[b]Spoiler for The Grand Opera[/b]

A reply from Niklas (Maya):

Dear Diva,

we are a bit disconcerted to hear that there is another people inhabiting our continent that we have not yet met. Our Carthaginian neighbors must surely know them, yet they have not said a word about it. We even stopped exploring in that direction, thinking the Carthaginians were at the end of the world. I shall dispatch a rider at once, and thank you for the information!

As for a trade, we would gladly trade you IW for Mathematics, but as for gold we have it in short supply. We acknowledge the fact that Maths is more expensive than IW (even though we haven't learned how to count yet), and that even IW+20 gp for Maths is a good deal for us. Yet we believe that you with your many contacts would benefit greatly from such a trade, and do not think it overly greedy to ask that the trade be Maths for IW straight up. Is this agreeable to you?

With hopes of a speedy and positive reply,
High Pope Stoned-Maize Niklas of Popa Cornitza

from Aigburth of the Ottomans:


Thanks for this, I agree with your proposal. Warrior Code and Ceremonial Burial arrived safely and with much gratitude, I have sent mathematics with accept back in return.

Best regards

and two from donsig of China:

Dear Diva,

Thank you so much for accepting our offer. :) The barbarians troubles are partly our own fault since we could not resist disturbing a village we found.

Yes, we are using the Carthaginian alphabet. We tried drawings but found that too cumbersome.

We have nothing else to offer and it will be a long time before we have anything new since we have embarked on a rather ambitious project to catalog the gods - and there are so many of them! This project will take us many years. We will be glad to share the results with you when our list is complete.

caretaker of China

Dear Diva,

How silly of me to have over looked iron working when we just traded bronze working to you! I have sent this along in the hopes you will make an offer for it. We are interested in techs and or gold. :)

caretaker of china

The response from the Maya is not quite acceptable. I have been rather kind to him and then he tries to rob me blind. Am I asking for a share of his population? Then why is he asking for a share of my discoveries?

Fortunately, donsig is trying for a deal too. I would rather send Writing to donsig than Maths to Niklas, and keep Maths in reserve for future deals. So this is sent to donsig, and I keep quiet to Niklas for a moment:
Dear donsig, caretaker of china,

One of my warriors also made the mistake of disturbing the barbs. But thanks to good luck, or perhaps his brilliant hero-tenor, he solved the problem himself. If only you had been so lucky!

How fortunate that you have Iron Working, as my people are longing for this technology. I am willing to sell you Writing for Iron Working + 2 gpt (for 20 turns). Is this acceptable to you?

Your project of the "catalogue of gods" sounds interesting. Please let me know when you finish it, perhaps we can make a deal again!

Best regards,
Diva Zyxia

(OOC: Btw, for some reason your last email ended up in my spam box. I wonder whether it was triggered by the word "iron" or the word "working" :).)
Act I, scene 8

Cycle 63, 1425BC.

A round of many trades! BW and 1 gpt came in from donsig of China, and Math from aigburth:
Spoiler :

I return Myst + HBR:
Spoiler :

No reply from donsig yet, so I place Writing on my side and send it back without accept:
Spoiler :

Niklas offers IW, but I ignore this for now.

I sent a message to Tomasjj. He has Philo, which interests me
Dear Chief,

It's been a long time since we talked! I hope everything is going well in your lands. Is the anarchy hurting badly?

I have recently obtained Mathematics, and notice you lack this technology. Would you be interested to trade for it? I am interested in everything except IW.

Best regards,
Diva Zyxia

I sent this reply to Niklas:
Dear High Pope,

Oh, those treacherous Carthaginians! Anyway, I wish you good luck on your expedition.

I'm glad to hear you found my proposal to be fair. But frankly, I am amazed by your counter proposal, and find this unacceptable.
Indeed, my people have invested in this sailing expedition, our most sturdy men have risked the high waves to come to your shores. Rightly, the trade advantages that come from such an investment belong to my people. If I can get some trade value out of IW (which doesn't seem likely, as you know both your neighbors have it already), this rightly belongs to me.

But let's try to leave this unfortunate episode behind us. I'll show my good intentions by proposing another deal. You mentioned that you are researching CoL. I am researching Literature, and expect to finish within 10 turns. Would you be interested in a straight swap of these technologies?

Best regards,
Diva Zyxia

And a short acknowledgement to Aigburth:
Dear Sultan,

I hope all is well in your empire!

I have received Math, thank you! Myst and HBR are in the mail.

Best regards,

The barbs have galleys! Does this mean someone has Map Making? If so, then it must be Paul. Here is the tech situation right now:

The only changes are the trades that I made. And of course I gained the knowledge that everyone has IW, and noone has Currency.

Btw, Niklas already enslaved 4 barb workers! There is really no need to feel sorry for him.
Act I, scene 9

Cycle 64, 1400BC.

And the plot thickens...

Niklas came back to me, accepting my offer after all:
Dear Diva,

very well, we will agree to a trade more on your terms. We meant no disrespect to your sailors, who certainly have risked life and limb to reach our shores. We will give IW + 20 gp for Maths, if you will allow us a respite in the paying of that gold. We would be pleased to swap CoL for Literature within 10 turns, and pay the 20 gp at that point at the latest. That will allow me to finish CoL in the time I have projected, most likely 6 turns from now, and then save up the necessary gold. Is that acceptable to you?

Best regards,
High Pope Stoned-Maize Niklas of Popa Cornitza

Unfortunately for him, I already started negotiations with donsig, and they progressed nicely:
Dearest Diva,

Your offer (iron working + 2gpt for writing) is a good one but I don't think I am in a position to afford the gold right now. I will look into this when my turn comes up again. In the mean time would you consider swapping the techs now and accepting gold later - or better yet making up the gold in a polytheism trade down the road?

Caretaker of China

So I decided to wait answering Niklas until donsigs offer became more clear and the save got back to me. I don't feel quite happy about this, and feel that relations with Niklas will be a bit strained from this point on.

Anyway, donsig came back with an offer of IW + 1 gpt for Writing now, and another 1 gpt at a later point. He's not specific when this will be, but I don't care too much - I would have accepted IW + 1 gpt for Writing, so the additional 1 gpt is icing on the cake.
Spoiler :

Dear donsig of China,

It is good to hear that you liked my offer! I
understand it may be difficult to get the gold
together, and a small deferment of the gold payment
would be acceptable to me. What delay were you
thinking of? However, I prefer not to tie this deal to
a future one, as the world is still young and unknown.

It is only fair to let you know that I received an
offer of IW from another civ, and I need to decide
what to do by the time the turn comes back to me. Of
course, my original offer to you still stands.

Eagerly awaiting your reply!

Best regards,
Diva Zyxia

Dear Diva,

I have accepted the iron working for writing trade and separately sent 1gpt. I will send another gpt as soon as I can afford it. In a couple turns I'll have a better idea of when this final payment can be started. If this is acceptable then please accept the deals. :)

Caretaker of China

ps - email works for me - no need to change.

