All Leader Challenger
Round 8: 1090 AD to 1340 AD
To start off, I double-checked, and I'll be damned, I did win the Apostolic Palace election:
I guess I just assumed I was going to lose it to Gandhi, who built it. I should have read the screen more closely. It didn't make a huge difference--not too many exciting resolutions came up.
Ruska, soon to be renamed Russka, kept pumping out Great People:
It produced two more Great Scientists this round (even without running Pacifism). All of them, as suggested, went towards Academies in my 3 best science cities: Ruska, Moscow, and Rostov.
Another thing I was trying to do was grow my cities, as several of you suggested. St. Petersburg provides an example of this:
Nevertheless, as the round wore on, I started switching some citizens away from food tiles and back to hammers. I still had a lot of builds to complete and I was no longer running Slavery, so the extra population could not be converted to hammers. I still emphasized growth as much as I could. I also put most of my specialists in my smaller cities back out in the fields, again as several of you suggested.
Meanwhile, Mao decided to split off the island he'd populated to his east:
As you can see, this was a beneficial development. I was getting ready to steal Music from Mao, but I managed to come by it honestly instead.
I finally finished founding cities on the island of Russia:
Now, back to the Apostolic Palace for a moment. The only resolutions appearing were to cancel trade with either version of China or to open our borders to one another. I didn't want to stop my trading with the Chinese, so I decided to try for the mutual OB. No dice:
I guess Gandhi has some lingering resentment from the war. Or maybe just lingering shame. "I'm a pacifist! What was I thinking?!?"
I seem to imagine Gandhi sounding a lot like Woody Allen for some reason.
I researched to within one turn's completion of Liberalism and then switched to Banking. As you can see, Gandhi was also researching Astronomy, which took some of the shine off of it as a free tech. I decided to hold out for something better that would give me a big jump on him. Meanwhile, I decided to get rid of that Archer guarding that goody hut outside of Yekaterinburg:
Er... WOW. I can't remember if I've ever, EVER done that before in a Civ game. You'd think I'd remember, that's like a hole-in-freakin'-one. I must confess part of the reason I delayed Liberalism was just to see if this might happen, but I really didn't expect it,
Well! Now I was well-set to get Privateers early, wasn't I? So I decided to finish Banking, then Gunpowder, and then I'd finish Liberalism.
Meanwhile, I began settling the distant stone island:
Yeah, the barbs set up shop to my south--and to the north as well. It gave my city-busters something to do after several centuries of sitting around. I had the cash, so I upgraded them from Swordsmen to Macemen. It would help my power rating too.
Shortly after that, I finished Liberalism:
With Astronomy and Chemistry in place, it was time to start rolling out a fleet of Privateers to plunder my rivals around the world! Avast, ye scurvy dogs!
Well, that was pretty darn effective. I only got 2 GPT for this; I think I need to send more of these ships out to make them effective. Wouldn't Mercantilism affect this too? Though Gandhi was still running Decentralization when I checked.
I razed the poorly-placed barb city in the north of stone island (it missed out on one fish tile) and placed my own city right beside where it had been:
Back home, Moscow was the next city to produce a Great Person:
I wasn't sure what to do with him. As you see, he'll pop part of Printing Press, but that's not a high-priority tech for a SE. Several of you have warned about lightbulbing when you have a clear tech lead anyway. I already have Academies in my 3 best science/commerce cities now, so that seems like a waste. The other options are to settle him in Ruska, use him for a Golden Age, or save him for later--to lightbulb a better tech, start a GA, or found a corporation. Thoughts?
Meanwhile, my Privateers were having a field day. They have no rivals on the sea lanes. Gandhi sent 2 Galleons to try to lift the blockade of Pataliputra, but my other Privateers made short work of them:
...and I earned several XPs in the process. I love these guys! I was also using them to harrass Tokugawa, and I've got some headed towards Germany and China, too.
Finally, as the round ended, I succeeded in clearing stone island of barbarians:
The main decision to make now is whether or not to split this island off as a colony or to keep it as part of my own empire.
