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America: Write Your Own History

Edsel Ford Pictured.

The Flight of Industry?
William White the intrepid main reporter for The American Telegraph was able to catch Mr Edsel Ford the current owner and CEO of Ford Industries the manufacturing giant at the latest Ford Fair in Denver. While only able to ask a few brief questions the American Telegraph can reveal that rumours of planned expansion to factories in Chicago, Sioux falls and Toronto have been quashed.

Ford made history in the early 1900s for embracing Deb's labour reforms, already famous under Henry Ford for high pay and good working conditions Ford became an shining example of corporate responsibility and inclusiveness. Edsel Ford succeeded his father and his mantra of "give me one motivated worker over five unmotivated workers any day," has led to Ford's continuing success and status as a major driving force for the American Economy, until now.

Edsel Ford when pressed about plans for expansion admitted the truth that many economists have suspected, there are no plans for future investment in North America, with investment levels at a historic all time low this does not bode well. Further news at the Ford Fair indicates that Ford have instead invested heavily in Australia and Northern Ireland as well as a huge new factory in Mexico City, the largest of its kind outside of the US. Ford cited the "anti-business political climate" for his decision to move capital abroad, a factor that many economists have cited as the cause behind the drop in investment.

The American Telegraph asks; what does this mean for employment? with returning soldiers, school leavers and immigrants all seeking jobs tensions are increasing and no investment seems likely to only increase such tensions even more. Although the economy continues to grow much of this is believed to be short term demand rather than the structural foundations required.

SPA Split?
Philip P. Liped leader of the SPA recently announced the establishment of sister organisations in Ireland, South Africa and Australia. according to Mr Liped the new SPI, SPSA and SPO (Oceania) organisations are independent of the SPA but affiliated and are committed to the same goals of maintaining peace and protecting the American people from extremists.

This news has not been well received by all, there was a large brawl at a SPA meeting in Charlestown the largest city in the American South regarding the new organisations. The American Telegraph has been receiving reports of a splinter group calling themselves the Real SPA in Charlestown, it remains to be seen what their aims are and where they stand in our 20th Century America.
guys... we might be drifting off-topic...

Sorry I came late, but I would like to include mine as well.

Comparing mine with the one I portray in this story like Caterpillar has speculated it's also a surprise:

L-R: -6.88 | A-L: -5.49

Honestly, I don't believe in communism or anarchism, even having this result.

This test seems vague to me, and some questions were confuse, and other seemed like a question about meanings, not opinion, like the Free Market question about a Genuine Free Market.

It seemed to me they intended that you say what you think would be nice that can be called a Genuine Free Market, and not if you knew the meaning of a Genuine Free Market.

IMO, a Genuine Free Market can't be anything else then the failure Adam Smith tried to create, not a more nice and careful Free Market.
Guys, please stop talking off-topic so much. I'll make a group for that.

Election of 1924: Era of Appeasement

Socialist Coalition
Frank T. Johns, Age 35, Oregon Socialist Labor politician and social activist. With touring the United States exhaustively and meeting with key socialist leaders, he has gained large support for his promise to adhere to the Socialist/Communist agreements. Promises to emulate Debs' strategic ambiguity in keeping the nation together, in order to reduce needs to radicalism. Will lead a large attack against the KKK, stating that bigotry is one moral thing capitalists and socialists can agree on.
Spoiler :

Stanley Bruce, Age 41, Australian Treasurer and Representative. World War veteran. National Labor Party Chairman. After establishing the Commonwealth Peace Officers in Australia that effectively ended terrorism and violence, he finds he is the best candidate to quell disaster in the rest of the nation. His motto, "Men, Money and Markets", shows that he wishes to strengthen the military and labor unions, establish an unbiased, strong trade relation with the world while upkeeping good diplomatic relations, and improve stability and the economy. Wanting to establish the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, he wishes to change industry-government relations and appease to the Communists by appointing this federal body in charge of making federal wage and working hour conditions while giving them power to curb the power of corporations. Appeasing to the far-right, he supports imperialism if it means improving conditions of the inhabitants and reconstructing a more democratic, liberal society.
Spoiler :