Dear donsig of China,

Greetings! And let us toast to another succesful

I have accepted the trade, you should receive Writing
on the next turn.

Best regards,

So I sent this off to Niklas:
Dear High Pope,

I am so sorry, but I have to disappoint you. When I received your initial counter proposal, I felt that a deal of Maths-IW was not going to work. Shortly after, another civilization offered IW to me, and so I entered negotiations with them, with have just led to the conclusion of a deal. In short, I will not be needing IW anymore.

Once again, I am very sorry things went this way. Had I known you would come round to my point of view, then my decisions would have been otherwise (yes, your latest proposal would have been acceptable).

If you would like to make another offer for Maths, I am all ears.

I am happy that you found my proposal for Lit - CoL acceptable. It seems we'll finish the techs around the same time, for me it's approx 7 turns. I'll let you know when I get it.

Best regards,
Diva Zyxia

And then tomasjj of the Iroquois replied to my letter about Maths. Twice. First that he was negotiating for Maths with someone else, then that he wished to negotiate with me after all. I replied that I woudl like to get Philo plus some gold for Maths:
Spoiler :

Dear Diva,

Anarchy is of no problem, as our mounted warriors bravely keep the masses under control.

To be perfectly honest, we would very much like to trade with you, but we are already in the process of negotiating a trade for mathematics with another tribe.
However, this has not yet been concluded, so we will get back to you after a meeting with our trading partners.

Hope this is acceptable to you, our neighbour.

With honour,



We are glad to be able to trade with you for Mathematics.
We pulled out of the other negotiations, and hope this trade can be the start of a beautiful friendship.
Currently we have Philosophy and COL, as I am sure you know.

Which one do you desire the most?
There are differing costs, but we will work that out.

With honour,


Dear Hiawatha,

Indeed, neighbors should stick together! Fortunately we have lived in peace and harmony, and I wish this will last for all times.
Perhaps in the future we can make other deals of friendship, like a luxury trade? We have some wines available that make your head spin! (Of course, as our wise men keep telling me, we first need better ships and ports.)

I am pleased to hear that you wish to trade with me! Philosophy interests me most. As Maths is somewhat more expensive than Philosophy, would Maths for Philosophy + 20 gold be acceptable to you?

I have placed Maths on the trading table, hoping we can speedily come to an agreement.

Best regards,

That line about his mounted warriors, was that a veiled threat, or not! :lol: But anyway, I hope to get Philo out of him. And at some point I'll have to start talking to Aigburth about this long term deal.

Here is the tech situation now:

I really like how I have evened out the position over the past few turns, and managed to get to the forefront myself. Only tomasjj is further ahead, with his slingshot. But if I can get Philo from him, and CoL from Niklas, then I'll be in a very good spot.

My curragh "Der Fliegende Holländer" got killed by that barb ship on the last turn :(. The other curraghs bravely sail on. Othello, in the north, also runs into a barb ship:

Tomasjj should really guard his shores a little better!
Peter Grimes brings better news and uncovers some gems on Niklas' continent, but all the way on my side of it! Suddenly, Map Making becomes very interesting!

We have iron near Die Zauberflöte!

and a fast reply! Things are looking very well!
Dear Diva,

We are happy to agree to your trade offer.
As for future trades with wines, we are already salivating
to levels that makes us embarrassed. We also have luxuries
that will make you happy. That is is the future, but we live in hope.

With honour,

Sorry for all the long posts (yes, here is another one). I'm doing this in part to keep track myself of all the diplo that goes on.

I had some thoughts about the longer term strategic and diplo situation, in particular about a tech alliance with Aigburth. Some loose ideas sofar:

  • France (my civ: com, ind) is a slow starter, but will become stronger later on. It is certainly not the strongest civ, but late Middle Age/Industrial Age warfare or research is where France will have her chances. So I'll aim for that. Build infra as soon as available, and train high quality troops in the Middle Ages and beyond.
  • For the moment I seem to be doing very well by trading with everyone and grabbing nice techs here and there. However, I think this cannot last. Everyone will be forced to make some friends and turn down others. IMO the main advantage of any kind of tech alliance will be to have a solid friend, not so much the research advantage. My analysis at this point (note that these are of course not personal judgements, it's all in-game and in-character):
    • Aigburth (Ottomans: ind, sci): expressed interest in long term friendship. Had some good trades, easy going. Strong traits, dangerous UU, dangerous Pyramids. This will be a good one to befriend, but dangerous.
    • Tomasjj (Iro: agr, com): had a few trades, he has expressed interest in closer relations. He is my immediate neighbor, and I would really like those mounties to go somewhere else. Strong traits, and current research leader, probably Republic slingshot. The danger will diminish after we get knights. Should definitely stay on his friendly side for the immediate future, but his proximity will always make him a potential target.
    • donsig (China: ind, mil): had some good trades. He seems to be somewhat behind, but nicely traded himself up. Another dangerous UU, traits not so strong, but do tie in very well with the UU. Friends for now, but we'll have to see whether he can stay with the pack.
    • Niklas (Maya: agr, ind): Niklas is the only one from this group whose play level I know, and he is really, really good. Hence dangerous. But it can also be an advantage, for example to team up in war vs a third party. The Maya are a great civ, especially early on when there are plenty of barbs to enslave. Our relations got off to a bad start, we'll see how it develops.
    • Hasdrubal Barca (Carthage: sea, ind): have not talked to him much. His seafaring trait and UU will help early on to get contacts and be impregnable. I expect this civ to become weaker later on. I believe Niklas when he said that Carthage lied or at least mystified the truth to him. Furthermore, I think Tomasjj and Carthage were negotiating a Maths trade. I'm not sure why this broke down, but my impression of Carthage is not very positive so far, and isolating Carthage could be a good strategy for now.
    • Paul (Byzantines: sci, sea): unmet.
    Judging from this list, the first two should be friends, the third junior partner, the fourth neutral, and the fifth cold-shouldered as much as possible. Of course,this can easily change, depending on future developments.
  • Judging from the past few turns (yes, that's a short record), I am by far the most active trader. Possibly I have most contacts. The only surprising thing is that I haven't met seafaring Paul yet. In itself, this trade situation is good, but it makes restrictive alliances less useful to me.
  • Just to illustrate the point: I have deals in place for Currency (from Aigburth), CoL (from Niklas) and Philo (from Tomasjj). So the techs still to research are Map Making (360 beakers), Republic (840), Construction (600), Polytheism (360). Donsig is researching Poly, so that may be available for trade too. Tomasjj may be willing to share republic, but will probaly require something like Construction + Lit.
  • The above seems the correct order of importance to me. Map Making I need to get the gems, this is more important than getting Republic right now IMO.
  • In a tech agreement with Aigburth, we need a solution for his free tech. One possible division is: Map Making and Construction on my side, Republic on Aigburths side, buy Poly from donsig. The imbalance is 120 beakers more on my side. Adding CoL and Philo, which I will bring into the alliance, this gets to 600 beakers. I could suggest such a division, with Aigburth sharing his free tech with me (worth 960 or 1080 beakers) - possibly for a small payment. This seems hugely to my advantage; however, I think I have more contacts, and there is hardly a reason for me to enter such an alliance without getting his free tech and a continuation into the Middle Ages. In any case, this makes any AA alliance look a bit empty, as there are only a handful of techs involved.
  • A tech alliance of 2 or even 3 teams cannot hope to stay ahead of the rest without trading. Also, it would be silly not to trade techs away for other advantages. But a free-for-all will lead to suspicion. So we need some agreement concerning trading techs to/from others, where the proceeds are shared. Of course I have been trading very aggressively up to this point, and he may not like this at all. OTOH, I can continue to do that without him, so I am giving something up by sharing. That could be my trading chip for the free tech.
  • I think luxes may be more important. I have two, soon three wines, so I can trade to two people. Also, I can trade techs for luxes, or credits on luxes.
  • How about Mutual Assistance Pacts? Something like the in-game MPP, or the MTDG variant with aid in gold? Such a pact, especially the first version, is mostly useful to deter others from attacking the pact brothers, and hence the pact needs to be publicized. This could be advantageous for me, I will have to think about this.
  • I have a prebuild going. I could use it for the GLib, GWall or Mausollos, but not Zeus (no ivory). The first seems by far the most attractive, GWall might be ok, or we can wait for the Middle Age Wonders, of course.

