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As a old player of CIV series for 15 years, I have to say CIV5 is the worst

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Also taking out religion was the second worst move. Why, just why? Oh well, another strategic layer of the game wiped out and for what reason? Political correctness? It's bad enough what PC has done to my country, now it's effecting my damn video games, get a freaking grip people.

I doubt it had anything to do with PC, because the religions in Civ IV were all identical to each other, and they were all "good."

Now, if having Islam gave your society special terrorist units, or something like that, then that would have been un-PC.
I've been playing Civ since Civ 1 also, and have noticed some trends.

Civ 1 was groundbreaking in its newness and innovation. It was awesome. Civ 2 was basically Civ 1 with all the best ideas they came up with after seeing Civ 1 in action for years.

Civ 3 took the franchise in a new direction with a new graphics engine and some new concepts. It kinda sucked, IMO, and I didn't play it much at all. Civ 4 took Civ 3's ideas and made them a lot of fun. It's been a great game to have and I've really enjoyed playing it.

Civ 5 is again taking things in a new direction. There are a lot of ideas in the game that I'm having fun with. It's not a perfect game, but I'm enjoying how the cities can have a lot more "personality" when you look at them on-screen. I don't know how much replay value this game is going to have yet.

Chances are that Civ 6 will be similar to Civ 5 but way better, and they'll take the franchise in a new direction with Civ 7 again. It's the circle of CivLife.

I agree that I didn't enjoy Civ 3 at all and hardly played it. Civ 4 grabbed me and I've been enjoying it for years--the best computer game ever, especially with BTS, the latest patch, and I also play with the "Better AI" mod which is amazing--2K games should hire the guy who wrote that mod instead of the bums who programmed the AI for Civ 5.
I also play with the "Better AI" mod which is amazing--2K games should hire the guy who wrote that mod instead of the bums who programmed the AI for Civ 5.

Actually, Firaxis *did* hire that guy for BTS and Colonization. He was no longer available for Civ 5 because, last I heard, he became a buddhist monk! Writing an AI for Civ will do that to a person...

Writing an AI is hard, but 1upt makes it even harder.
Actually, Firaxis *did* hire that guy for BTS and Colonization. He was no longer available for Civ 5 because, last I heard, he became a buddhist monk! Writing an AI for Civ will do that to a person...

Writing an AI is hard, but 1upt makes it even harder.

Whaaaat? Blake? Dale, hes your son right?

Welp, somewhat disappointing in any case that he couldn't be involved with Civ5.

Alexman, I don't suppose you have any comment on how the AI was going and if the release AI is the best its been performing?
I go back to Civ I on PC and I think V is a worthy addition to the franchise. It does not seem to me that the shortcomings in vanilla 1.0 state cannot be patched or fixed or modded.

Other than the stability issues, there is nothing annoying in V remotely on the level of some of the problems you had with IV and III when they originally came out. I can't remember which of the two it was, but there was NOTHING remotely as annoying to me as when I would smash another civ's stack of doom and take his city with like 15 armor. I LEAVE all those units and maybe an "army" in the city to try to reduce the dissent, and then, one turn later..... CULTURE FLIP. And all my units disappear.

C'mon! I'm still torqued off about that nonsense all these years later. Not to mention the permanent damage to my hearing that would occur in IV for the longest time whenever a SAM unit would get selected and the computer speakers would shriek out some diabolical jet engine noise.
Thank you for your warning. I just played the demo. AWFUL! Sid must be on an island playing with his money because this is terrible. Kids won't even like this.
Alexman, I don't suppose you have any comment on how the AI was going and if the release AI is the best its been performing?

No, sorry, I was not involved with Civ5 at all. In fact, I left Firaxis last November.
Thank you for your warning. I just played the demo. AWFUL! Sid must be on an island playing with his money because this is terrible. Kids won't even like this.
Sadly no - kids will LOVE it pwning stupid AI on Emperor+ :(
It's just a shame that core audience for this game are grownups, lots of them with non-casual approach (like me :devil:)

All we can hope for is for Firaxis to realise that AI amongst other things needs fixing asap and patch, patch, and patch. Modding comes second, firstly we need fixes.
I think they take up way to much of the screen, even with the smaller interface option selected.

