[BNW] Any up to date reliable guides on importing custom models, textures and anims for units?

Jun 14, 2022
Preferably I would want to find somebody who can make 3d models for certain unique units(mostly airship units) that im wanting to add to the game as well as other custom unit models, sounds, animations, ETC, possibly willing to commission/throw money at you if you know how to import custom art defines and or help with animating said art defines. That way something like for example a futuristic flying aircraft carrier isn't using just the steampunk airship model, animations, sounds and textures. That way I can give custom models to all of my Unique units for my mods.

Is there any up to date guides? Reliable ones that is.

Bonus points if its easy to understand and or can be explained in a way that my ADHD brain can piece it together. Please and thank you Civfantics forums! Ive been trying to make custom civ mods for years but could for the life of me not find any guides on how to change art defines.


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For using Blender

you will need blender scripts here they are in the attached zip in case you cant find them
this version offer better compatibility with older modes like civ 4, civ 4's models are in a nif format tend to import better in 2.49 then 2.79

you will need blender scripts here they are in the attached zip in case you cant find them
2.79 is my preferred version when it comes to modelling.
i cant remember for 2.49 but for 2.79 i do not believe the br2 relevant anymore, the fbx export works great now. at least I haven't needed the br2 over right.

i don't use beyond 2.79 so cant cant tell you about 2.8

Well for improvements this is how it goes.

step 1 open blender. hit A to highlight all objects. (the cube and camera) hit X and select delete.

step 2 while in 3d view hit add go to armature then too add single bone.
you can make more bones if you want or need too.

step 3 rename 2 new files. the first 1 the parent will be the name of the model when we view in in nexus and granny. inside there you may sometimes notice more then 1 model inside a gr2 file while viewing it in nexus.
the bone name will also be the name of the vertex we make later i often name mine point01 point02 ect...
every time you make a new one you can still use the same bone names again and again under another parent they can all be bone point01 if you want.

step 4 create or import your mesh. you can do this by importing object and fbx and all other sorts of imports. depending on the mesh you might have to delete other data from it. just get rid of everything but the mesh if it applies. drag that mesh under the first object/models what ever you call it and make that the parent set it as an object when prompted. dont make it the child of the bone. make it the child of the main thing we made.
go to file in the top left then to import and choose your file type.

on a side note when working with nif files you can use nifscope to view the nif and export it as an object file. you don't have to directly import the nif.


step 5
add a vertex group name it the same as the bone you made.
you can assign multiple meshes to the same vertex group

step 6

enter edit mode then tap A twice.
un-highlighting then highlighting all to make sure you have the whole mesh

step 7 with all highlighted in edit mode go back to you vertex group and hit assign.
this must be done per mesh

step 8. enter object mode again.
hit a and highlight all objects
hit ctrl A then go to scale and location

then it will also bring up or make the tab visible the apply object transform


depending on your meshes you might want up to all 3 checked


most people might tell you to do this step
step 9 (optional) adding a modifier - armature
im going to tell you for improvements at least skip that step it is unnecessary and more then that it will ruin/distort your model when they make the gr2 conversion
for making dds files.

step 1. enter edit mode again. make sure atleast faces are selected although in rare cases more might be needed you can hold shift and select them all if needed.

step 2 go to shading/UVs then to unwrap then to unwrap for smart uv project both can be used and both will give different results. you can only use 1 but you can mess around with the options until you get a desired template look


if your mesh us super complicated like these clouds for instance you must wait a few minutes clicking will make it unresponsive and crash just be patient.

the results

you can zoom in using the mouse wheel

you can zoom in pretty far

step 3 export that uv layout as a png file.

you can then open that file in another program like paint.net then save it as a dds file.


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to export the model.

go to the upper left hand corner to file and then to export then export fbx

you can play around with the export setting if and when needed but make sure to have z up so it it standing up the right way.
z axis is the blue one
y axis in the green
x axis in the red
sometimes you may need to make the scale 0.01

99% of the time leave everything but the scale and rotation alone its not until you get into anything complicated do you need those.


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now we convert that fbx to a gr2 with nexus buddy

the latest version is 2.5.3 i have other version on another pc i might post them another time just so you have all version incase for some odd reason a specific version might be needed

open nexus buddy and hit open fbx and select the fbx we made

depending on how complicated you make the models it can take a very long time to load see here were i have made models containing hundreds of meshes i dont have any dds files for them yet so they are ugly and need to be custom but check these out when you get a chance


its the very early stages of a wip but im going to be pretty active im only on asset designing and the early stages of that lol its a very long ways off and very ambitious.

lets talk about the materials assign outside of blender by the nexus mod buddy these define what mesh gets what dds file. and how that dds file works ill explain as it comes up.