Thoughts? (If anyone is still reading this...)
sure, I'm reading it.

Just some thoughts, based on the civ traits.

I think Iroquois are less of a game breaking civ in multiplayer than in regular, but I quite agree that staying friends with tomasjj until you have knights or at least pikes is vital to your survival!!

ottoman's are a very scary civ, and you can probably get people to gang up on them.

I think you have to be very, very careful about china. industrious workers, riders and militaristic means lots of vets leading to lots of elites leading to lots of leaders and lots of armies that move incredibly fast.

I think the seafaring civs may be more trouble than you worry about - war with carthage might result in 3 numidians and 3 swords landing next to your capitol while most of your forces are out dealing with the main forces. Even just a few numidians can cause a huge amount of damage in pillaging. Worse yet, of course, are the dromons, who will rule the sea until frigates (probably forever in a game like this)

I think the musketeer is a very underrated UU, btw. It's great on D and, at least, gives you someone who can take out longbow support. In multiplayer, I think defenders are more important than in regular, unless you have jags and can just swarm the opponent.
I'm still reading.

I use these spoiler threads to gain insight into the thinking process of players more skilled than I.

For that reason, the Diplomacy Post is a wonderful thing to read! (as well as AT's counterpoints)

As for advice, I really have none of substance.
Thanks for the comments, guys!

I realize that you cannot say too much if you are also reading the other spoilers. Nonetheless, AT, very good insights! Yes I am underestimating seafaring probably. China is indeed strong, especially in the early MA. I hope my UU will deter them :).

The fact that people would like to gang up on the Ottomans is my fear, as I am drawing closer to them...

Peter, thanks for the nice comments :). As this is my first MP game apart from the MTDG's, I don't feel so experienced...

Anyway, the Sultan has written a long letter:
Dear Diva Zyxia and all Harmonious People

Thank you for your concern, indeed all is well, in fact it has been a very exciting time for the Ottoman Empire! We recently held huge celebrations to mark the 1000th anniversary of the building of the Great Pyramids, these festivities have created a boom in the tourist industry and a brand new source of tax revenues! Perhaps some of your people will become the first overseas visitors, I am sure this edifice can provide much inspiration to your renown artists and maybe some of their skills will rub off on my own people whose musical abilities have yet to develop beyond nursery rhymes and bawdy sailors songs.

In other news, I wish to report some odd behavior by the Carthaginian diplomats, whenever I enter my office for a days work I find that a Carthaginian diplomat is already there. The odd thing is he never says anything nor has he ever put anything on the table to trade, he just stands there and gives me a smug grin until I ask him to exit. Do you have any clues as to what could be causing this odd behavior or why he is looking so smug?!

Anyway, the purpose of writing this letter was to start some discussion regarding a long term agreement. I have written some thoughts below, please note these are only thoughts at this stage and I remain open to any ideas you yourself may have, I have listed the main areas I think a deal could encompass and my comments on those areas: -


Traditionally a tech alliance would see us split the remaining techs in the era evenly between us and then rigidly follow this plan. However in this game, especially in the ancient age, I do not think this will necessarily be an appropriate approach, with seven players in the game there will surely be opportunities to trade for techs. For example; on the last turn I met the Iroquois who are already a Republic (slingshot I assume), this raises the possibility of trading for Philo and CoL (perhaps using currency as exact same beaker cost?) and allowing us to get to Republic sooner. I think it would be a bad idea to discount any trading as if we do not trade then others possibly will and that will be to their advantage.

I would suggest taking a flexible approach to tech in the ancient age, potential trades can be evaluated and agreed upon and next research projects assigned as appropriate given the trade situation.

This raises the question of what value to give to the techs gained in trade, one way to look at it would be that any tech gained through trade using a tech researched as part of the alliance belongs equally to the alliance members, this is simple and reasonably fair and I would suggest Currency/Literature being the first techs considered as part of the alliance. It does however completely negate the actual value to the player in holding the contact in the first place, it is difficult to quantify but it does exist, I would be particularly interested in your thoughts on this point.

The situation in the middle ages is a little different, as you well know the tech tree is somewhat narrower making closer tech cooperation more important, by this point I would also expect the world will be beginning to settle into a system of alliances and power blocks. There are however various points where 3 techs can be researched simultaneously which makes me wonder whether bringing in a 3rd partner would be beneficial or would it encourage a 4 vs 3 situation.

Talk of the middle ages brings me onto the next point.

Length of Agreement

Initially you suggested starting off with an AA agreement however the recent trades and new contacts have made the middle ages seem much closer now than just a few turns ago. I would suggest the agreement should be made for the entire middle ages also.

Peace / Non Aggression

This is relatively straight forward, peace is guaranteed for the lifetime of the agreement, I would suggest also including right of passage through cultural borders for empty naval vessels but not land units, these would require specific agreement if and when appropriate.

Mutual Protection

Financial and/or military assistance if a third party declares war on a member of the alliance, I do not yet know where you are located so can not comment on the feasibility of providing military assistance. Financial aid would be similar to the agreements made in the MTDG, perhaps the amount of gold involved should not be set for the entire agreement from the beginning but instead scaled up half way through to reflect the growing economy.

Luxury and Strategic Resources

Like above I have yet to find your homeland so do not know if we have a clear coastal route between us, you have seen my warrior and I can confirm there is coast from its location back to my core so perhaps you can comment on this. If we do have a trade route then I suggest that alliance members should get first refusal on any surplus resources, of course an appropriate price would have to be agreed. For your info once a trade route is established I will have silks, horses and iron to trade.

That is all I can think of for now, I look forward to receiving any thoughts / comments you may have.

Yours in friendship
Sultan Aigburth of the Ottomans

He thinks along the same lines as I do! Here is my reply.
Dear Sultan,

Too bad I missed the pyramid party!