Interface is all the stuff on your screen that's not the game. The huge buttons, constantly having to minimize the tech info, stuff like that.

Can we even rotate the camera anymore?

Now come one, rotate the camera? In IV you could move it to the left and right 45 degrees, which I think I did twice in the years I've been playing. And the UI in V for most of the time is gone, all you have is a thin strip on top and the mini map. The UI is actually a very good thing about V.
I enjoy it, especially when the AI makes me worried by flooding a city with units. The AI needs to be a bit more intelligent. The excitement is when you feel a chance to lose and you have have to focus and optimize in order to survive. This AI is too easy to peck to death and then steamroll its cities. If you keep on the offense it doesnt seem capable of recognizing this and making better use of its units to fight a war of attrition, it usually takes heavy loses to its units while you are able to retreat and heal.
I agree. The battles are fun. BUT since the made 5 more simple to manage, it also became more booring. I miss the depth of civ. I mean, what tech should i research in order to use some specific goverment etc. The wonders seems dull and non-important in 5 while the felt to be very important in 4.
5 is still a good game, but its no longer unique and is one among a lot of others.
Many comments just say something along "just wait for a patch or a mod, and it will be fixed...".
If there is a comment unfavorable to Civ5, another post will counter attack uing the generic "wait for more...".

I feel sad.

It is now normal to people to accept something unfinished.

The game is officially released. It is not for free.
It is perfectly normal to judge it the way it is NOW.

It is NOT normal to judge it according to what it can be, mod or patch.

I do not buy a game for its patches, or its moding community.

If I pass a test and I fail, there is no way to say : "just forget what I did, I can add better later...".

Test is done. You pass, or you fail.

Civ 5 failed the test for me. It passed for some other players.

Let us see now if it will pass its OWN test !
I agree with everything you said plus one straight-forward point. It stinks! Honestly this is AWFUL and I'm an open person.
No, I think kids won't be impressed with this and I see what kids like and it's not this. I also don't think any AI will help this pathetic thing. I'm choosing to forget Civ V so I can enjoy the other Civ products (don't like Colonization either). Thanks for your honesty.
Civ5 looks like Civ2

Time has made its desicion

and it is not my opinion, it is fact

Civ3 and Civ4 are the highlights of the franchise

the others? - slow, non dynamic graphics, non dynamic units

the evidence is clear
Alexman, this explains a little why it's so bad. I'll stop hollering...I just can't believe this. Wow. I'm shocked.
While I'm "ok" with Civ V, I can understand where the complaints are coming from. It's hard to describe or quantify but V just doesn't seem to have that massive scale feel to it that IV has. And I fully acknowledge and understand that V deserves the same amount of time that it took IV to get to that point. The AI needs work, no doubt about it. I had 3 Civ's all declare war on me at the same time, and I hardly even feel threatened. It's been going on for a little while now and it's amazing how little I feel threatedned by 3 Civ's all declaring war on me at the EXACT same time. I've wiped all their units out, and i don't see any stationed behind near their cities. So I may even go on the offensive and try to wipe one or more of them out. And to me.....that just shouldn't happen. I mean it never even got to the point of them attacking one of my cities directly....I just took out all their units. 3 different Civ's.

I think I may go back to IV for a while until patches can make some much needed adjustment to V. In my gaming lifetime, I've never enjoyed a game more than Civ IV. So it may even be a situation where it's impossible for V to truly be something great in my eyes. I think the foundation is there, but I also think that the game needs a lot of work. AI MUST be made smarter, it's not an option. Diplomacy doesn't need to be some big huge undertaking, but it needs to be a little more than Alexander riding up and telling me I stink. Some balancing in terms of the tech tree and production would be welcome as well.

I'm not abandoning V, but I think I'm giving it a bit of a break. I'll keep checking the forum to see what's been updated, etc so I know when to give it a try again but in my eyes, IV is just too much of an overall great package. The only thing I dread going back to is the stack of doom, as that is 1 thing V is most definitely better at.
Firaxis: "Can you build a Civilization game that will stand the test of time?"
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