AND2 and SVN Bug Reports - A New Dawn 2 ONLY

2. I installed version 1055. The program alerts me that there is an update available. The program goes through the motions to update to 1061. Then it returns back to the and2_checker program and it is still 1055. There are no messages that the upgrade failed and, for that matter, I can see files being created in the folder temporarily, but it never changes from version 1055. The Launcher keeps encouraging me to update every time.

There is a full installer for 1061 now. There has been an issue with the updater, so this is the easiest way to get 1061 right now.

CTD again in new game with full installer 1061.

I've had one CtD in Ancient with full 1061; I have not turned ML on. Didn't bother to check the log for the reason; I think it was something I did.
CTD again in new game with full installer 1061.

I've checked your save, it's not Movement Limits. It's a new line in the code that supposedly doesn't make Guilds/Corps HQ count as a Wonders slot when Realistic Corporation is active. I'm working to fix it.
Hi. I've been a fan of RoM for years, but haven't had a proper PC for a long time. Decided to give it a go again today, and everything seems fine. Apart from the fact that, at some early but otherwise seemingly random point, the any game I start goes into sustained CTDs with no error messages and nothing helpful in the log. If I reload the last autosave, it'll crash at the exact same turn. This is obviously extremely frustrating; I'll just start getting into the game and then it dies on me. Over and over.
I'm running rev1061 on Win7. I've included the last save and log with this post. Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: Oh, and launching the mod from the included launcher gives me a "5:0000065434" error in Steam. Is running the game through the launcher necessary? If so, how do I fix this?


  • ANewDawn.txt
    148.6 KB · Views: 47
  • AutoSave_BC-3593.CivBeyondSwordSave
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I'm aware of the ctd, I'm about to release the fix. I'm not using a Steam version so I'm not sure but IIRC there's some kind of compatibility option. Also, technically you don't need the launcher, you can load the mod from the Advanced menu in BTS.
SVN 1054 - Demand to ceding leadership on single leader civ.

Small bug here, when you cede leadership, on a single leader civ, Mayans, Native Americans, Sumerian's, there is no other leader available to take over. So you get no change, no running by AI nothing, just -2 "you refused to grant our request" if you at 1st don't accept change in leadership.

Solution - Disable this event for single leader civs, or enable the AI to be the leader inserted.

*Edit*, in addition, I can't build a palisade *edit* and walls. Every time I try to finish it form 1 turn, it locks the game up, either its been accidentally removed as a build for the Mayan's, or its not build-able at all?? Seems to have fixed its self, but 4th time playing save?? Maybe a tech I researched?? Ironworking
I think a better solution in this case would be if the game would assign a random leader that's not in use.
Is there a way to turn on debugging or logging for the launcher? When I try add a module (Mega Civ. pack, but it happens with any of them) It open's my browser to a webpage; in this case to:

EDIT: I tried running a reset but the Module updater sits at 0% and never changes. If I close the module updater and relaunch "and2_checker.exe" I get the message "There seems to be a problem with the previous update. Checking file again." Clicking ok causes a command window to launch for half a second. If I hit print screen quick enough, I can catch "ERROR: The process rsync.exe not found." on the command window. After that, the Module updater resumes sitting at 0%.
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The new build's working like a charm! However, the storms at sea seem to last over 20 turns for some reason. Is this a bug or WAD? The animation of the clouds also seems to freeze after a turn passes. Feels like a far higher damage to fleets but much shorter duration would be more fun IMO.

Oh, and the tooltip of first rank of snowflake (I forgot the name.. :mischief:) says that you can safely cross tundras, though it only reduces the damage.

And whenever I'm declared war upon, other civs claim I "declared war on their friend". Not sure if this is WAD, but if it is, perhaps a change in the string should be changed to make it more clear.
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Movement limits stopped working again with rev 1062.

I've tried a new game and it's still working here; I'll try an older save later.

Edit: check your civilizationIV.ini, see if the last number at the end of the GameOptions string is 1 or 0. If ML is enabled, it should be 1. Sometimes I don't know why CivilizationIV.ini is being reset or overwritten.
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Hmmm.. yes, thats it. You mean these two lines? Only zeros and I changed last number to 1 in both, movement limits start to work again.
Why there are two..? And I had gameoption on, settings in game says movement limit is on but it didint work, Does this mean that there can be other options which are on but wont really works because of those lines of zeros?