Thank you for this very comprehensive plan. It looks like we think alike on the main issues.

First, just a quick heads-up in case you were thinking of a deal with the Iroquois: I have already made a deal with him for Philosophy, which I will be getting soon, and I can provide this for the alliance. I know of another civ besides the Iroquois that are learning CoL and will likely share this with me. I probably should have informed you sooner but I felt this was all in the spirit of our future alliance, so I hope you do not take offense that I just went ahead. Our efforts towards the Iroquois could then be aimed at Republic (perhaps in exchange for Lit + Currency?), though he might extract a higher price for it.
Finally, there is yet another civilization that is currently researching Polytheism and is more than happy to trade it to me (no deal is in place yet, but I am convinced I could make one if we don't wait too long). If we play our cards right, that would leave just Map Making and Construction to research and hopefully we can enter the Middle Ages first!

I am not sure about bringing in a third partner. It could be very beneficial. For example, two partners research while the third provides gold for all three. As you say, the risk indeed is what the other four peoples will do. If we want to do this, the Iroquois could be the third partner. They are commercial and advanced, and although they have traded here and there, I think they do not have a fixed partner yet.
But perhaps it is best to form this alliance with the two of us and invite a third partner later?


As you say, we need to figure out how to deal with tech trades. I think trading will be necessary, otherwise the other five civs can easily pull ahead of the two of us. Also, it seems silly to research a tech that can be obtained in trade. But of course we should prevent being played against each other.

As far as contacts go, I expect them to spread quite rapidly. There is certainly value in them now, but it will disappear over time. I have contact with five civilizations now, and rumour has it there is one more somewhere. May I ask how many you have been able to contact?

Another issue, of somewhat similar nature, is how to deal with your bonus tech. Do you have any ideas on this already?

One idea that I'll throw out for discussion is that we equally share the research burden, and any techs that come to the alliance by other means will be shared freely. This ensures that we acquire each tech only once. In particular, it means that you would provide your bonus, while I would provide the gains from my current trade advantage.

When we sell techs for gold, we can of course easily split the proceeds. Another matter will be when one of us wishes to sell a tech for other goods that cannot be shared so easily, like luxuries. I have no solution for that yet. Perhaps only trade tech with mutual consent? I agree this can start with Lit/Curr.

Length of the Agreement

I agree to extend our alliance into the Middle Ages.


To the peace treaty I would like to add that we will not put units on each others continents, just to avoid nasty land grabs and other tensions. Empty ships in small numbers (or preferably curraghs) are fine with me.
Also, I would like to extend the peace treaty to last 10-15 turns after the tech alliance ends. Or we could put in a cancellation clause.

Mutual protection

An MTDG style gold payment in case of attack seems sensible to me. Military aid would be useful as well, but I am not sure it is realistically possible for a while. Your idea of scaling the gold payments is very sensible.


Regarding resources: I agree to your proposal of first rights, and would be very happy to trade for your silks! I have wines in return. I have horses and iron myself (just need to connect it), so strategically we're both set for now. And yes, there is a coastal connection between us!

I will finish Literature in 5 turns and can start on Map Making right away. Establishing the trade route is then just a matter of time

Please let me know what you think!

Best wishes,

P.S. the Cartaginian ambassador keeps hailing us as well. I first thought that maybe he wanted opera tickets, but maybe it's something else?
Act I, scene 10

1350BC, cycle 66.

Mixed news. One cycle earlier, I made a trade with Iro:
Spoiler :

The curragh Othello survived a barbarian attack:
Spoiler :

This turns out to be important, because one cycle later, he meets...

...the remaining civ.

Here is the tech situation:

Paul and tomasjj both have republic and seem to share a continent. This cannot be a coincidence. I do not think republic can be researched this quickly, and sharing it requires a strong bond. A Byzantine-Iroquois alliance with republic this early in the game is scary thing: if it goes military, then there is no safety on sea or land :eek:.

Anyway, I'll send a letter to Paul to say hi and offer a tech trade. Who knows what will happen:
Dear Lady Paula,

Greetings! Our curragh "Othello" has encountered your horseman in the wild icy region of the north. We come in peace, and seek friendship and knowledge.

Would you be interested in sharing technologies? We could teach you the secrets of Mysticism or Mathematics. Are you willing to offer something in return?

Best regards,

Diva Zyxia of the Grand Opera

Haven't heard back from Niklas or Aigburth yet.
Below is Aigburth's reply. His ideas sound very good to me! His proposal concerning his bonus tech is more than fair, I think. I asked for a bit more than I thought was fair, and he hardly haggled :). The thought about his IA bonus tech crossed my mind, but there is very little I can do except try to have a better research capacity than his by that time...

I am wondering where the Iro are getting Lit, perhaps from Paul, or maybe from me through Niklas? The latter seems a bit farfetched, but it is possible.

I am also wondering how much I should tell Aigburth about the state of the (diplomatic) world. Should I tell him that the Iros probably have a firm alliance? And with whom? (I suppose it is not against the rules to do that?) One advantage is that it builds trust. Another that it will clarify for him what our state with regard to the Iros is. Is there a disadvantage? I now consider him to be my ally for the Middle Ages, that means there is no real disadvantage I think.

Trading with Iros will probably not help us much now, although getting republic would be very nice.

I do not understand tomasjj's remark concerning Currency - as far as I know, noone has it yet. Perhaps Carthage researched it just this turn?

Interesting that Aigburth thinks my many contacts are an advantage of my traits... :confused:

I need to get on the phone with donsig regarding Poly, so I have sent this off:
Dear donsig, caretaker of China,

Greetings! I hope all is well in your lands. How is the barb hunting going? Are the new horsemen helping any?

I have thought about your proposal concerning future trades, and I have become more and more enthusiastic about the idea of having a catalogue of all the gods. It would fit very nicely with the new buildings of learning that my people are about to discover.
Are you still interested in making a trade for Polytheism? In return I could offer either Literature (which I will discover in a few turns), or Literature + Maths. In the first case, the higher value lies on your side, in the second on mine. But I am sure we can agree on some compensation for the difference.

There is another matter I would like to discuss. My soothsayers are telling me that the world may soon see ships that can carry armies across the world. In order to avoid undesired tensions, my people wish to secure peace treaties with their neighbors. Would you be interested in signing a treaty of peace and harmony with us?

I am eagerly awaiting your reply!

Yours in friendship,
Diva Zyxia

Perhaps I should try to establish peace treaties with everyone? In particular with Paul? have one with the Iro's, until turn 99 (not inclusive).

Here is the reply from Aigburth. All quotes except the first are from my letter to him:
Dear Zyxia

Thanks for your comments and details of the trades you have made, it looks like you made some really good deals there! Don't worry about not informing me, I myself made a tentative enquiry when I met the Iroquois about the possibility of a currency for philo and CoL deal, like yourself it was done with the view of bringing these techs into the alliance. The Iroquois replied to say they would think about it and I have since informed them I have made arrangements else ware for these techs. Whilst replying I asked if there is anything else he would consider trading for currency with and got this interesting reply: -

Tomasjj said:
Dear Sultan,

With a little brinkmanship, you might have gotten a better deal with our shamans!