And that was the round! A state-of-the-world post will follow in a short while.
To start off, I double-checked, and I'll be damned, I did win the Apostolic Palace election:
I guess I just assumed I was going to lose it to Gandhi, who built it. I should have read the screen more closely. It didn't make a huge difference--not too many exciting resolutions came up.
Ruska, soon to be renamed Russka, kept pumping out Great People:
It produced two more Great Scientists this round (even without running Pacifism). All of them, as suggested, went towards Academies in my 3 best science cities: Ruska, Moscow, and Rostov.
Another thing I was trying to do was grow my cities, as several of you suggested. St. Petersburg provides an example of this:
Nevertheless, as the round wore on, I started switching some citizens away from food tiles and back to hammers. I still had a lot of builds to complete and I was no longer running Slavery, so the extra population could not be converted to hammers. I still emphasized growth as much as I could. I also put most of my specialists in my smaller cities back out in the fields, again as several of you suggested.
Meanwhile, Mao decided to split off the island he'd populated to his east:
As you can see, this was a beneficial development. I was getting ready to steal Music from Mao, but I managed to come by it honestly instead.
I finally finished founding cities on the island of Russia:
Now, back to the Apostolic Palace for a moment. The only resolutions appearing were to cancel trade with either version of China or to open our borders to one another. I didn't want to stop my trading with the Chinese, so I decided to try for the mutual OB. No dice:
I guess Gandhi has some lingering resentment from the war. Or maybe just lingering shame. "I'm a pacifist! What was I thinking?!?"
I seem to imagine Gandhi sounding a lot like Woody Allen for some reason.
I researched to within one turn's completion of Liberalism and then switched to Banking. As you can see, Gandhi was also researching Astronomy, which took some of the shine off of it as a free tech. I decided to hold out for something better that would give me a big jump on him. Meanwhile, I decided to get rid of that Archer guarding that goody hut outside of Yekaterinburg:
Er... WOW. I can't remember if I've ever, EVER done that before in a Civ game. You'd think I'd remember, that's like a hole-in-freakin'-one. I must confess part of the reason I delayed Liberalism was just to see if this might happen, but I really didn't expect it,
Well! Now I was well-set to get Privateers early, wasn't I? So I decided to finish Banking, then Gunpowder, and then I'd finish Liberalism.
Meanwhile, I began settling the distant stone island:
Yeah, the barbs set up shop to my south--and to the north as well. It gave my city-busters something to do after several centuries of sitting around. I had the cash, so I upgraded them from Swordsmen to Macemen. It would help my power rating too.
Shortly after that, I finished Liberalism:
With Astronomy and Chemistry in place, it was time to start rolling out a fleet of Privateers to plunder my rivals around the world! Avast, ye scurvy dogs!
Well, that was pretty darn effective. I only got 2 GPT for this; I think I need to send more of these ships out to make them effective. Wouldn't Mercantilism affect this too? Though Gandhi was still running Decentralization when I checked.
I razed the poorly-placed barb city in the north of stone island (it missed out on one fish tile) and placed my own city right beside where it had been:
Back home, Moscow was the next city to produce a Great Person:
I wasn't sure what to do with him. As you see, he'll pop part of Printing Press, but that's not a high-priority tech for a SE. Several of you have warned about lightbulbing when you have a clear tech lead anyway. I already have Academies in my 3 best science/commerce cities now, so that seems like a waste. The other options are to settle him in Ruska, use him for a Golden Age, or save him for later--to lightbulb a better tech, start a GA, or found a corporation. Thoughts?
Meanwhile, my Privateers were having a field day. They have no rivals on the sea lanes. Gandhi sent 2 Galleons to try to lift the blockade of Pataliputra, but my other Privateers made short work of them:
...and I earned several XPs in the process. I love these guys! I was also using them to harrass Tokugawa, and I've got some headed towards Germany and China, too.
Finally, as the round ended, I succeeded in clearing stone island of barbarians:
The main decision to make now is whether or not to split this island off as a colony or to keep it as part of my own empire.
And that was the round! A state-of-the-world post will follow in a short while.