Atlantis: What is it all about?

Was Atlantis real?

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I'm not learned enough to figure out angles, but I do think the slope of the great pyramid (52 degrees) might give us a clue

the pyramid is ~30 degrees N minus 52 is 22

I'd run simulations for a planet that size with a 3600 year, 22 degree inclined orbit with perihelion between Mars and Jupiter and I'll bet such an object would cause our tilted solar system.
Yes, the 9 worlds anyway and thats what the tree represents... But I meant to show how the #9 appeared in both Toltec and Norse cosmology. Did your professor tell you about Votan? He's a Central American god... and thats one of Odin's names. Woden, Wotan, Votan. Might be a connection, number nine... number nine ... number nine...number nine. But a recent diffusion.
He said nothing about Votan.

Y'know, the only way this post makes sense is if you're talking about Robert Silverberg's novel Roma Eterna. Rome never did fall, Christianity never happened, and by the time Roman explorers reached the New World, they discovered that if they wanted to conquer the Aztecs, they'd have to contend with the Vikings, who got there first.

What started plate tectonics? Remember the link to the mystery of the Moon's tilt? Mass totaling 60-120% of the Moon hit the Earth in a series of collisions disrupting the Moon's tilt... or maybe... the collisions changed the Earth's tilt. This battering happened about 4 bya, for how long idk but thats what caused plate tectonics.

The crust was plastered releasing rock and water and when things settled down Earth had less water and a thinner crust with multiple 'bubbles' of especially dense 'rock' sinking into the mantle. Researchers have found evidence this happened by studying seismic waves traveling thru the mantle, these blobs of hotter and denser material came from impacts.

When something hits the Earth it drives plate tectonics. A rock about 6 miles wide hit Mexico ~66 mya and it triggered a vast eruption of magma on the other side of the world in India. When 50-100 mile wide rocks hit the Earth the denser material sinks into the mantle churning up material sending it to the surface. Impacts started plate tectonics.

Thats why the Moon's face is a vast impact basin, the material hitting it was dense. The side of the Moon facing us is denser and lower in elevation than the far side. Maybe that was the side facing the incoming rogue planet and its moons when the Earth was hit several times. The end result was plate tectonics and life. God's "Light" produced day and night, thats a collision spinning this world.
I've just watched a couple of videos on plate tectonics. Neither of them said one syllable about collisions being the cause.

How does that other stuff contradict my interpretation? Not every image on a wall of rock art will depict the same thing, Look at the Incan depiction of their creation story, Viracocha is an ellipse. I didn't interpret that, the Inca said its Viracocha. So now we have an idea how Viracocha may be represented by past cultures like the Nazca ground images of animals with 4-5 and 5-6 fingers.
The Incas wrote down what they thought was important. They had no idea that you'd come along several centuries later and mistake stuff they wrote to mean something completely different.

it explains all sorts of oddities about the solar system, from a tilted asteroid belt to planets that dont orbit the Sun's equatorial plane. They've been dragged off it by a large planet with an elliptical inclined orbit. I'm sure these people looking for the 9th planet are aware of Sitchin and I'll bet they're focusing on the southern hemisphere.

What "satellites" was Sitchin referring to? There aren't any there!
An interesting article published today that may interest some here, particularly the "Not true, but likely based on some kernal of fact" crowd:

Is this Britain's 'Atlantis'?
"The thriving port town of Dunwich was lost to storms in the 13th Century. But scientists recently have discovered that it wasn't lost at all – it's simply underwater."
From the American southwest

Spoiler for many images :


notice the line coming off the 4th digit on the right hand?



and from Australia







the 'spirit' with 4 and 5 digits

compare to the Nazca monkey and bird
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sorry, I'll remember to spoiler multiple images

An interesting article published today that may interest some here, particularly the "Not true, but likely based on some kernal of fact" crowd:

Is this Britain's 'Atlantis'?
"The thriving port town of Dunwich was lost to storms in the 13th Century. But scientists recently have discovered that it wasn't lost at all – it's simply underwater."

Wow, I didn't know that was so recent. That was nearing the end of the medieval warm period right before the plague and little ice age arrived. When I first saw your post I was thinking of the flooding that happened when the Channel was land. Wiki says

The melting ice and rising sea levels submerged Doggerland, the area linking Britain to France 6,500–6,200 BCE.

