Ares de Borg's Terrain (a community compilation)

Stormrage said:
I only have a problem with the new grassland texture, everything else is sweet :goodjob:

Well, the old one had too many glitches imho.
Heretic_Cata said:
My mod is the first to use it. :smug::p

And hopefully not the last... :D
i really luv the marshes. i modified a bit to my pref's. Wanted to say thanks. here's a screenie, in game.
.....What are the Dots? What are the Dots! I MUST KNOW!
Hi guys thanks for bringing this up . Im liking the jungle terrain, nice blends of tropics. Could someone please tell me which file in this package is the jungle one?

So far I dowloaded and got : 'mountain jungles pcx.' 'Volcano jungles pcx'
and hill jungle pcx.

I don't see the last file Im suppose to have I presumed it would be Jungles by themselves. If anyone knows what the specific name to the file is It would be of great help thanks.

I am happy with all my other old terrain but i just think its time to change the jungles
Uh Ok so I have to trade off on my forest pcx to huh, well I'll think about it then..... Thanks man
question on installing i have civ 3 complete do i install this in conquests folder only. example: conquests/art/terrain folder.? thanks in advance.
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