However, we understand that you opted acting when the deal was on the table.

We are very much open to trading, and would like to offer a trade of Map Making in return of Currency. This is not an even trade, so I am open to your suggestions on how to balance it, even if the spread of Currency has lowered its beaker cost (I suspect the cost of Map Making will also lower, but we are not sure it that will happen before he receive it or not).

We expect to discover map making in about 7 turns from now.

Another option to trade would be Literature, which we stand to receive sooner rather than later.

How do you feel about these issues, Sultan?

With honour,

Not sure what he means by spread of currency, I didn't say I was trading it to anyone else, somebody else have it maybe? For your information, as of turn 66 I was 6 turns from completing currency.

This makes a republic trade a little more difficult now, he didn't say when he expects to get literature so there could still be some hope. Alternatively we could trade for polytheism from your contact and use that with currency as this exactly matches the beaker cost of Republic, do you know when your contact expects to get Poly?

Another option would be to buy map making and then research construction and republic between us. This is the least desirable alternative but might not be too bad with a couple of libraries and a below monopoly republic cost.

Regarding the proposed alliance deal, it is really pleasing to see we already agree on most matters! I have commented below on the various points you raised: -

I am not sure about bringing in a third partner. It
could be very beneficial. For example, two partners
research while the third provides gold for all three.
As you say, the risk indeed is what the other four
peoples will do. If we want to do this, the Iroquois
could be the third partner. They are commercial and
advanced, and although they have traded here and
there, I think they do not have a fixed partner yet.
But perhaps it is best to form this alliance with the
two of us and invite a third partner later?

Agreed, we should keep our options open for the time being.


As you say, we need to figure out how to deal with
tech trades. I think trading will be necessary,
otherwise the other five civs can easily pull ahead of
the two of us. Also, it seems silly to research a tech
that can be obtained in trade. But of course we should
prevent being played against each other.

As far as contacts go, I expect them to spread quite
rapidly. There is certainly value in them now, but it
will disappear over time. I have contact with five
civilizations now, and rumour has it there is one more
somewhere. May I ask how many you have been able to

Apart from yourself, I also have contact with the Iroquois and the Carthaginians. Certain factors have meant that it is only now that my curraghs are beginning to move beyond my own landmass, I am hoping the rest of the contacts will come fairly quickly now.

Another issue, of somewhat similar nature, is how to
deal with your bonus tech. Do you have any ideas on
this already?

One idea that I'll throw out for discussion is that we
equally share the research burden, and any techs that
come to the alliance by other means will be shared
freely. This ensures that we acquire each tech only
once. In particular, it means that you would provide
your bonus, while I would provide the gains from my
current trade advantage.

I wouldn't want to treat my free tech as being the same as techs gained in trade, I would expect some consideration to be made from the other party otherwise it would be like giving up one of the benefits of my traits. That said the deals you made for the techs your contacts have brought in (philosophy, code of law, polytheism) were made before we finalised any deal and arose due to your current advantage in contacts (a benefit of one of your traits!) so yes I can consider this as consideration towards my free tech, it certainly seemed to my advantage to gain those techs free of charge! The total beaker cost of the above techs is 840, how about also contributing 40% of the beaker difference to my free tech in gold once my free tech is known?

I think the situation would be different if this were the industrial age free tech we were talking about, where we both had all contacts and all middle age trades had been approved by both parties. Should we end up extending the alliance into the industrial age we would have to cross that bridge when we come to it.

When we sell techs for gold, we can of course easily
split the proceeds. Another matter will be when one of
us wishes to sell a tech for other goods that cannot
be shared so easily, like luxuries. I have no solution
for that yet. Perhaps only trade tech with mutual
consent? I agree this can start with Lit/Curr.

I think only trading techs with mutual consent is sensible given both parties have an interest in getting a fair price and the wider strategic implications of trading a tech to a rival.


To the peace treaty I would like to add that we will
not put units on each others continents, just to avoid
nasty land grabs and other tensions. Empty ships in
small numbers (or preferably curraghs) are fine with
Also, I would like to extend the peace treaty to last
10-15 turns after the tech alliance ends. Or we could
put in a cancellation clause.

Agree with all of the above, 15 turns extra on the peace treaty is fine. I think we can leave out the bit about naval vessels, better to just ask for permission when / if it's needed.

Mutual protection

An MTDG style gold payment in case of attack seems
sensible to me. Military aid would be useful as well,
but I am not sure it is realistically possible for a
while. Your idea of scaling the gold payments is very

Ok leave out military aid as its impossible to make any commitments at this point in time. For financial aid how about starting off at 10gpt, review after becoming a republic and again after education and gunpowder are known (roughly half way through middle ages). For length of payments, how about 20 turns max?


Regarding resources: I agree to your proposal of first
rights, and would be very happy to trade for your
silks! I have wines in return. I have horses and iron
myself (just need to connect it), so strategically
we're both set for now. And yes, there is a coastal
connection between us!

I will finish Literature in 5 turns and can start on
Map Making right away. Establishing the trade route is
then just a matter of time

That is great, I look forward to the first shipment of wines arriving in our ports! I think it only needs one of us to establish the route, my curragh that hailed yours on turn 60 is currently 1NW + 8N of your curragh's location at the end of that turn. Would this curragh be relatively close to your homeland? If so then I can send him your way if you give me directions, at the moment he has a landmass to the east that seems to continue to the north and what looks like another landmass to the west across a thin coastal bridge.
It seems we are now close to full agreement here, how would you like to document the agreement? We could go for a formally worded treaty like in the MTDG (though the thought of drafting one doesn't particularly appeal to me!) or simply agree to the principles outlined in our correspondence?

OK that's about all for now.

Yours in friendship
Sultan Aigburth of the Ottomans
A reply from donsig:
Dear Diva,

China is most assuredly interested in further deals and a formal peace treaty. What time length do you have in mind for the latter?

We will gladly give you our finished list of the gods in return for literature and math - that way we can count the gods and accumulate stories about them! We are many turns away from finishing our list (there are so many you know) and by the time it is done we will be done paying off our current deals.

We have made headway against the barbarians with our archers but will soon have warriors on horses to better deal with the situation. Rather than send you another 1gpt I might be able to send 20g in one payment soon. Would that square us on our current deal?

I'd also like to hear your thoughts on the additional compensation you'd need for teaching us both math and literature in return for our list of the many gods. This will better help me prepare for the trade. Also, would you be willing to teach us literature now?

Caretaker of China
The good parts are that he is interested in peace and that he chose the deal that I preferred (Maths will not be worth much soon, and I prefer to get some coins for tech, rather than pay coins). Now I'll have to choose a term that takes us straight beyond riders, at least to Gunpowder. Fifty turns would work, probably.
His slow research is causing me some concern though. The message is a bit cryptic but it seems to suggest he'll need another 20 turns. Is this a min run? I'll ask for clarification:
Dear caretaker donsig!