That would have been 3k+ after Plato's Atlantis, they've discovered the terrain under the channel resembles the Scablands of Washington and Oregon with deep plunge holes created by massive waterfalls. At 425kya and 225kya the channel was carved when vast reservoirs of water broke thru, but it repeatedly floods with the ebb and flow of ice sheets. I'm surprised we haven't found evidence of 'modern' humans in England until 10kya when we were so close for so long, people crossed straits to reach Australia 50-60kya. Maybe it wasn't all that great during the ice age.

I've just watched a couple of videos on plate tectonics. Neither of them said one syllable about collisions being the cause.

Did they offer a syllable on what created plate tectonics? We can see what happens to a body's crust from impacts:


we discovered the unexpectedly large amount of mass hundreds of miles underneath the South Pole-Aitken basin. One of the explanations of this extra mass is that the metal from the asteroid that formed this crater is still embedded in the moon’s mantle. We did the math and showed that a sufficiently dispersed core of the asteroid that made the impact could remain suspended in the moon’s mantle until the present day, rather than sinking to the moon’s core.

Something large and dense hit the Moon about 4 bya and the remains are buried in the Moon's mantle. The same phenomenon happened on Earth, large objects shredded the crust leaving dense blobs of material sinking into the mantle towards the core. The study of seismic waves have identified these planetismal sized anomalies.

This article is about the Imbrium basin:

They estimate the size of the impactor at 150-180 miles wide and hit 3.8 bya. There's a good 40-50 km difference in the thickness of lunar crust between the highlands on the far side and basins much like the Earth's continental and oceanic crust, but whereas most of the moon's surface is considered highlands most of the Earth's surface is thin oceanic crust about 5 km thick, ie, Earth's crust was subject to a heavier, more extensive bombardment.

How did that translate into plate tectonics? A thicker crust was thinned and cracked by several large impacts, the immersion of hot dense material produced convection with magma rising up into the crust and erupting thru to the surface at plate boundaries or spreading out underneath the fractured crust carrying it with the horizontal flow of magma.

Is the "point" you're attempting to make any different from any others that have been previously debunked or dismissed in this thread?

Well, we find the handbag in both the old and new worlds ranging over 10,000 years from Gobekli Tepe to the Maya and Toltec and now we can see the religious emphasis on a being - a creator god - with 4 digits on one hand and 5 on the other. And thx to the Nasca and Inca we know the relationship is cosmological.

A planet orbiting thru the asteroid belt region divides the solar system in two, 4 inner planets and 5 outer planets. Thats why Genesis claims God created Heaven and Earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th, the Earth formed at the asteroid belt as the 6th planet from outside the solar system and after the collisions came to rest as the 7th planet... and thats why the number 7 is sacred. The Sumerians symbolized Mars and Venus as 6 and 8 pointed 'stars' because they are now the 6th and 8th planets.
Did they offer a syllable on what created plate tectonics?
How did that translate into plate tectonics? A thicker crust was thinned and cracked by several large impacts, the immersion of hot dense material produced convection with magma rising up into the crust and erupting thru to the surface at plate boundaries or spreading out underneath the fractured crust carrying it with the horizontal flow of magma.
Convection is produced by the inside being hot and the outside being cold. It is a long term process that will not be greatly influenced by impacts.
Well, we find the handbag in both the old and new worlds ranging over 10,000 years from Gobekli Tepe to the Maya and Toltec and now we can see the religious emphasis on a being - a creator god - with 4 digits on one hand and 5 on the other. And thx to the Nasca and Inca we know the relationship is cosmological.
Needs stats. If 90% of cave art had the same arrangements of fingers then you may have a point. If these are all the pictures that have this arrangement out of the thousands we have found then it is not very strong evidence.
Well, we find the handbag in both the old and new worlds ranging over 10,000 years from Gobekli Tepe to the Maya and Toltec and now we can see the religious emphasis on a being - a creator god - with 4 digits on one hand and 5 on the other. And thx to the Nasca and Inca we know the relationship is cosmological.
Louis Vuitton sure got around! Maybe he was really a Gallifreyan who liked human fashion accessories.

A planet orbiting thru the asteroid belt region divides the solar system in two, 4 inner planets and 5 outer planets. Thats why Genesis claims God created Heaven and Earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th, the Earth formed at the asteroid belt as the 6th planet from outside the solar system and after the collisions came to rest as the 7th planet... and thats why the number 7 is sacred. The Sumerians symbolized Mars and Venus as 6 and 8 pointed 'stars' because they are now the 6th and 8th planets.

