Am I allowed to release this when (if) I finish?

Okay, I've merged some of my dll tweaks with BBAI and it works finely.
That's the result of AIAutoplay.

Spoiler :

But you see, there're mutfruits which would make Villinois grow... And workers totally ignore it for 200+ turns. Is there an easy way to make workers to beeline food resources first? With increased food consumption they are the most important in my mod.
Hey Deon, I'm glad someone is still adding to this cool mod. I came by to post that I came across some really nice post-apocalyptic artwork at the following site:

These would look awesome as a leaderhead background, or a quick popup graphic for Wonders or victory/defeat/Era/religion popups etc. :rockon:

BTW if you've got any time we could really use your help over at the Warhammer mod, its now quite close to getting finished but needs a push to not die out again before completion.
Do you have all the loging stuff enabled?
If yes, then you should be able to see what improvement type has been assigned by the AI for which tile by pressing one of the key kommands...ctrl+shift, or something like that, same like you get to see the AI types for the units.
This might help to get an idea what the AI is doing.
To make the AI want certain Bonuses or Improvements more, you could set iAiWeight in BonusInfos.xml to a high value, also try setting <ImprovementWeightModifiers> for that Improvement for all leaders in LeaderheadInfos.xml , then try autoplay and adjust as needed. In my experience that works pretty well.
I forgot to post here, it was my error. I've just added the plantation improvement and forgot to add a build order to it :p.

Also I don't "add", I started from scratch and now either write all code by myself or salvage it from modcomps, thus I learn.

I will be glad to help to Warhammer mod but I am out of town for 2 weeks. When I'm back I'll report and we'll see :).
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