This is why the word "crap" is useful, though on the first gaming forum I belonged to, I had to ask that it be removed from the autocensor.
I was running Iron Pen on that forum (this was about 19 years ago), and someone submitted a story that had a spinning green skull smiley in the middle of a sentence. I knew that this was the substitute the admins used for words that were censored, and figured uh-uh, I was not going to post that story with the skull in it, because it would mean an unfair advantage for the other person. I PM'd the writer and asked what word he'd originally used, he said "crap", so I figured that's not such a bad word.
The way I explained it to the admins was this: As synonyms for feces go, "crap" is pretty mild. And since I had a reputation for being one of the most easily-offended people on that forum (at that time; a lot has changed in 20 years), if the word didn't offend me, I doubted it would offend anyone else. Could they please remove it so I could post both the Iron Pen stories and stay on schedule?
They agreed with me and removed it. The story was posted with the word "crap" in it, and the contest proceeded as normal.
But that doesn't mean I'm going to quote Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and have Kirk say, "No, ma'am. No dipcrap."
And here's another thing: Rules have been relaxed when it comes to posting YT videos with swearing, and also some images. Yes, we're told to tag them as NSFW, which is reasonable. I'm detecting some inconsistency here.