Sample Stats said:Tribe Name: Azawakii
Cacique Name: Hoemtep
Population: Petite (2)
Magic: 1/0
Magic Users: Hoemtep
-Magic Spells: Fireball (1MP)
Armed Men: 2,000
Military prowess : Pathetic
Quality of Life: Dirt Paths
Tribe Name: Please name your Tribe
Cacique Name: The leader of your people
Population controls the limits of your nation, an how much economic power you have. To increase your population level, you either have to settle a new town, or capture one from your neighbours. It costs 3EP and 1MP to settle a new town. The various levels are shown below. The first number is the economic points you recieve at that level. The second number is how many towns you need to be that size:
Tiny (1/1)-Petite (2/3)-Small (3/6)-Medium (4/10)-Large (5/15)-Huge (6/21)-Gargantuan (7/27)-Monstrous (9/34)
The amount of magic points you are generating each turn, and how many are stored. You gain one MP for every turn a totem is under your control and is undisturbed by others. To construct a new totem you must sacrifice one town of your towns, and write a decent/gory story about it
Magic Users:
To wield magic, you need people trained in the art. They cost 1MP and 1EP, and will take 3 turns to be trained. From then on they can wield any of the magic spells already learnt by your tribe, as well as creating one of their own.
Magic Spells:
This lists any spells a tribe has learnt along with their costs. Greater description will be found in the opening posts.
Armed Men. It costs 1EP to train and equip a mob of 1000 men.
Military prowess costs 1EP to raise the training level of 1000 men. You can only train to Great level, the higher levels come with battle experience. You can raise the entry training level of your tribe by paying EP equal to your tribes size. The various levels are:
Quality of Life
A good quality of life is invaluable, aiding everything from army movement to culture cohesiveness to government efficiency. Various things will effect your tribesmen's quality of life level, if it is below tolerable, you will not be able to settle a new town. To upgrade, total cost is equal to the number of towns you have. The different levels are:
None-Poor-Pathetic-Barely Tolerable-Tolerable-Improving-Good-Great-Excellent
Tributary Tribes
Tribute tribes will be required to forfeit 1EP per turn to the the tribe which they owe it too. In return the nation recieving tribute is automatically at war with any nation that attacks the tributary. A tribute state may elect not to pay its master causing an automatic war to occur between the two tribe. A master tribe can elect to release a tribute tribe with no further consquences past the cancellation of all obligations held by both parties.
The Map: