Alex Jones Epic Media Rant

I love Alex Jones. Best comedian ever. It's even better because it's not supposed to be comedy. :lol:

I do find him interesting to watch, too - he is clearly channeling the populist anger of a large portion of the population, directed at the global technocratic elites who are facilitating changes they hate, ranging from open borders to economic globalization. The conspiracy theories are attempts to explain what went wrong and why. They're unconvincing to me, but I see why people believe them. There really is a global elite who control the politics and business of most First World nations, but they're not acting as a monolithic bloc called the New World Order. They're just acting according to their interests and preferences rather than deliberately causing problems for their countries' populations, and they often conflict with each other. But it seems that a lot of people are more willing to accept a nefarious global conspiracy rather than the mundane nature of how politicians and businesspeople really behave. It makes for a better story, and we are the storytelling ape.
There really is a global elite who control the politics and business of most First World nations, but they're not acting as a monolithic bloc called the New World Order. They're just acting according to their interests and preferences rather than deliberately causing problems for their countries' populations, and they often conflict with each other.

You don't believe that blocks of governments and their big business leaders have any homogeneous agenda(s)?

I'm not stating my credence for Jones' "New World Order," but governments have many times decided what the world order would be and re-organized the order of the world both after WWI and WWII.

If you've ever studied Cold War history the allies and Stalin literally decided which European countries would have civil wars, which would be communist and capitalist, which would have their borders re-drawn and then organized with governments and other institutions to achieve these results. It wasn't happenstance, or a random sequence of interests that came together to create the world order we have now.
I do find him interesting to watch, too - he is clearly channeling the populist anger of a large portion of the population, directed at the global technocratic elites who are facilitating changes they hate, ranging from open borders to economic globalization. The conspiracy theories are attempts to explain what went wrong and why. They're unconvincing to me, but I see why people believe them. There really is a global elite who control the politics and business of most First World nations, but they're not acting as a monolithic bloc called the New World Order. They're just acting according to their interests and preferences rather than deliberately causing problems for their countries' populations, and they often conflict with each other. But it seems that a lot of people are more willing to accept a nefarious global conspiracy rather than the mundane nature of how politicians and businesspeople really behave. It makes for a better story, and we are the storytelling ape.
:lol:Breaking news: the mundane nature of the politicians and businessman is nefarious not to speak of some global elite who is completely detached from the life of the common people. One reason for this are the many natural weaknesses of human nature prone to corruption which has been steadily on the rise for last decades. In fact these elites in their own light would be an idiots if they didnt pursue their grip on power even further as it can be seen in life of corporations or empires which is of course contrary to the interests of most of the rest of people and constitutes a conspiracy against them. Unfortunately this zigzag development from loose communities to feudalism and absolute monarchies through revolutions to democracies and back to oligarchy and meritocracy means a lot of misuse of power and suffering.
You don't believe that blocks of governments and their big business leaders have any homogeneous agenda(s)?

I'm not stating my credence for Jones' "New World Order," but governments have many times decided what the world order would be and re-organized the order of the world both after WWI and WWII.

If you've ever studied Cold War history the allies and Stalin literally decided which European countries would have civil wars, which would be communist and capitalist, which would have their borders re-drawn and then organized with governments and other institutions to achieve these results. It wasn't happenstance, or a random sequence of interests that came together to create the world order we have now.

:lol:Breaking news: the mundane nature of the politicians and businessman is nefarious not to speak of some global elite who is completely detached from the life of the common people. One reason for this are the many natural weaknesses of human nature prone to corruption which has been steadily on the rise for last decades. In fact these elites in their own light would be an idiots if they didnt pursue their grip on power even further as it can be seen in life of corporations or empires which is of course contrary to the interests of most of the rest of people and constitutes a conspiracy against them. Unfortunately this zigzag development from loose communities to feudalism and absolute monarchies through revolutions to democracies and back to oligarchy and meritocracy means a lot of suffering.

Oh, don't get me wrong - there are conspiracies that happen among groups of global elites. It's just that they're not all connected together in one grand meta-conspiracy called the New World Order, and that the majority of what are commonly referred to as conspiracy theories are bunk.
I think that using the term "elites" is not in good taste -and it is very widespread in this use...

Most people mean rather those tied by being misanthropic and very economically powerful. "Elite" tends to signify something positive, though. W Bush is part of said 'elites', and is also a braindead clown. Moreover, tv-personalities peddling divisive talk also by definition cannot be deemed as positive, yet some are powerful in regards to getting their message through.

Speaking of which, Alex Jones at least is funny and plays the role of the defender of the downtrodden -- regardless if he is right on anything or not ;) Not seeing how he can be termed as vicious or threatening.
Oh, don't get me wrong - there are conspiracies that happen among groups of global elites. It's just that they're not all connected together in one grand meta-conspiracy called the New World Order, and that the majority of what are commonly referred to as conspiracy theories are bunk.

True but some limited potential is still there. Didnt Nazis act like bounded together behind some ideology? And very efficiently too...
Oh, don't get me wrong - there are conspiracies that happen among groups of global elites. It's just that they're not all connected together in one grand meta-conspiracy called the New World Order, and that the majority of what are commonly referred to as conspiracy theories are bunk.

Well I mean, with what's going on now; The fall of the leftist establishment could just be an over-calculation on their part. Like Icarus, they went too far and flew too close to the sun, or it could be something much more nefarious like subversion. I guess one's opinion on the matter would depend on how competent and ethical you believe the leftist establishment to be.

But, either way it really doesn't change the end result and what we will be left to deal with.
How does Alex Jones feel about Jews? That's always interesting to work out with these crackpots.
Although it's been 3 or 4 years (or more...) since i watched his show. I recall he is fun, despite being all about the NWO and FEMA camps.

I was looking forward to those FEMA camps but someone had to leak it to the media and Obama had to cancell the whole progom. :sad:
There's certainly something to be very concerned about.

It might be the media, it might be Hillary, it might be the FBI, it might be Islam, it might be Sweden, it might be police captains in Minnesota, it might be Fox News, it might be Rachel Maddow, it might be Hollywood, it might be people living in their mothers' basements.

But there's certainly something to be very concerned about. I can tell by his tone of voice.

Now would you consider someone like this guy to be genuine, or would you be suspicious of him having ulterior motives? It's kind of a "one ring to rule them all" kind of situation that he is proposing.
I consider the speech to be right in general, if not in specifics.
I don't think that statement of his was intended to be taken seriously... he's intentionally drawing attention to the fact that Hillary has some big health problems.

It's meant to be ridiculous so you share it to more people like you just did.
I don't think that statement of his was intended to be taken seriously... he's intentionally drawing attention to the fact that Hillary has some big health problems.

It's meant to be ridiculous so you share it to more people like you just did.
I don't think you understand Alex Jones

Link to video.

The dude is completely serious and unlike you Civman, I am not willing to give Jones the benefit of the doubt. If you want to side with this madman, own his messed up and factually wrong opinions.
I actually watched that hologram thing. It was pretty lame. First of all, Alex Jones is apparently on vacation, so he had a stand-in doing his show. They took calls, and a caller claimed that Clinton was going to show up as a hologram, along with a bunch of other random disjointed nonsense. The stand-in laughed at the hologram idea, joking that Trump would say at the debate that she was the most transparent she had ever been. :lol:

But yeah, usually when Alex Jones says something crazy, it's because he is crazy and believes the crazy thing. He does have a few limits though: no reptilians or other aliens, and I'm pretty sure he would dismiss the hologram too, at least on the grounds that Trump would call BS on Holographic Hillary.
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