Answer an official survey for Civ VI

Balances fixes tweaks wherever it appeared, of course. Customization on top 2 always! Couldn't care less about more or less scenarios... Leaders are always welcomed although I might not buy all of them at full price... Multiplayer is LOW priority for me.
Balances fixes tweaks wherever it appeared, of course.
This one was a hard one for me, I'm not sure if the groupings was random, but each time balance fixes appeared, it seemed to be coupled with all the things I wanted LEAST, for instance:

Balance fixes + New multiplayer modes
Balance fixes + New scenarios

So I basically ended up skipping over that one every time, even though it's actually quite high on my list.
Also $25-35/month is a bit steep for any content. At that point I'm picking and choosing rather than buying it all.

I did the survey - a good idea from firaxis. And i think it is well done from an external company with a great deepth of evalutation.
Dont forget they are professional statisticians.

@Eagle Pursuit
This ist not how it works. What they do is to find out how is the allocation of income or financial possibilities.

For example: (100 Person)
5% has an high income (no limitation). 35% has a middle income. 35% has little income. 25% has no income (high limitation).
And with the costs in the survey they also get statisticly the among of money you have. As i mentioned above - they are professional statisticians.

You always give more informations as you want.. And this indirect questioning is more accurate than asking direct you income, cause people are lying to much ;)
I added ease of play (few clicks, no repetitive tasks, good information display), but I'm not sure they are even reading those.

Customization was my number two, right behind historical accuracy though.

Always glad to help :)
This one was a hard one for me, I'm not sure if the groupings was random, but each time balance fixes appeared, it seemed to be coupled with all the things I wanted LEAST, for instance:

Balance fixes + New multiplayer modes
Balance fixes + New scenarios

So I basically ended up skipping over that one every time, even though it's actually quite high on my list.

That part was a little weird to me, but the idea is typically to try and learn what is more important for you from a smaller subset of questions, as opposed to just using full ranking lists where you might not be truly accurate.

For me the hard ones were whenever anything was paired with "Weekly" and had any price on it. Like I'm not that cheap, I own pretty much all Civ content, but it can take me a week just to get thru one or two games, nothing they could make would get me to open my wallet on a weekly basis. That part I think they could have calibrated a bit better with the subject matter in mind.
This one was a hard one for me, I'm not sure if the groupings was random, but each time balance fixes appeared, it seemed to be coupled with all the things I wanted LEAST, for instance:

Balance fixes + New multiplayer modes
Balance fixes + New scenarios

So I basically ended up skipping over that one every time, even though it's actually quite high on my list.

Yes, those felt kind of random. I really wouldn't want new game systems weekly.

Even though I'm not really a modder, I appreciate the customization aspect and how simple they've made it to change (most) things. E.g. I didn't like the global happiness system in Civ V and all I had to do was change a number.

I wonder why this survey is not more visible, like in the launcher. Might get more people to fill it in.
I would love to have my two fave scenarios return for Cic 6:
Into the renaissance and Empires of smoky skies.

I love the big, epic scenarios.
oh the combo's were randomly generated on the spot. One of the options I got to pick between was "new civs / new wonders / weekly / free" like... sure? GIMME THAT FREE CIV CONTENT <3
"Balance fixes" never showed up as an option for me even once in the "pick your preferred combo" LOL

On the other hand, I twice received options that were identical other than the cost of them … hmmm, do I want to pay more or less for the same thing? Decisions, decisions.
"Balance fixes" never showed up as an option for me even once in the "pick your preferred combo" LOL
Maybe balances&fixes are only interesting for players, who ranked 'Customisation' highest?! ;) :p
I twice received options that were identical other than the cost of them … hmmm, do I want to pay more or less for the same thing? Decisions, decisions.
The AI nailed you on to disclose your darkest secret ...