With joy I have read your latest letter. I am happy that you agree to formalize our state of peace! I propose the following terms, please feel free to make other suggestions:
A peace treaty for 50 turns. During this time we will of course maintain peaceful relations and we promise not to send any units inside each others borders for this period (exception: curraghs passing through).

I am also happy to sign the tech deal you suggested. There is just one point that concerns me - it is your statement that you will need many turns to finish your research. Could you be more precise when it will be done?

From my side, I need 3-4 turns to research Literature, and already have Maths. As compensation for the difference in value, would 5 gpt be acceptable?

A lump sum payment of 20 gold would certainly close our most recent deal.

Best wishes,

There was also a reply from Paul:
Salve Diva,

We welcome your brave sailors near our shores.

Indeed we are well interested in trading. Mysticism is something that sounds quite - mystic. Although we really don't know what it's good for we migth be interested.
What can we offer for it? Are you interested in the science of law and order?

Maths we are hoping to get soon. Do you know any sciences beyond the science of numbers and calculation?

Te salutamus,
Lady Paula
Weird that he didn't get Myst from Tomasjj. I am not sure what to do with this yet. Niklas has been quiet, but I will assume our CoL <-> Lit deal is still on.

I sent a letter back to Aigburth:
Dear Sultan,

Your latest proposal is most agreeable! I propose a toast to our alliance!
In particular, I would like to thank you for your generous proposal concerning your bonus technology.

I would like to put this agreement in writing, so that we have a single document for reference. Also, my people love beautiful documents with seals. With your permission, I will write it up in the coming days, and send it to you for approval.

Concerning the trade route: my lands are to the west of your curragh. You can make the jump across the water by going slightly south (two tiles, if I count correctly, and then west. When you see the coastline, keep it on your left hand (i.e., go north initially), and after about 8 turns you should find my lands. I'll have some of the finest wines ready for your sailors!

On the last turn, I have met the seventh civilization, the Byzantines. According to our mythology, seven is the number of peoples on this world. The Byzantines are a republic, and seem to share a landmass with the Iroquois. Possibly there is close cooperation between them?
Btw, my wiseguys tell me that Currency is so valuable that it cannot be known to anyone. Is the Chief of the Iroquois mistaken?

I fully agree with your assessment that trading for Republic would be highly beneficial. I have asked for an ETA on Poly, and will let you know as soon as I know more.

Your friend,

This is my take on the world map for now. Aigburth and I each have an island to ourselves. Iroquois and Byzantines share the continent to my north, while Maya, China and Carthage share the huge continent west of that.
I am getting very worried about relations with Niklas, as he keeps quiet. I am also worried about our tech deal. So I have sent this letter in an attempt to re-establish communication:

Dear High Pope,


It has been a long time since our last communication, so long in fact, that my people are getting worried about you. I hope all is well in Popa Cornitza?

Concerning our tech deal: in 3 turns I will be discovering Literature. Could you please let me know when you will be ready to trade CoL for it?

Best regards,
Diva Zyxia

If he doesn't react in 24 hrs, I will consider our deal dead, and our two nations at armed peace (i.e., peace, but with no more guarantees than the in-game peace treaty).

donsig replied. Not as bad as I feared, not as good as I hoped...
Dear Diva,

Sent 20g to complete last deal's payment. We are 17 turns from completing out list of the gods. We are a poor country but work as fast as we can. Are you still interested in this deal?

We would be most happy to accept peace for 50 turns with your stipulations.

caretaker of China

EDIT: received the gold, indeed!

I have sent a quick note to Aigburth to let him know:
Dear Sultan!


I just received word that the ETA on Polytheism is 17 turns. Longer than I hoped; too long to help with a republic trade unfortunately. However, I think this will not delay our entry into the Middle Ages (anarchy and all that) and hence it is worth the wait IMO.

best wishes,
your friend Zyxia

Phwew, hard work, this diplomacy stuff!

The question is whether we can get Republic in trade. This may be hard to do. The only civs that have something that we lack are the iros and the byz: they have CoL and Republic.
The iros and byz have all the techs we have, except that the byz lack Mysticism (and they expressed an interest in it). Currency + Myst will go partways to republic, perhaps that is an idea? Another option is to trade currency for mapmaking + gold from the iros. However, unless iros and byz stop cooperating, it seems very hard to get both mapmaking and republic in trade.

And, of course, I can always hope that some friendly tribe will teach me a technology...
Reply from Niklas. The tone is somewhat cool, but it seems my immediate fears were unjustified :).
Dear Diva,

no need to feel worried, we simply felt there was nothing more to say about the previous unfortunate incident. All is well on our front, we have not forgotten and we will have CoL ready by the time you are ready to trade. We hope this trade will mark the (re)start of a long and prosperous friendship.

Best regards,
High Pope Stoned-Maize Niklas
Still, the last line doesn't ring quite true, or is that my imagination?

I sent a message to Paul. One purpose is to see if some trade is possible, another is to find out his research program:
Dear Lady Paula,

Thanks for the warm welcome in this icy land! Is your whole land so ... white?

Apart from Mysticism, I currently have no other techs to trade to you, however, in a few turns I expect to discover the science of books. Would you be interested to trade for that?

Unfortunately I already expect to receive some lawbooks in a trade. Is there something else you could offer?

Best regards,

EDIT: And to H. Barca, for the same purposes:
Dear Hasdrubal,

It is a long time since we last talked. I hope all is well in your empire?

I am writing because I am hoping that there may finally be a trade opportunity between our nations, as I am about to discover Literature. Are you interested to trade for this technology?

Eagerly awaiting your reply!

Best regards,
Diva Zyxia

With an addendum:
Dear Great Officer,

my curragh has reached the borders of your town Utica. I kindly ask you for permission to sail on.

Best regards,
Diva Zyxia

EDIT2: sent a note back to donsig to thank him for the gold, and to stall a bit:
Dear donsig,

Thank you for the 20 gold pieces!

I am happy to hear that you agreed to my peace proposal! I have ordered my scribes to produce a proposal for a treaty in full.

The trade is tempting, however, 17 turns is rather far into the future. Can I think about this for another day? [OOC: I'm running way past my bedtime now :)]
Just to throw out an idea, could I help to lower the research time? Perhaps with a gold loan?

Best regards,

A reply by Aigburth, and a note back to him:

Dear Zyxia

Thank you for your recent correspondence, by all means feel free to draft up an agreement to send over, I will gladly apply our great seal.

I agree about the Iroquois and Byzantines, a coordinated republic slingshot seems a likely explanation. Also regarding the Iroquois, I would guess he was assuming I bought philo and col with currency, this would explain his comments.

Do you have an idea on how to proceed on gaining Republic? Trading for it seems unlikely now, we could research republic and construction next and buy map making from the Iroquois instead?

Thanks for the directions to your homeland, these have been relayed to our sailors and they have altered course accordingly, they very much look forward to sampling this famous beverage and raising a toast to their allies!