-----buildingshader - is used for tile tile improvements/building ect.


diffuse is your main dds

sref is the overlaying dds if you have one. like a simple no gloss dds to remove or lessen gloss. you dont relly need to worry about the rest

----landmarkshaders material is similar to the buildingshader but used on a flat mesh you made in blender to be the ground. defining it as a landmarkshader makes it appear attached to the ground and coloring the ground if not it will float above the ground

----landmarkshaders_stencil this ised used to make an improvement on tree and have the tree be moved. this does it outside of the game making you chop down forest. this will remove tree models where ever the flat mesh is. you can cut holes it it to make a few tree appear if the tile is covered with a flat mesh assign the this it will not span trees where that mesh is. so you can make holes in it where you would like trees on small sections or to just not spawn tree under your building but still have them around it in the same tile. where the mesh is, trees will not be is the jist.
i discus an example of this in a thread here disregard what the person answered he miss understood the post. i go onto to answer the question myself accurately he thought i ment the xml like that makes you remove the tree prior to building the improvement. but that is not what i mean.

unitshader_skinned is like the building shader but for units

you can type in the name of the name of dds when selecting them or find it in the file browser using the 3 dots on the right side. the dds still needs to be properly set up and imported in your mod data but this is also necessary.

make sure all meshes are assign a material and all materials are assigned meshes
you can make as many materials as you need for dds files 1 material to 1 dds file
you can assign a material to to any number of meshes, all your meshes could use 1 material if you wanted or needed


when you go to view the gr2 file you must first save it.
if the model appears in the viewer with a red box it is too large.

to fix this you can

shrink the scale in blend by re-exporting it and choosing smaller scale no need to shrink the model itself

or you can shrink the scale in game in the art defines section


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ok now assuming you know how to set up the xml or sql which ever you are using to set up the building/improvement/unit/feature/ect...
you specifically said you needed help with the art defines. im guessing you might also need help with the .fxsxml and the .ftsxml files also necessary.

for tile improvements

for the fxsxml

<Mesh file="your_model_name.gr2" source="Max" />
<Texture file="your_dds_file_name.dds" source="Max" />
<Texture file="Building_Environment_Dull.dds" source="Max" />
<Texture file="Building_Environment_Sharp.dds" source="Max" />
<Texture file="Building_Sunlight_Irradiance.dds" source="Max" />

just keep listing meshes if you have more then 1

if you want it to be under construction you must make a model that looks that way. set it up just like above but using the new model name. this model is defined in the improvements xml as underconstruction

for a pillaged model you must set it up in the xml as having a pillaged model just like the under construction

<Mesh file="your_model_name.gr2" source="Max" />
<Texture file="your_dds_file_name.dds" source="Max" />
<Texture file="Building_Environment_Dull.dds" source="Max" />
<Texture file="Building_Environment_Sharp.dds" source="Max" />
<Texture file="Building_Sunlight_Irradiance.dds" source="Max" />
<TimedTrigger file="FX_Triggers_ImprovementPLSmoke.ftsxml" source="Tool" model="PL_Biobldg_02" state="3" />
<Bone name="Your_bone_name" />

you may want to even add a fx_bone in nexus mod buddy and use an fx bone made by nexus
go to additional actions go to add scaled fx bone and save
not always necessary but good to know

Improvements do not have artdefines
it is defined in the main xml ill show you how to make it

<Yield>Yield amount number</Yield>
(list all terrain you want it to show up on)
(this allows it to be built on forests and jungles)
<Yield>yield value number</Yield>
(this can change yields based on technology adding or even subtracting)
<Yield>yield value number</Yield>
(this can change yields based on Policies adding or even subtracting)
<Yield>yield value number</Yield>
<Yield>yield value number</Yield>
<Yield>yield value number</Yield>
<Yield>yield value number</Yield>
<Yield>yield value number</Yield>
<FriendlyName>TypeNameHere (this will be the ingame name)</FriendlyName>
<Time>construct time value</Time>
<Remove>true</Remove>(this tells it whether or not you need to chop down the forest or jungle before building the improvement)
<UnitType>UNIT_WORKER(ussually the worker, can be any unit, this allows units to build it)</UnitType>
<Row Tag="TXT_KEY_IMPROVEMENT_TypeNameHere">
<Row Tag="TXT_KEY_BUILD_TypeNameHere">
<Text>text </Text>
<Row Tag="TXT_KEY_BUILD_TypeNameHere_HELP">
<Text> text </Text>
<Row Tag="TXT_KEY_BUILD_TypeNameHere_REC">
<Text> text </Text>

for units

for the ftsxml you can private message me ill walk you through that process if you want or need a custom effect trigger file for a unit.
the ftsxml tells the units effects when to trigger when the gun shots go off, and on what animation and during what action this will also tell your unit what sounds and when to make them.