Robert M. La Follette, Age 69, Wisconsin Senator, Governor, and Representative. Progressive, Isolationist and anti-war. Wants to fight extremism on both sides, while keeping a moderate, progressive political stance. Wants to lead a large crackdown on the KKK. Wants to change the environmental civic to free market, stating that it is needed to improve the economy. Follette has converted several moderate socialists to his cause, with strong support from the Wilson Democrats.
Spoiler :

J.S. Woodsworth, Age 49, Canadian Representative. Calling upon socialists to elect him as president, he promises to restore normalcy and civility and reduce political division. A strong secularist, he also opposes extreme patriotism. Calling himself a citizen of the Earth, he opposes the Communist Party's violence and unconstitutional behavior. Wants to lead a crackdown on the KKK, the SPA-affiliated shootings, and unlawful political protestors.
Spoiler :

Democratic Party
John W. Davis, Age 50, West Virginia Representative. Opposing large governments, he wishes to reduce federal socialist programs; but states that, directing this to communists and socialists, he will make no attempts to stop socialist programs within states. Wishes to change the public welfare civic back to capitalism to stimulate the economy, especially poorer territories like northern Quebec. Wants to take a very strong stance against the KKK, but opposes anti-lynching legislation as it does not help the racial problem. Supports neutral, isolationist trade with a strong diplomatic presence.
Spoiler :

Communist Party
William Z. Foster, Age 39, Labor organizer and Marxist politician. Chairman of the Communist Party. Rejects the compromise and instead points to the constitution, stating that backed by the majority, he will legally be allowed to enact his policies. In 1910-1911, his tour of socialism in Germany and communism in Russia influenced him to unite several socialist/communist organization in America, creating the Communist Party out of the Socialist Labor movement. Understanding the the imperialist motives of Germany and Russia, he does not oppose war with the nations, and instead made a large profit from war bonds. To avoid prosecution, Foster stayed quiet during the communist riots and did not participate in them. He lead a very well organized steel strike at the end of the Wilson administration, gathering hundreds of thousands of dollars through well organized union taxes. He then rose money for the arrested protestors' legal fees. Will change the environmental civic to state property, to fight corporations and improve the economy.
Spoiler :

Campaign News:
Stanley Bruce wins election to become 23rd president! First Australian president!

With the help of the Socialist Coalition which aimed to support moderates, Stanley Bruce from Melbourne, Australia becomes the nation's 23rd president and first to be born from a territory annexed during war. With a promise to incorporate both Communists and Capitalists within his government in a hybrid-executive branch style, his majority support within the Coalition allowed him to defeat the Communist Party which would have won without the Coalition. Stanley Bruce is considered a neutral left-right president, the first since John Adams.

Socialist Coalition 11.4
•Johns 2.1
•Bruce 5.1
•Follette 1.1
•Woodsworth 3.1

Democratic Party 1.4
•Davis 1.4

Communist Party 7.4
•Foster 7.4
Aw man, Foster currently has more individual votes but less party votes
Sorry about going off-topic earlier.

I'd like to see Foster's plan in action to keep America the great nation it is. Hopefully he gets elected to see how America runs under a style of government that is talked about, but never been enacted.

Let's just hope it won't cause too many riots if he does.
BTW RT, could you post the Tech Tree to us? It would be good to see which techs have already been discovered for us to know which technological discoveries have already been incorporated into society, as the date is useless for that (TV in the end of XIXth century is a good example). This will surely help the other paralell stories to your government reports.
BTW RT, could you post the Tech Tree to us? It would be good to see which techs have already been discovered for us to know which technological discoveries have already been incorporated into society, as the date is useless for that (TV in the end of XIXth century is a good example). This will surely help the other paralell stories to your government reports.

Everything is already discovered, except genetics, fusion, and composites.
Everything is already discovered, except genetics, fusion, and composites.

I guess this means we may already put colorful images (I know some must be B&W but the ones that aren't may already be put in colors). And we may put things related to computers too.
Sorry about going off-topic earlier.

I'd like to see Foster's plan in action to keep America the great nation it is. Hopefully he gets elected to see how America runs under a style of government that is talked about, but never been enacted.

Let's just hope it won't cause too many riots if he does.

