of several liberal revolutions in 1789, was forced to reform into a more democratic state. Several nations left the empire, most notably following the collapse of the Austrian hegemony in the area.
(I'll write more later)
The Maratha Empire

Claims: Punjab, Delhi, Awadh, Bihar, Bengal, Gujurat, Bombay, Sindh
Capital: Delhi

History/Background: The Maratha Empire maintained its strength and kept expanding throughout the 18th century, managing to defeat the coalition of the king of Afghanistan and retain their rule over Delhi and Punjab. (More on the way)
United States of America
Capital: Virginia


Port Hadley

Mysore, Madras, Orissa, Deccan, Malwa, Ceylon, Lower Burma, Nicobar Islands

As ever I'm going to wait to see what potential colonial powers exist before formulating the story for this universe's Port Hadley
Claiming Venice and its colonial empire. Will put on a map when I have access to a computer.
Claiming the Isles, Cape, Quebec, and Eora.
You daring Australasian devil, you. You leave no option but to join. I will be back with my signup.
Something something Philippines. As Robbie I'll wait to know the colonial powers before making my history (or my flag).


Everyone's claims so far:
Spoiler :
Empire of Japan

Capital: Futamatagawa (Kantō)
Government: Completely utterly absolute monarchy

Kurils, Hokkaido, Tōhoku, Kantō, Kansai, Shikoku, Kyūshū, Ryūkyū.
Claiming Venice and its colonial empire. Will put on a map when I have access to a computer.

Sadly the whole culture claiming thing means that that isn't possible.
And to be honest I'm not sure I like the restrictions that rule is placing on us
Sadly the whole culture claiming thing means that that isn't possible.
And to be honest I'm not sure I like the restrictions that rule is placing on us

Shoot, didn't see that. I'll have to think of something. Still claiming Venice, though.
Swaziland shall rise again!


Transvaal (capital)
Claim France - Netherlands.
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