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An Old Demon

Austin IronFist

The last freedom fighter
Feb 9, 2002
Lubbock, Tx., USA
I don't know how many people here remember me. My name is Austin the Iron Fisted (aka Austin the Great, but I was originaly Austin the Iron Fisted). I was one of the first CivFanatics, back on the old Strategy Gaming-Online forum. Some of the older posters here may remember me for my feuding and obscene-name calling with Stellar Converter :D .
Back a couple of years ago, I launched a failed revolt against this website, because I thought it was evil because the UBB forum destroyed small-community CivFanatics values, or something :rolleyes: .
I was just looking at ol' Apolyton, and I relized what an ass-hole site that is. I relized, while comparing CivFanatics to Apolyton, that though this website may have it's downsides, it is the best website in the on-line Civilization community! Sure, it may have lost some of the personal closeness of it's past years, but in general, getting bigger is better for a website.
I just came here to apologize to Thunderfall and the rest of the administration for any trouble I have caused, and to say to everyone here: If you keep on treating your newbies well and don't start flame wars, you will have what Apolyton probably will never have: a strong and friendly message-board community!

Good-luck CivFanatics.com! ;)

P.S. If you want to contact me, I am currently posting at three forums: A little forum called pub31.ezboard.com/btheantianimeleague,the infamous PlanetACOL.com, and I will probably mosey on down to SNgaming.com/civ3 (CivCenter) once Provost Martin gets the forums back up.
Grettings Austin, and welcome back. A fair proportion of the old timers (strategy famming forums days) have flipped out at one time or another; Yhey are still here in one incarnation or another.
Hey Austin, I too have lost my mind on here more than once! :crazyeyes

Welcome back and I hope you enjoy your times here.
I just came here to apologize to Thunderfall and the rest of the administration for any trouble I have caused,

Apology accepted. :) You did cause some problems here in the past but it's all forgotten. Welcome back. I hope you could become an active member of CivFanatics again.

PS: SGO forum was taken down a week ago. :( I don't think there is an archive of that forum.
That's to-bad about SGO. That little forum was a large contribution to Civfanatics success.

As for me, I am in the process of trying to get a real life! :) All of that time on the computer has hindered my work at school, and my social status amongst my friends. I "donated" my copy of Civ II to a friend, so I wouldn't let it get in the way. Once I get things straightened-out here in the real world, I might take the time to go over to his house and get it back, and go buy a copy of Civ III, but it could take a while to get my grades and everything up....

But until then, I might drop by off-topic here a few times.........
I count six people who have been here since when we got the UBB forum in October 2000. Lefty Scaevola, Thunderfall, SunTzu(aka Gregorius Luxius), CornMaster(I think he was here in October 2000), PaleHorse76, and Fallen Angelord. Also, count-in VanillaCube if he ever posts here anymore.

Didn't Stellar Converter get banned or something?
I just looked at the memberlist. Ok, so there are a few more than I thought. But there still aren't many from the old forum.
So many people have come that I forget when everyone orignally showed up. I can hardly keep track of the current people. I do get sad when I think of some people that don't show their faces around here much anymore like Spaceman Spiff, he was a funny guy. He isn't the only one but I have a bad memory. :D
VanillaCube came back just a few days ago.
Stellar got REALLY banned some time ago, but thats about all I know about him.
This "old community" mythology is older than the site! Those days were full of spam and the two person posting threads (e.g That Vladimir Lenin, then someone else, then back and forth!) I may have joined in Jan 2001, but I had read the boards from time to time a good time before that and I think the community in most respects is gaining by our growth.
The Kitten knows spam. ;)

I do believe this is the most spam free this site has been since I have been here. At least the OT forum, I can't say much for Civ3 forums, don't go there much. Just a bunch of whinners for the most part....but then here I am whinning about them.
Whinning about whinners, yep this site really has come a long way.:D
This site sure is quite spam free and not a lot flame wars are going on either. That's exactly why I like it here. Everyone should be able to complain about the mods but the mods should get credit for making this site the way it is now. Keep up the good work.:goodjob:
Originally posted by Juize
Stellar got REALLY banned some time ago,

Stellar has been rehabilitated. to save the moderators some trouble, please no one tell Austin what Stellar's current handle is.
To save the moderators some trouble, please no one tell Austin what Stellar's current handle is.

Hehehe. I'll find out who he is........... :flamedevi Not because I want to start a flame war with him, but just because I'm curious. ;)
Originally posted by civ1-addict
Whinning about whinners, yep this site really has come a long way.:D
This site sure is quite spam free and not a lot flame wars are going on either. That's exactly why I like it here. Everyone should be able to complain about the mods but the mods should get credit for making this site the way it is now. Keep up the good work.:goodjob:
The check's in the mail!

And Lefty I thought we were under orders to shoot SC on site and any of his new accounts?

Austin, I believe it came down to a little spam war, him versus us.
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