Yours in friendship
Aigburth of Ottomans

PS. Sorry if this email sounds a little blunt, I've had a punishing few days and feeling somewhat short on inspiration!

Dear Sultan,

No need to apologize for the tone of your message, it is music to my ears, as always. I am sorry to hear you have had a rough time, hopefully the future will be better. At least there will be a weekend soon, and all Divas get two days off - is that the same for Sultans?

Trading for Map making may be our best shot. I will finish my current project (Lit) in 2 turns, then I'll need to make a decision for the next one (Map Making, or Republic, or Construction), so it would be nice to know more by then. [OOC: it is past bedtime now, I'll think about the trade issues tomorrow or the day after].

I bring you some more news:

First of all, I can see your curragh now. Unfortunately, my Phantom's Skiff just moved in the way for your hop over to my side, and this will cost a turn. Sorry, I didn't see you before and thought you were slightly further south. As a solution, I suggest you could either stay in place, and I'll move out of the way (south) next turn, or you could move SE and then I will go 2E next turn. If you prefer otherwise, that is fine too.

Second, I have been writing some of my contacts, offering Literature for trade. Of course I will not close any of these deals without your permission, this is just to see if anyone is researching something that might be useful to us. Furthermore, if you agree to the Polytheism buy, then I would like to offer Math + Lit for it (and get some gold as compensation, which we will share of course).

Third, I have placed Philosophy on the table, with accept. If you prefer to delay this, please just let me know.

Best wishes,
your friend Zyxia

Reply came from Paul, with the expected information:
Salve Zyxia,

we are sorry but we have to admit we also expect to be able to write novels in a few turns from now... :o(

Did you already meet the chinese people they say that are living beyond that peninsula our ships are surrounding?
Are they nice?

We could only offer the basics of our great new government, we called it Republic. Our people love it and are really improving since we installed it in every way.
However we rate it so valuable that we would expect a lot of ther things for it. We don't really know what yet...

We feel glad to have met so warm and worthy people and hope we can continue our young friendship although we have nothing to trade right now :o(

Te salutamus,
Lady Paula
More diplo....

A brief reply to Niklas, I lack the inspiration to do better :(.
Dear High Pope,

Good to hear that all is well, that's a relief.

All the best,


Also a letter from Aigburth:
Dear Zyxia

Thank you for your concern, a Sultans work is never done however this Sultan needs a break! I am therefore off for 2 days to one of our fine national parks to walk its green hills and stop off at some of the many taverns that dot the landscape (they only serve fermented camels milk at the moment however soon we will of course be able to enjoy something a little more sophisticated).
Many thanks for Philo, I decided to accept now.

About my curragh, you will soon see he went W then SW so has made the jump to your side but will not be in the way of your curraghs progress. They also saw the tribe of barbarous Burgundians; I hope they have not caused your people much harassment. We had a similar looking band of ruffians, fortunately for us most of them decided to commit mass suicide by charging at our fortified mountain positions!

Good idea to try to get some info from our rivals, asking the other party to make the offer certainly seems to garner more info. Perhaps I can ask the Carthaginians what they can offer for currency, we can then compare notes. Its seems Tomasjj will be away this weekend so we should have a bit of time to plan the next move tech wise
Currency is still on schedule for turn 72, might be an idea to hold onto this for a while since it is quite an expensive tech, let me know what you think I will send it straight away of you prefer.

Thanks and regards
Sultan Aigburth of the Ottomans
I sent a short reply:
Dear Sultan,

I hope you will enjoy the beauty of nature, and return a refreshed man! Camels milk, hm... exotic.

The barbarians are an occasional nuisance, but sofar they have not been a real trouble. However, one of my wiseguys had a vision of raging hordes being spawned from the barbarian camps. So I may need to take more serious counter measures.

Good resolution of the curragh problem, by the way. Excellent seamanship!

I am about to sign a deal that will get us Poly plus 5 gpt in 17 (well, by now 15 or 16 I guess) turns in exchange for Lit + Math. As Lit is part of our alliance treaty, I kindly ask for your approval of this deal. Of course, I will send half the gold to you.

Best wishes,
your friend Zyxia

And a note from donsig. His proposal is not good for me, I am not going to pay 70 gold for a 60 beaker difference in techs and 4-5 turns faster research. I should not have made the mistake of offering a gold loan, and will repair this tomorrow:
Dearest Diva,

Thank you for offering to loan us gold so we can complete our list of the gods faster. Trouble is, I fear China would not be able to repay the gold and pay 5gpt for the deal we are contemplating. It seems the poor Chinese cannot afford this deal. :(

So, how about we go back to the drawing board. Instead of trading polytheism and gold for literature and math how about we just trade polytheism for math and gold? With 70g I could finish poly on turn 79 (eleven turns from 68). So how about you give me 70g and lit and I give you poly? Is this deal more to your liking? I would need the gold now, lit can wait till I have poly.

caretaker of China

And a letter from Carthage:
Dear Diva Zyxia

You have my permission to sail our waters as long as you don´t sentry on one of our possible fishing areas..

As for trading, i will have literature soon also so it´s not something im interested in...however i´m much interested in philosophy...what may i wonder would you like for this technology....?

All the best,
Note he did not say he was researching Lit, but I'll pretend I didn't notice that. Is he getting it from Niklas? And how does he know I have Philo? I suppose it is a guess. Anyway, I sent my reply with the save:
Dear Great Officer,

thank you for the permission to sail my curragh through your lands. I can assure you that my sailors will only pass through and have no intention of disturbing your fishing grounds.

It is unfortunate that you are researching the same technology as I am. Indeed, I have Philosophy available for trade. What would you like to offer in return?

Best regards,
Diva Zyxia
More diplo stuff

(I could really use a scribe by now - this stuff takes a lot of time!)

Message from H. Barca - I take it he has no techs:
Hello again,

How about 70 gold for philosophy? I have the money already and i could transfer it to your switzerland account as we speak :)

All the best,

I'll forward the offer to Aigburth for discussion - I think 70 gold is not enough, but 90 is ok. I will also ask Niklas if he wants to offer something:
Dear Sultan,

I realize you are still away in the park, but perhaps one of your aides can relieve this carrier pigeon of its message.

I have not received any offers for Literature - it seems everybody else is researching it too. I did receive an offer of 70 gold for Philosophy from Carthage. To me this sounds like a good opportunity to get some value out of this tech, and I can try to negotiate for a bit more. What do you think?

In the meantime, I'll see if I can get more offers for Philosophy.

All the best,

Dear High Pope,

After replying to your previous message, I just realized that I had forgotten something.

In the interest of strengthening our trade relations, please let me tell you that my people recently acquired the Art of arguing back and forth. Oh, I know it seems impractical and a waste of time, but apparently this philosophizing serves the betterment of government and mankind as a whole.

Are you interested in learning this Art? If so, please let me know what you would like to offer in return!

