As far as I know (from dev diaries and other videos), one of the reasons to remove a lot of players during the game, is to "spice up" and shake the game a little bit. For example, the remains of a nation that is being removed will be a juicy target for resources for other nations, making exploration possibly more rewarding and interesting (compared to other approaches in many other 4X). One of the youtubers mentioned that "bandits" will spawn on the ruins, which can make things interesting and maybe surprising even. I'm mildly cautious personally, but interested - we will see how it will play out.Isn't it EXCESSIVELY drastic to eliminate a nation because it is behind in this ranking (I imagine also that of the player, who at this point I assume is "Game-over")?
It seems to be that there will be an option to turn off that human player can be removed this way:
Spoiler pic :
It was mentioned in one of the dev diaries, that they intentionally wanted to add "alternative leaders" - people who had a great impact on culture, science, etc., but weren't political leaders per se. I personally find it kinda weird and don't really agree with it, but I can see the reasoning - some people may feel more connected to people who had a great impact on history, but are not the "famous" conquerors, politicans, and so on. Also, at the end, I don't necessarily mind ... as long as there are "real" options. For example, as long as there is Bismarck for Germany, I don't mind Hildegard of Bingen. Add in modding and extra expansions, I think we'll be fine.The second question is: Who chose the leaders? because I see that for Italy Cesare Beccaria was chosen who was a jurist and a writer etc..., but not a politician, head of state etc... and the same for Poland the chosen one was Nicolas Copernicus who he was a scientist who is like choosing Marlon Brando for the United States, I understand that it is not a fundamental thing but a bit of research on the heads of state of the two nations would have been better