for the fxsxml file
start with a civ unit from the game that closely resemble how yours will function
it should look like this replacing animation names with the ones you will be using if you have custom animations

<Mesh file="Mesh_name.gr2"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_IdleA.gr2" ec="1000"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_FidgetA.gr2" ec="1040"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_IdleA_Trans_IdleB.gr2" ec="1020"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_IdleB.gr2" ec="2000"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_FidgetB.gr2" ec="2040"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_IdleB_Trans_IdleA.gr2" ec="2020"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Fortify.gr2" ec="1500"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Fortify_Idle.gr2" ec="1520"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Fortify_Idle_Fidget.gr2" ec="1540"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Fortify_Idle_Trans_Combat_Ready_Idle.gr2" ec="1560"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Fortify_Idle_Trans_IdleA.gr2" ec="1580"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Combat_Ready.gr2" ec="1600"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Shuffle.gr2" ec="1450"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Combat_Ready_Idle.gr2" ec="1620"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Combat_Ready_Idle_Trans_IdleA.gr2" ec="1640"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Run.gr2" ec="1400"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Stop_Run.gr2" ec="1440"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Stop_Run_IdleB.gr2" ec="2440"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Charge_Run.gr2" ec="1120"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Charge_Attack.gr2" ec="1140"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_AttackA.gr2" ec="1100"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_AttackB.gr2" ec="2100"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Attack_City.gr2" ec="1160, 1180"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Victory.gr2" ec="1800"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Bombard_Defense.gr2" ec="1280"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Bombard_Defense_Idle.gr2" ec="1285"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_Bombard_Defense_Idle_Trans_IdleA.gr2" ec="1290"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_DeathA.gr2" ec="1200"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_DeathA_Idle.gr2" ec="1220"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_DeathB.gr2" ec="2200"/>
<Animation file="U_Aztec_Jaguar_DeathB_Idle.gr2" ec="2220"/>
<Bone name="Spear"/>
<Bone name="Base HumanRPalm"/>
<Bone name="Base HumanLPalm"/>
<Bone name="Base HumanSpine2"/>
<Bone name="Base HumanHEAD"/>
<Bone name="Base HumanSpine1"/>
<AnimGraph file="SHUFFLE_STOP_GRAPH.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="START_RUN_CHARGE_SHUFFLE.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="ATTACK_TO_RUN_CHARGE_SHUFFLE.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="RUN_CHARGE_SHUFFLE_LOOP.dge"/>
<StateMachine file="1_OMNI_STATE_01.fsmxml"/>
<AnimGraph file="MELEE_ATTACKS.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="FIDGETS_GRAPH.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="IDLE_GRAPH.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="STOP_RUNNING.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="TRANSITIONS_FOR_IDLES.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="FORTIFY_GRAPH.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="COMBAT_READY_GRAPH.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="FORTIFY_LEAVE_GRAPH.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="ENTER_COMBAT_READY_GRAPH.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="LEAVE_COMBAT_READY.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="DEATH_GRAPH.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="ENTER_BOMBARD_DEFEND_GRAPH.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="BOMBARD_DEFEND_LOOP_GRAPH.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="DEATH_FINAL_GRAPH.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="ENTER_FORTIFY.dge"/>
<AnimGraph file="FORTIFY_FIDGET_GRAPH.dge"/>
<TimedTrigger file="fx_triggers_Your_Custom_trigger_or_a_trigger_from_civ_you_want_to_use.ftsxml"/>

art defines

this is a standard art defines for a melee unit i made for some feral ghouls i made.
just change the names out to yours and adjust the scale to soot the scale of your unit
you can change the number of units you can add more then 1 model to a unit too. just make sure all the names correspond to the names you gave the items they are referring too.

<EnableActions>Idle Attack RunCharge AttackCity Bombard Death BombardDefend Run Fortify CombatReady Walk AttackCharge</EnableActions>
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one more thing


adding the " <ZOffset>20</ZOffset> " changes how high it is off the ground the line here is how you make units float

i made my cloud city float by putting the meshes way above the bones. technically it thinks its sitting on the ground. at least the bones are on the ground.
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One day I'll re write a more detailed guide in its own thread and link it here.

But for now I can give you this.

Below is a link to a project I'm working on.
Still in the very early stages.

In the thread I post some rough import pictures of city set graphics. They have no dds files yet so are ugly and not colored.
But it serves as a proof of concept for changing city set graphics.
In that thread I'll link it to the guide for city sets I'll write up that will also include blend templates.
I still need to work out the kinks in the model and get a better under standing of how it functions. As city models are different then every other type of civ model.

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