Unfortunately, I don't think Foster is going to win the election. Like I said before, he currently has more individual votes than anyone else but the Socialist Coalition has more overall party votes so Bruce is likely to win despite having less individual votes.
Unfortunately, I don't think Foster is going to win the election. Like I said before, he currently has more individual votes than anyone else but the Socialist Coalition has more overall party votes so Bruce is likely to win despite having less individual votes.

You never know, though. Either way, we'll see who wins when the time comes.
Actually I was thinking of such a situation where the opposition candidate wins by a narrow margin or garners a lot of votes. Here Foster has the single largest vote share. That must mean something in terms of how the government is run. I'd like to know what RT has in store for incorporating weak vs strong oppositions.
Promises to emulate Debs' strategic ambiguity in keeping the nation together, in order to reduce needs to radicalism.

Wow, just wow! This ambiguity is precisely why radicalism is necessary and unavoidable. Why do none of the Socialist candidates stand for anything actually socialist?

Stanley Bruce His motto, "Men, Money and Markets"

Robert M. La FolletteWants to change... to free market


J.S. Woodsworth Calling upon socialists to elect him as president, he promises to restore normalcy and civility and reduce political division.

There is no political division here. There is only the people, striving for liberty and equality, and the criminal enemies of the people, the capitalists who thrive on our poverty and humiliation.

A strong secularist

This is in itself divisive.

he opposes the Communist Party's violence and unconstitutional behavior.

He appoints himself judge and jury, and declares his comrades (assuming he is in any sense a socialist), his comrades who are the victims of the Red Scare hatemongering, to be the guilty parties.

Furthermore, it is entirely in keeping with the spirit and even the letter of the Constitution (the real purpose of the Second Amendment), to take up arms against tyrants in sheep's clothing, such as Wilson and Harding.

Wants to lead a crackdown on ... unlawful political protestors.

:eek:*facepalm* again!

In order to make political protest unlawful, you must first enact antidemocratic laws.

My vote is for Foster. Not that I like his platform much either, but this is a vote for his courage and honesty, in speaking plainly and not tying himself in knots trying to please everyone.
Wow, just wow! This ambiguity is precisely why radicalism is necessary and unavoidable. Why do none of the Socialist candidates stand for anything actually socialist?

They do stand for socalism? Just because they dont want to enact state property doesnt make any of them less socalist? I feel that many years of socialist government has confused you as to what is pure capitalist and what is socialist government

It is possible to run a free market and continue socalism, the government cannot spend funds to improve the lives of its citizens if it has no money and a freer market will assist in that aim. Businesses are already scared to invest because of the communists threat, money buys the read for the people.

There is no political division here. There is only the people, striving for liberty and equality, and the criminal enemies of the people, the capitalists who thrive on our poverty and humiliation.

This is in itself divisive.

Im sorry what was that about divisive? And although you try to dismiss your opponents as criminals is to deny our free speech and right to independent thought, I knew communists feared free thought and discussion and the more I see of your arguments the further I am convinced.

He appoints himself judge and jury, and declares his comrades (assuming he is in any sense a socialist), his comrades who are the victims of the Red Scare hatemongering, to be the guilty parties.

Furthermore, it is entirely in keeping with the spirit and even the letter of the Constitution (the real purpose of the Second Amendment), to take up arms against tyrants in sheep's clothing, such as Wilson and Harding.

Tyrants? You mean democratically elected leaders? Your so called "comrades" are proven vote riggers, assassins and saboteurs, you are little better than the anarchists within your ranks. There has been no red scare! Communists have proven themselves a threat to the government and the people they misleadingly claim to represent.

:eek:*facepalm* again!

In order to make political protest unlawful, you must first enact antidemocratic laws.

My vote is for Foster. Not that I like his platform much either, but this is a vote for his courage and honesty, in speaking plainly and not tying himself in knots trying to please everyone.

You are voting for Foster because he wants to enact state property, there is no need to lie it is your democratic right to vote for him, I only hope you remember this when your candidate is not voted in or will you again try and bring our nation into the pit of anarchy.

By Unlawful protest they mean the riots and destruction caused by communists, or do you think we should allow murders and arsons to occur?
Pliped- Note what he said about Tyrants in sheeps clothing. That implies that he believes they were terrible leaders who didn't follow the Constitution. He didn't say anything about them being legitimately elected or not.
Come on Foster! Pull it out!
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