; Game Options
GameOptions = 000000000000000000000001

; Game Options
GameOptions = 000000000000000000000001

SVN 1046 - Claiming tiles under with fixed borders.

I seem to be able to randomly claim tiles under fixed borders.

I've claimed one tile, at least 1 vacant square from my borders, but under 1045. Now I can't claim any tiles unless they border my culture.

Is this some undocumented change?? I can claim tiles that border my culture, and I am claiming one that has 1 vacant tile about it.

Able to attach save if required??

More on the claiming of tiles, I've re-loaded the game on a new day, and NOW I can claim tiles AWAY from my culture?? very strange, it borders a barbarian city. Maybe it has to be next to a civs culture?? will test this.

Just tested, and it does need to be adjacent to Culture of a civ, I tried to claim a tile in the open, no good.

Save with Slingers (Barbarian) sent against me. kwaDukuwa in the South of the empire.
Hi. Same issue here. Cannot claim the tile with stone, even though I could claim the one next to it, next to my borders.
(Unlike IPEX, I don't seem to be able to claim tiles next to the borders of other civs.)


  • Gilgamesh AND rev1062 BC-1861 fixed borders bug.CivBeyondSwordSave
    511 KB · Views: 105
The new build's working like a charm! However, the storms at sea seem to last over 20 turns for some reason. Is this a bug or WAD? The animation of the clouds also seems to freeze after a turn passes. Feels like a far higher damage to fleets but much shorter duration would be more fun IMO.

Oh, and the tooltip of first rank of snowflake (I forgot the name.. :mischief:) says that you can safely cross tundras, though it only reduces the damage.

And whenever I'm declared war upon, other civs claim I "declared war on their friend". Not sure if this is WAD, but if it is, perhaps a change in the string should be changed to make it more clear.

Storms WAD, it's a heavy workload especially on bigger maps, so that's a good compromise.
About the promotion, are you sure you are not using Movement Limits and you are outside the limit? You might get some damage for that reason.
DoW is WAD too, you get a penalty for being at war even if you did not start it. I don't remember now, but I think the penalty is higher if you started the war.
Hmmm.. yes, thats it. You mean these two lines? Only zeros and I changed last number to 1 in both, movement limits start to work again.
Why there are two..? And I had gameoption on, settings in game says movement limit is on but it didint work, Does this mean that there can be other options which are on but wont really works because of those lines of zeros?


; Game Options
GameOptions = 000000000000000000000001

; Game Options
GameOptions = 000000000000000000000001

Those lines should only appear once in the ini file. If there's a duplicate, something went wrong. That string shows which options are active (1) or disabled (0). The corresponding options are found inside \Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\Assets\XML\GameInfo\CIV4GameOptionInfos.xml There are some options which are not visible in the starting menu.
If you are using an ALTROOT command, make sure you're looking at the correct ini files because there might be more than one in different places but only the one inside the altroot folder or the one under MyGames\BTS are important.
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Hi. Same issue here. Cannot claim the tile with stone, even though I could claim the one next to it, next to my borders.
(Unlike IPEX, I don't seem to be able to claim tiles next to the borders of other civs.)

You can only claim tiles next to your borders. You cannot claim tiles next to tiles you have claimed. That's the reason why you cannot claim the tile with stone: the closest tile is the one you have claimed, it would not be part of your borders otherwise. This has been changed by Afforess long ago to avoid anyone can build a long string of claimed tiles.
I noticed a small anomaly with Corporate Store buildings and "No Corporations" civics. If you get a corporation into a city, build the Store, and then switch to Planned (so Corporations don't function), the Store continues to have its effects. Under No Corporations civics, you can't found Corporations, train Executives, or spread Corporations with Executives that you've already constructed, but Corporate Headquarters continue to function, cities with an existing HQ can build Corporate Stores, and existing Stores continue to have their effects.

Would it be possible to turn these buildings off if a No Corporations civic is active, the way civic buildings go inactive if you switch civics? Also for No Foreign Corporations civics?
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