Athenian Democracy

I support waiting with rome for now. We should balance our apraoch until we have a good base to spam military from. Then, we attack rome.

So, you vote for no wars in the Ancient/Early Classical Era?

An early rush would work better.

And I'm aware we can't officially align with them at this point, but its mostly for idea and character.

So noted. You can't officially vote on that though ATM.
This thread needs bouleutai and dikastēria before it can be considered a proper Athenian democracy. :shake:

I'll leave voting open for a bit longer for people to get their votes in, but unless someone votes otherwise we're building our military and killing Rome early.
Rome will kill you all.
Um you abviously dont realize when i said 'attack rome later' then i was implying for no early rush.

Btw, long island IS part of the US.
Um you abviously dont realize when i said 'attack rome later' then i was implying for no early rush.

Btw, long island IS part of the US.

Sorry, so its 2-1 now?

Also, I am fully aware, but I said "Not US" because Cutlass, a liberal, was making fun of me in Off Topic saying "You should visit the US sometime." Meanwhile, I live in one of the most liberal states there is.
New york isnt very Liberal...
For the US, Chicago is more liberal than New York IIRC. Its just you are so right in general, almost everybody seems left.

And on that note, I just became more center. Wonderful.

I would advise a chariot rush over an axes rush.
For the US, Chicago is more liberal than New York IIRC. Its just you are so right in general, almost everybody seems left.

First off, do you mean NYC or New York State? If the latter, its a meaningless comparison. And Chicago is just one city.

And on that note, I just became more center. Wonderful.

I hope you someday learn in the US that the further left you are fiscally the more you dislike liberty.

I would advise a chariot rush over an axes rush.

So far, we have no resources, so something like this will be decided based on what I find. And, I'm going to play in a few minutes. I'll post again when I'm done.

Voting closed.
:confused: That´s the other way around, D3k.

Let's not vote on that one:crazyeye:


Turn 76: As the Greeks have just learned how to mine Iron and begun preparing to send out workers to mine the nearby metal, something unexpected happened. A group of missionaries from the far away land of Jerusalem have come to Athens teaching a new faith saying "Convert to Judaism, the true religion of faith."

We have met France, Persia, and the Mali people during this time.

"The vote is as follows" Domination, Mayor of Athens, said, "What should we do with these missionaries? Only Arabia has accepted this new faith, meanwhile, four of our neighbors follow the Buddhist creed. Should we accept this new religion and accept the grudging reactions of our Buddhist neighbors, and give up the Old gods and risk angering the followers of the Greek gods and allow these missionaries to teach in Athens, or should we simply send them back to Israel in peace?"

"Neither!" One Spartan shouted "Behead them, so that both the true worshippers of Zeus and the followers of Buddha shall become friendly with Greece!"

"I suppose we can vote on it" Domination said, "Citizens of Athens, you and you alone can choose the fate of these men."

OOC: I'm not going to tell what the effect in game is going to be if you execute the missionaries, but be aware it will make a difference of some kind.

EDIT: To clarify, your options are:

Convert to Judaism

Don't convert to Judaism, but allow the religion and peacefully send the missionaries back to Jerusalem

Ban the religion and behead the missionaries.

And remember, majority rules!
Number 2 don't convert but send the missionaries back peacfully.
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