Ares de Borg
Norman Knight
After some time playing with this terrain, I'd like to release it to the public.
This is mostly a graphics compilation.
Over the years, many wonderful terrain packs have been released by creative minds, enhancing the look of Civilization by all means.
I took what I liked most, merged it together, tweaked it to fit my taste and got what you see here.
To all the original creators:
THANK YOU! Without you, this pack wouldn't exist.
I'd like to thank:
Aaglo, Arne, Hikaro Takayama, Joker, Pounder, the RFRE Mod, Rhye, Snoopy, Taé Shala, Varlin Saliptor, Winter, Womoks, and whoever I have forgotten and whose work helped creating this pack.
R8XFT and Stormrage for their support.
The whole community for keeping CIV alive.
I am honored to say that the mods "Anno Imperii" and "The Elder Scrolls" will use this terrain.
Update March 31st: Reworked the water in TerrainBuildings.pcx. File & Preview updated.
Update April 8th: Added the missing polar ice caps to the zip. You can download it separately in Post 46.
This is mostly a graphics compilation.
Over the years, many wonderful terrain packs have been released by creative minds, enhancing the look of Civilization by all means.
I took what I liked most, merged it together, tweaked it to fit my taste and got what you see here.
To all the original creators:
THANK YOU! Without you, this pack wouldn't exist.
I'd like to thank:
Aaglo, Arne, Hikaro Takayama, Joker, Pounder, the RFRE Mod, Rhye, Snoopy, Taé Shala, Varlin Saliptor, Winter, Womoks, and whoever I have forgotten and whose work helped creating this pack.
R8XFT and Stormrage for their support.
The whole community for keeping CIV alive.
I am honored to say that the mods "Anno Imperii" and "The Elder Scrolls" will use this terrain.
Update March 31st: Reworked the water in TerrainBuildings.pcx. File & Preview updated.
Update April 8th: Added the missing polar ice caps to the zip. You can download it separately in Post 46.