Am I seeing double???


Tupac Lives on!!
Sep 6, 2005

Woah! Whats going on there????? I can honestly say I have never seen anything like that before!

There are 2 Zulu civs (1 yellow, 1 some other colour yet to be identified)
and 2 Aztec civs (1 the traditional green, the other Babylonian/Roman red)

I am playing vanilla 1.29f, the only mod is snoopy's terrain graphics mods.

I've attached the auto-save as I was so amazed I quit without saving and came here. You will need to trade lit to a civ to get contact with the extra zulu and aztecs. Has anyone seen this before?? What could possibly have caused it?


  • Civ3 Autosave 390
    191.9 KB · Views: 89
I know, after I posted i went back and just stared at the screen like a stunned mullet. Its amazingly bizzare...
Happens sometimes, it is a bug - be it a minor bug. I once had 2 completely different Portugal's in 1 game. I was at war with 1 and the other I was friends with. Come to think of it, wouldn't it be fun to ally with 1 against the other???

"Portugal has declared war on Portugal" :lol:

Edit: 2 x 2 civs must be really really rare. :wow:
Thats not to mention the fact that I actually SELECTED the civs in the game. The cis there should have been

America (check)
Japan (check)
China (check)
Zulu (check check)
Aztecs (check check)
Germany (uh uh)
Russia (uh uh)

It seems to have completely disregarded my instructions and justs gone with what it feels like.
That makes it a real mystery then. Unless... you played with the editor and changed some settings in the scenario section. But you would have known it then.

I'm so intrigued by this that I'm probbaly going to have a look at your save later. Do you still have the 4000 BC save ??
So you can speak to them all independently when this happens? It doesn't all crash on trying to do so? They don't nerf into one civ when dealing with them? You get two fully functioning Henry's for Portugal for example? Sorry for all the questions, I'm intrigued.
Nope no editor for me, I'm just plain old vanilla on a mac.

And no the game doesnt crash when you try to talk to them, they also share city names. I didn't pick it up at first when i glanced at F11 and saw Tenotchtitlan was red and a capital and Teoutihuacan was green and a capital. I assumed there must have been an ultra early war with the babs or something and that each side had lost their capital....

Yes I do, here's the save, enjoy. It's quite a good start.


  • Civ3 Autosave 4000
    79.4 KB · Views: 66
I love that foreign advisor shot. Shaka's such a jerk he can't even resist declaring war on himself!
Now when Shaka burns himself out early, as per usual, will he be the one who takes himself out?
FadeAwayNot said:
Shaka's such a jerk he can't even resist declaring war on himself!
Now when Shaka burns himself out early, as per usual, will he be the one who takes himself out?
Yes, maybe the problem will be "self-correcting" within a few turns. :crazyeye:
machia said:
:crazyeye: Zululand declared war on the Zulu!

Oh my god! They're self-hating Zu's!! :lol: :rotfl: :lol:

:sniper: :rotfl: :nono:
i played a game that had two netherlands not long after i picked up C3C.

hasnt happened since but its fun and interesting. and my game worked, even after they had communications with each other.

two zulus must be downright hilarious. and two aztecs. thats sure to be a war happy game.
It happens occasionally. What's wierd is when you get "A Barbarian Chiefdom". Unfortunately, that bug crashes the game.
See, civil wars do exist in Civ!
tupaclives said:

Woah! Whats going on there????? I can honestly say I have never seen anything like that before!

There are 2 Zulu civs (1 yellow, 1 some other colour yet to be identified)
and 2 Aztec civs (1 the traditional green, the other Babylonian/Roman red)

I am playing vanilla 1.29f, the only mod is snoopy's terrain graphics mods.

I've attached the auto-save as I was so amazed I quit without saving and came here. You will need to trade lit to a civ to get contact with the extra zulu and aztecs. Has anyone seen this before?? What could possibly have caused it?
Can I ask you something? What exactly where you doing, in the above screen shot?
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