All Leader Challenger
Round 7: 1520 AD to 1836 AD
Part 1
I started the round with Philosophy in hand, a tech which only Montezuma did not possess. Unfortunately, he wasn't willing to trade any techs for it, but he was willing to part with some gold:
This turned out to be one of the best moves I made in a dismal game. It improved Monty's attitude towards me from "Annoyed" to "Cautious", and suddenly he was willing to have Open Borders and trade techs. Not that I had anything to trade to him, but that would soon change.
I also went about reclaiming some of the land I'd lost:
The first city reclaimed that much-needed gold (for happiness, especially when combined with forges), while the second city secured the fifth sugar tile and put cultural pressure on Stuttgart.
My next Great Person appeared, but was not a Great Scientist, unfortunately:
Pop him for Polytheism? What the heck for? I settled him in Edirne, my shrine city, for the extra income. That was definitely the best use for him.
And I was back to my usual tricks, changing civics like I'm spiritual when I'm not. Once I researched Constitution I changed to Representation and Caste System; then, several turns later, I finished researching Democracy...
To help with cottage growth, of course.
In addition, neither Cyrus nor Monty had Democracy, and both, like me, were suffering from the unhappiness caused by all those other civs running it. So I was able to get some decent techs out of it:
And Cyrus also threw in, FINALLY, a world map, and a very complete one at that:
By the way, if you venture into the save, you'll find that Moscow has no less than two friggin' gold mines in its fat cross. Both of them--wait for it--next to rivers. Frankly, for all the talk about careful economic management when you're isolated, I think the deck was stacked against me this time.
Catherine kept refusing to reach a peaceful settlement, even after I built up over 500 gold in my treasury. Instead, a few turns later, she landed another stack:
Catapults against Cossacks... yeah, that's a fair fight. Give me some credit, I still didn't give up. Diyarbakir fell on the next turn, of course:
What I did was I left only one unit in each city, a weak one at that, and sent all the others to Antalya. I eventually managed to take down all of those Cossacks, though it cost me several units, mostly Catapults, Spearmen, and Macemen. I also sent a few Catapults at her Artillery and SAM Infantry. Catherine then turtled, hiding in that forested tile within German territory. I left my forces sitting in Antalya, waiting for her units to venture out into open ground. She had tech and strength on me, but I had numbers: over a dozen catapults, and nearly as many Macemen. She stayed hidden. Smart girl. Well, no she's not really that smart, and has about as much courage as your average chicken, but I would have done the same thing after a failed invasion attempt.
I finished researching Liberalism (finally!) and switched civics again, and for the last time in the game:
I was hoping that Free Speech would help with the economy, as well as reclaiming a few more tiles, and that Free Religion would help with happiness, research, and diplomatic relations. Catherine, however, still refused to consider a cease fire, never mind peace.
I was now starting to gain some techs on the AI. Well, on Monty, at least:
So Monty was turning into my best buddy! Go figure. He's my Mansa Musa in this game. Yes, that tells you just how sad my situation was!
Unfortunately Monty decided to get a little too friendly:
Hmmm, yeah, Monty right on my doorstep. That's a comforting though. And with Riflemen, no less. And look at how fraidy-cat Cathy ducked her units into that city on a hill!
Fortunately, a few turns later, I had a useful tech for a good defensive unit, especially to counter any Rifles coming my way:
Thus far, I'd held off two invasions by the AI. I'd lost a little territory, but still had a decent-sized civ going. My GNP was going up, along with my power rating. I set my focus on a bee-line to the Internet, hoping to get swamped with techs which I could trade, and maybe finally get Cathy to sign a peace treaty. I was far behind, but not without hope.
Then the wheels came off.
To be continued...
Part 1
I started the round with Philosophy in hand, a tech which only Montezuma did not possess. Unfortunately, he wasn't willing to trade any techs for it, but he was willing to part with some gold:

This turned out to be one of the best moves I made in a dismal game. It improved Monty's attitude towards me from "Annoyed" to "Cautious", and suddenly he was willing to have Open Borders and trade techs. Not that I had anything to trade to him, but that would soon change.
I also went about reclaiming some of the land I'd lost:

The first city reclaimed that much-needed gold (for happiness, especially when combined with forges), while the second city secured the fifth sugar tile and put cultural pressure on Stuttgart.
My next Great Person appeared, but was not a Great Scientist, unfortunately:

Pop him for Polytheism? What the heck for? I settled him in Edirne, my shrine city, for the extra income. That was definitely the best use for him.
And I was back to my usual tricks, changing civics like I'm spiritual when I'm not. Once I researched Constitution I changed to Representation and Caste System; then, several turns later, I finished researching Democracy...

To help with cottage growth, of course.
In addition, neither Cyrus nor Monty had Democracy, and both, like me, were suffering from the unhappiness caused by all those other civs running it. So I was able to get some decent techs out of it:

And Cyrus also threw in, FINALLY, a world map, and a very complete one at that:

By the way, if you venture into the save, you'll find that Moscow has no less than two friggin' gold mines in its fat cross. Both of them--wait for it--next to rivers. Frankly, for all the talk about careful economic management when you're isolated, I think the deck was stacked against me this time.
Catherine kept refusing to reach a peaceful settlement, even after I built up over 500 gold in my treasury. Instead, a few turns later, she landed another stack:

Catapults against Cossacks... yeah, that's a fair fight. Give me some credit, I still didn't give up. Diyarbakir fell on the next turn, of course:

What I did was I left only one unit in each city, a weak one at that, and sent all the others to Antalya. I eventually managed to take down all of those Cossacks, though it cost me several units, mostly Catapults, Spearmen, and Macemen. I also sent a few Catapults at her Artillery and SAM Infantry. Catherine then turtled, hiding in that forested tile within German territory. I left my forces sitting in Antalya, waiting for her units to venture out into open ground. She had tech and strength on me, but I had numbers: over a dozen catapults, and nearly as many Macemen. She stayed hidden. Smart girl. Well, no she's not really that smart, and has about as much courage as your average chicken, but I would have done the same thing after a failed invasion attempt.
I finished researching Liberalism (finally!) and switched civics again, and for the last time in the game:

I was hoping that Free Speech would help with the economy, as well as reclaiming a few more tiles, and that Free Religion would help with happiness, research, and diplomatic relations. Catherine, however, still refused to consider a cease fire, never mind peace.
I was now starting to gain some techs on the AI. Well, on Monty, at least:

So Monty was turning into my best buddy! Go figure. He's my Mansa Musa in this game. Yes, that tells you just how sad my situation was!
Unfortunately Monty decided to get a little too friendly:

Hmmm, yeah, Monty right on my doorstep. That's a comforting though. And with Riflemen, no less. And look at how fraidy-cat Cathy ducked her units into that city on a hill!
Fortunately, a few turns later, I had a useful tech for a good defensive unit, especially to counter any Rifles coming my way:

Thus far, I'd held off two invasions by the AI. I'd lost a little territory, but still had a decent-sized civ going. My GNP was going up, along with my power rating. I set my focus on a bee-line to the Internet, hoping to get swamped with techs which I could trade, and maybe finally get Cathy to sign a peace treaty. I was far behind, but not without hope.
Then the wheels came off.
To be continued...