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Ares de Borg's Terrain (a community compilation)

Ares de Borg

Norman Knight
Sep 19, 2004
Heart Of Europe
After some time playing with this terrain, I'd like to release it to the public.

This is mostly a graphics compilation.
Over the years, many wonderful terrain packs have been released by creative minds, enhancing the look of Civilization by all means.

I took what I liked most, merged it together, tweaked it to fit my taste and got what you see here.

To all the original creators:
THANK YOU! Without you, this pack wouldn't exist.

I'd like to thank:
Aaglo, Arne, Hikaro Takayama, Joker, Pounder, the RFRE Mod, Rhye, Snoopy, Taé Shala, Varlin Saliptor, Winter, Womoks, and whoever I have forgotten and whose work helped creating this pack.
R8XFT and Stormrage for their support.
The whole community for keeping CIV alive.

Preview (click picture for full Preview @ 1024x768)

DOWNLOAD (5.2 MB): Mirror 1 | Mirror 2

I am honored to say that the mods "Anno Imperii" and "The Elder Scrolls" will use this terrain.


Update March 31st: Reworked the water in TerrainBuildings.pcx. File & Preview updated.
Update April 8th: Added the missing polar ice caps to the zip. You can download it separately in Post 46.
Thank you, Ares. It´s a great compilation. :goodjob:
I'm really glad you posted it so that you can get the praise you deserve. Thank-you for doing it; I've been using it since you sent it me for use with Anno Domini.

It really is the best terrain compilation IMHO and well worth downloading folks :goodjob: !!
Really nice, thanks for sharing it.

Things I like best: The Marshes and the Irrigation
Thing I like least: The Mines (look odd on mountains) and the Coast/Sea (too "grainy" looking).
Looks Wonderful Ares, this compilation will make many people happy including myself....:goodjob:
This terrain art is absolutely wonderful. What a gift!

And I agree this could well take the top spot for fav. terrains. Gotta DL and check this out straight away.

William GBTW said:
Put this on the main CFC page insted of snoopys ugly one.

Please don't forget:
Without Snoopy, this pack would not have been possible. ;)
Great looking terrain. Excellent compilation.:)
Having fiddled about last night, I do believe I am going to be choosing this terrain art for "The Rise & Fall of the Mughals v2". It's dramatic, rich and beautiful. And I don't just mean the scen ;)

I am however going to be adding Snoopy's jungles (they look more subcontinental, less 'mangrovey' somehow) and grassland trees. That's the only change.

Perhaps I'll get round to making up some screenies to post up here. Would you like that Ares?
Rambuchan said:
Perhaps I'll get round to making up some screenies to post up here. Would you like that Ares?

Why not? ;)

Thanks for enjoying.:goodjob:
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