Ares de Borg's Terrain (a community compilation)

This looks great, this will be in the test before my beta test.
I will test my mod to see how the resources look with Snoopy's and with Rhye's, but i will also test it with your terrain :). If it looks good with my resources this will be the terrain for my mod.
:goodjob: A wonderfull job Ares. [party]
As promised Ares, here are some in-game screenies of the fine work on offer in this thread. All images below are thumbnails for the clicking.

Please note: I have exchanged your jungles, grassland forests and colonies for Snoopy's. I feel they are more appropriate for my scenario. Absolutely everything else is from the DL in the OP.

Nice beaches, palm trees, coastal areas and some varied luxuries have been captured with the terrain here.

Floodplains here and some more, thicker jungle with coastline and hills.

Here we have the drier plains, contrasted with the lusher jungle area. More luxs captured.

Deserts and Mountains. Note the Camel resource fitting in nicely and the buildings on the irrigation, nice touch!

Some sea and ocean here. I love the depth of the blue. Very rich.

Quite a few varied terrains in here. And roads.

A bit drier than the one directly above, on the edge of a desert with mountains.

Finally, a wide shot.

Thanks again Ares, it's perfect :love:
Rambuchan said:
Deserts and Mountains. Note the Camel resource fitting in nicely and the buildings on the irrigation, nice touch!

Ok, I've searched and searched but I can't see it... where's the camel? :blush:
I'm speechless!!! . . . . . .

No really, this is awesome... I love the way the jungle looks. So vibrant and rich... thanks for sharing this with the rest of us!
Ares de Borg said:
Ok, I've searched and searched but I can't see it... where's the camel? :blush:
It's bottom right, beneath the two iron sources.
Rambuchan said:
It's bottom right, beneath the two iron sources.

Aah! Now I see it. :cool:

aaglo said:
Hey, about those barricade-graphics (for this terrain mod):

I think you should edit the colour of the "water trenches" to match the fresh water colour.

You're right, I'll do that soon.
Any chance you will change the Landmark Terrain? Example below


  • untitled2.jpg
    44.1 KB · Views: 325
It is changed... which folder did you copy the files to?

Look at the zip, the files should all be there.


  • Ohne-Titel-3.jpg
    18.9 KB · Views: 283
My bad!

I downloaded the zip file and copied the files over again and now I have it working. Don't know what I'd done first time around. thanks
News: Thunderfall was so kind to add a download mirror so that you can get the pack from the CFC server. You can find the link in the first post.
@TF: Thanks for hosting it. ;)
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