Once you're outside the atmosphere, stars don't look like they have points.
Once you're outside the atmosphere, stars don't look like they have points.
Is this true? The twinkling of stars if dust in the atmosphere, but I thought the "flare" you see on points of light is a function of our eyes. Of course there is no good reason to expect aliens to have similar eye structure to us.
Is this true? The twinkling of stars if dust in the atmosphere, but I thought the "flare" you see on points of light is a function of our eyes. Of course there is no good reason to expect aliens to have similar eye structure to us.
It's a function of the atmospheric distortion. Take a look at the photos of stars taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. Do they twinkle? No.
It's a function of the atmospheric distortion. Take a look at the photos of stars taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. Do they twinkle? No.
Twinkling is definitely an atmospheric effect, caused by dust I think. The "flare" that makes stars and other point light sources "star shaped" is I think a diffraction effect caused by the structure of our eyes, and would be present if we were in space.
Twinkling is definitely an atmospheric effect, caused by dust I think. The "flare" that makes stars and other point light sources "star shaped" is I think a diffraction effect caused by the structure of our eyes, and would be present if we were in space.
A quick bit of googling tells me that astronauts do not see stars twinkling.
A quick bit of googling tells me that astronauts do not see stars twinkling.
I am sorry if I am being unclear, there are two quite separate effects here. Twinkling, as in changes in apparent luminosity of stars as seen from the ground is definitely an atmospheric effect, is caused by dust in the atmosphere and does not occur in space. Flair, as in a point source of light appearing to have "lines" emanating from it so as to make it appear that it is star shaped, is a result of diffraction within our eyeball and happens anywhere we see such a point of light. We also see it in space based telescopes, though I am not certain it is the same effect. Here is the first picture of a star that the James Web telescope took the other day, and I posted in the space thread:
Convection is produced by the inside being hot and the outside being cold. It is a long term process that will not be greatly influenced by impacts.

Needs stats. If 90% of cave art had the same arrangements of fingers then you may have a point. If these are all the pictures that have this arrangement out of the thousands we have found then it is not very strong evidence.

These were very large impacts depositing highly radioactive metal rich planetismal-sized objects in the upper mantle and they've been sinking deeper toward the core and we can see them with seismic waves. Or maybe they're something else, but we can see from the Moon, impactors large and dense enough will not just leave a mark on the surface but plunge thru the crust into the mantle perhaps pancaking like a bullet and sinking toward the core.

I dont know if they got the dating down yet for the dino killer and Deccan traps in India but they appear to have been on opposite sides of the planet at the same time and that rock was 6 miles wide. Imagine a 200-600 mile wide rock, imagine several followed by a rain of smaller chunks in the 10-50 mile wide range.

The rock that created the Imbrium basin on the Moon (the man's right eye) with a glancing blow is now estimated to be 150-180 miles wide and that was 3.8 bya. The Aitken basin near the south pole created 4 bya left a blob of dense material about 5x the size of Hawaii's big island in the mantle. Compare the differences in lunar elevations between the Aitken basin and the highlands to the north, thats a lot of crust taken out by that impactor.

Thats why we have so much trouble finding Earth's original rock. Researchers dated the Earth based on meteorites, we haven't found terrestrial rock that old (many meteorites are Earth's lost crust). This led the experts to think the Earth was a primordial hell the first ~1/2 billion years, they even called it the Hadean period because the surface was believed to be molten.

But they were wrong, the Earth had surface water as far back as 4.3-4.4 bya not very long after the impact that gave us the Moon. The water may have even preceded that collision, recent research says the Earth formed surrounded by water. The oldest terrestrial 'rock' we've found are mineral zircons dating back 4.3-4 bya and they formed in water. That poses a problem, we've been told the Earth couldn't form this close to the Sun with all this water so they've been trying to import our water with comets and asteroids hitting the Earth after it formed here.

As I recall from an article I read about these dense blobs in Earth's mantle, one was under Africa and the other was under the Pacific. I think these are the remnants of impacts with large objects. These impacts were long after the planets swept up material, so researchers argue the migrations of outer planets caused 'the late heavy bombardment'. Which is interesting given how various myths/religions describe the period before the creation of Heaven and Earth and life itself as chaotic, the Enuma Elish even says the divine brothers banded together disturbing Tiamat.