I had such an endgame too: Choose
a) New Scenarios & balances&fixes WEEKLY for free or
b) New Maps & balances&fixes HALF ANNUALLY for free or
c) New Multiplayer & ???
(after I had always voted Multiplayer down as far as possible)

I think it isn't random at all. One aspect is redundancy in order to iron out inconsistencies made by mistake or on purpose. But the keyword here is Correlation to filter out useful signals in lots of noise ...
A human is often unable to detect any pattern (eg. due to inability of parallelprocessing several choices & short time memory), where the right algorithms can find statistically relevant statements/dependencies.

Incidentally I got "new civs", "new civ leaders", and "new gameplay systems" appear most of the time so I just went with those.

Tbh I want almost everything they brought up really, although I did rate "new maps" and "multiplayer" consistently lower than everything else.

I also got a little excited at the prospect of a Hannibal leader for Phoenicia but I wonder if they'll ever do alternates for DLC civs. :scan:
I can see some wrong assumptions coming out of that survey. For instance:

Do you like RPGs - Yes
Do you like strategy games - Yes
Do you like fantasy games - Yes

Wrong conclusion - you like fantasy strategy games (when perhaps you only like fantasy RPGs).
That was overall a pretty great survey, having to prioritize what I'd like to see made me realize I rate things a bit differently than I'd thought, in particular I found myself preferring graphics more than I thought (though still not very highly), and also that my top priorities appear to be innovation and new gameplay systems. Though there is a point when there are too many of them.

That part was a little weird to me, but the idea is typically to try and learn what is more important for you from a smaller subset of questions, as opposed to just using full ranking lists where you might not be truly accurate.

For me the hard ones were whenever anything was paired with "Weekly" and had any price on it. Like I'm not that cheap, I own pretty much all Civ content, but it can take me a week just to get thru one or two games, nothing they could make would get me to open my wallet on a weekly basis. That part I think they could have calibrated a bit better with the subject matter in mind.

Yup I think this part was weird too. I wonder if it might've made things easier to divide them into choices between things like "Free pricing; balances and tweaks" vs. "$5-10 a month; new civilizations and world wonders". Though I suppose that would make it seem like it's one or the other, which I don't think is what they were looking for. I think the design was very well done.

There are also genres in there that I used to play quite a bit, funny how my habits have changed. Was great to see a reference to Age of Empires :)
Badly done survey. Those combinations seemed too random.

It is rightly done BECAUSE of that.

Those seemingly random combos are designed to:

1- Check for consistency (e.g. have rated an aspect the same way throughout the survey?);
2- Check every permutation, in part based on previous answers.
It is rightly done BECAUSE of that.

Those seemingly random combos are designed to:

1- Check for consistency (e.g. have rated an aspect the same way throughout the survey?);
2- Check every permutation, in part based on previous answers.

Agreed, I eventually started to see a repeat, where I favored what is basically monthly or so balance fixes.

The only thing that confused me was the generic genre thing (Fantasy/Horror/SciFi).
I think the most interesting aspect, is they care about the future of CiVI. Otherwise they wouldn't bother with a survey.

As a devil's advocate, this could simply be planning for what they want to do for civ 7 or any future titles of theirs. It seems pretty late in the cycle for them to change their planned content. Or it could also be trying to decide what "spin-off" to try - like they did with Alpha Centauri or Colonization remakes.
"Innovation" is not exactly defined as to what it means in this context. It could be good or bad. I can think of some design decisions that would be innovative and completely awful.
oh the combo's were randomly generated on the spot. One of the options I got to pick between was "new civs / new wonders / weekly / free" like... sure? GIMME THAT FREE CIV CONTENT <3
Yeah well it's not 'really' about the combo.
Usually at work people know my answer to comments like bad poll. 'it' s the derivative stupid'. Basically the answer are not interesting in isolation , it's the comparison between your answers that are. That's why it's okay to generate a sample of combination at random. In terms of data mining this is well done. I would never dare to impose the twenty random combinations to my customers, but functionally they got what they need to really study their audience.
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