Within the mantle, there are two massive blob-like structures, roughly on opposite sides of the planet. The blobs, more formally referred to as Large Low-Shear-Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs), are each the size of a continent and 100 times taller than Mt. Everest. One is under the African continent, while the other is under the Pacific Ocean.

The two may have different densities, the one under the Pacific is 600+ miles lower.

As for rock art, not every image will convey the same information. For example, the image I posted earlier of the Incan depiction of Viracocha shows him to be an ellipse between 2 sets of celestial objects in groups of 4 and 5. There are many images on the panel that do not depict Viracocha. The Nazca monkey is an earlier version of Viracocha as he stares down between two paws with 4 and 5 digits. The Nazca 'bird' with 4 and 5 digits is another example.

In the 9 Mile Canyon panel the horned deity in the top row has 5 sheep to its right and 3 to its left, that shows us the solar system before creation, before the warrior lower and right of the top row slays the horned deity. After the celestial battle the remains of the horned deity move left in the row and the warrior occupies that location and returns to whence it came, captured into an elliptical inclined orbit with perihelion between Mars and Jupiter.

The Toltec conception of the cosmos was 9 Lords ruled the night but there are 13 levels of Heaven - their creator occupies 2 levels in Heaven. Combine this with the 9 Mile Canyon creation story we can see their creator has an inclined elliptical orbit with perihelion between (or above) Jupiter and Mars. Thats why our solar system is tilted, this other planet has dragged everything off the Sun's equatorial plane. This tilt has been mentioned by 9th planet researchers as evidence for their theory.

Here's the post with images of the creator and creation

3.8 bya for plate tectonics...maybe

evidence for the earliest subduction comes from zircon crystals found in S Africa

In an exciting step forward in solving this mystery, in 2018 Drabon and her colleagues unearthed a chronological series of 33 microscopic zircon crystals from a rare, ancient block of crust in the Barberton Greenstone Belt in South Africa, that formed at different times over a critical 800-million-year span from 4.15 to 3.3 billion years ago.

Hafnium isotopes and trace elements preserved in the Greenstone Belt zircons told a story about the conditions on Earth at the time they crystalized. Zircons 3.8-billion-years-old and younger appeared to have formed in rock experiencing pressures and melting similar to modern subduction zones, suggesting the crust may have started moving.

"At 3.8 billion years there is a dramatic shift where the crust is destabilized, we have new rocks forming and we see geochemical signatures becoming more and more similar to what we see in modern plate tectonics," Drabon said.

In contrast, the older zircons preserved evidence of a global cap of "protocrust" derived from remelting mantle rock that had remained stable for 600 million years, the study found.

So 4.4bya to 3.8 bya the Earth had a solid, stable crust then something destroyed the surface of that early proto-Earth and left behind what became plate tectonics and the land building processes we still see today.

this followed the late heavy bombardment, a period of time during which large objects struck the Earth-Moon system.

Genesis says the water preceded the dry land and life in that order
Genesis says the water preceded the dry land and life in that order
How would the writer of genesis know what happened 3.8 billion years before?
They were pretty dumb. The sun wasn't invented until day 4. :hmm:

God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

Sun was already there on the 1st day. Notice how night preceded day? Thats because the world described in Gen 1:2 was covered by water and darkness and ended up with the Sun and Moon dominating our sky by the 4th day. There is a scientific explanation for that - this world didn't form here, it was moved here closer to the Sun from a more distant orbit. One where neither Sun or Moon dominated the sky because it was much darker.

And thats where our water came from, the solar system's 'frost line' divides the asteroid belt into a wetter outer belt and drier inner belt, this is where gas condensed into water. Now thats interesting given the Norse belief creation happened where fire and ice meet.

God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night.

The terminology suggests these were not created but appropriated or became relevant as a result of creating Earth, Genesis was describing our sky. As a result of creation God made the Sun and the Moon govern our sky.

Hmmm...I thought it was the Sumerians, and they got it from the Anunnaki. You are mixing your mythologies or something.

No, same mythology... The Enuma Elish creation epic says Tiamat was the watery dragon (biblical tehom, the deep) and it preceded land and life. The people who gave us the biblical version were careful about their attributions, they would have been at odds with every culture around them had they claimed God created the Sun and Moon. What the myths say is God created the sky, land and life in that order. The monotheists compiling Genesis tried to edit out embarrassing information while keeping the essence of the story intact and they did a decent job.

I know this is better suited for the Atlantis thread, but I do like posting scientific news corroborating the Bible
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