Best regards,
Diva Zyxia

Another message from donsig:
Dear Diva,

An update on our list of the gods! We are working furiously but our current treasury will only support research at a level that will get us polytheism in 11 turns (turn 80). Gold would improve our research times this way:

6g = 10 turns = turn 79
41g = 9 turns = turn 78
60g = 8 turns = turn 77

Anything you could loan would be helpful. Our offer to trade polytheism for math and 70g is still open. We would like to add literature back in but at this point really cannot tell if we will be able to afford 5gp. As you can see a little gold (or gpt) would speed things along even faster.

Are you still interested in trading for polytheism?

Caretaker of China

I haven't received word back from Aigburth, but I have mentioned this deal twice now, so he has had plenty of chances to protest if he wanted. I feel I cannot let donsig wait much longer, so I'll send back a note that I'll take the first deal after all:
Dear donsig,


I am certainly stll interested in trading for Poly. After some consideration, I would prefer to revert back to the original trade of Lit + Maths for Poly + 5 gpt. Please let me know if you can accept this trade.

Thank you so much for the update on your research times. Turn 80 is faster than I thought, it seems you have speeded up! I do not have the amounts of cash available that would be needed to accelerate this, but fortunately turn 80 will be soon enough for me.

My scribes have finally written down a peace treaty. I hope the wording will please you, but if not, feel free to suggest changes! I have already applied my seal in anticipation.
If you like the wording, I kindly ask you to affix your seal and return the agreement.

Best regards,

Spoiler :

Finally, a short message to Paul:
Dear Lady Paula,

Thank you for your warm words. Indeed, it is unfortunate that our trade opportunities momentarily vanished.

I have heard about this new government type. It is a pity that it is so expensive, apparently then my wise men will have to discover it without the aid of your knowledgeable people...

Well, hopefully we will have some opportunity for trade in the future!

All the best,
Act I, scene 11

We are now on Cycle 71, and the year is 1225BC. Someone discovered Map Making this turn.

La Scala was founded on the previous turn:
Spoiler :

A trade deal has come through:
Spoiler :

I think this is the last I'll hear from Niklas in a while. He (again) did not reply to my last message, and this CoL <-> Lit deal was executed without any further messages.

On turn 70 I sent this reply to H Barca:
Dear Great Officer,

Thank you for your kind offer for Philosophy! Would 90
gold for Philosophy be acceptable for you?

Best regards,

I have not received an answer yet. Diplomacy is really tedious with some of these guys...

I prodded donsig for a reply, after a whole week of silence:
Dear caretaker donsig,

One week ago I sent you a message, to which I have not
recieved a reply yet. Perhaps the message was lost? I
am now sending it again (both e-mail and pm).

Best regards,
Diva Zyxia

And got this answer:
Dear Diva,

Sorry for not responding to your first message. I did get it. First, I do accept and sign your proposed treaty - just haven't had time to formally affix my mark.

The main reason I didn't reply sooner is I'm really not sure if I can afford 5gpt for literature. China is small and not able to research at the same pace as other civs so I'm not sure I should divert resources to an optional tech.

Are there other possibilities we can explore? Would it be possible to trade poly for just one tech and make up any beaker imbalance on a subsequent trade?

caretaker of China

I understand his plight, but I don't like his solution. I replied this:
Dear caretaker,

Good to hear from you again! As for other possibilities, indeed we could sign a deal for Math against Poly with a 120 beaker credit on your side. However, it is a bit unclear to me how to resolve the credit later on. Therefore, I would like to suggest two alternative ideas.
1) if you wish to avoid the optional technologies, I could replace Literature by Code of Laws, then the deal would be Math + CoL for Poly + 5 gpt.
2) Do you have a spare luxury? Then I'll be happy to accept that (or more likely, a credit on it, as we don't have Map Making or harbors yet) instead of 5 gpt.

Please let me know what you think of this!

All the best,

A short while ago, the Ottomans accepted our treaty proposal! I have stored the document in the vault. Also, some messages were sent back and forth between the Ottomans and us about tech deals and small details.
The treaty:
Spoiler :

The messages:
Spoiler :

Dear Zyxia

Thank you for your letter, an aide did indeed receive the carrier pidgeon and immediately forwarded to it to me along with a letter from the Carthaginians.

Carthage advised me they have acquired map making (though the price had yet to drop below 360 when I received the turn from them), they advised they would be interested in a currency for map making trade including gold balancer. If we are to buy map making it may make more sense to get it from the Carthaginians rather than the more advanced Iroquois, what do you think? At the very least I think I would want MM + 60 gold for currency though we can probably ask for more money given there is an alternative market for MM.

I agree on both the proposed Polytheism trade and the Philosophy trade, 70 gold seems a pretty good price given this tech is quite widely know, it probably wouldn't hurt to ask for a little more though and I wouldn't be too disappointed it if fell through.

One last thing about techs are goody huts, do you have any to pop soon? I have 2 to pop in 4 turns time, one by settler and the other by warrior. If we can acquire CoL and Map Making we have a chance of popping construction or even republic, we should try to coordinate this if we can.

Best wishes
Sultan Aigburth

Dear Sultan,

Thank you for the information! I can assure you that
nobody knew Map Making or Currency or Construction on
turn 69. Perhaps Carthage is getting Map Making in a
few turns?

I think it would be nice if you can get two deals for
Currency! One with Carthage for Map Making (60 gold is
fine, a bit more may be possible as Currency is
monopoly and Map Making may not be anymore - but it is
no big deal to me), and one with Iroquois, for example
Currency + Poly for Republic. The latter deal would
have to be executed with some delay (the most recent
ETA on Poly is turn 80), but could be signed right now
to secure the tech.

I would have to know what will happen quite soon, as I
need to decide the next research project next turn. I
can delay a bit of course, but it seems unwise to
delay for long.

An alternative is that I try to get Map Making from
Carthage with Philo + CoL. But I think it is better to
try and sell Currency for it.

Good thoughts regarding hut pops. I'll have a shot
next turn, and maybe another one in 4 turns, both with
warriors. I think you always get the cheapest tech
(that you are not researching), so in order to get
Construction, you have to block Poly and own Lit +
Curr + Map Making + CoL. My first shot would get Map
Making, if anything.

All the best,
your friend Zyxia

Dear Sultan,

My scribes have finally written down a proposal for
our alliance agreement! I think all the issues have
been covered, and I hope the wording is to your
liking. If, on the other hand, you would like to see
some changes, please feel free to suggest them.
I have already applied my seal in anticipation. If you
like the wording, could you please affix your seal and
return the agreement?

All the best,

Dear Zyxia

Firstly may I congratulate your scribes on such a beautiful document, the wording is acceptable and I enclose herewith a copy bearing the seal of the Ottomans.

I very much like the idea of your suggested Currency trades and have written to the Carthaginians and Iroquois accordingly. Hopefully I will get replies before your need to play the next turn, it is difficult since should we need to research Republic it would be more appropriate for you to do so since it's cost is lower for you.

Regarding the huts, its not been mentioned before but should one of us manage to pop a tech this tech will be supplied to the other at no extra cost as part of the alliance? Since we both have two huts to pop this would seem quite fair. By the way, you will get the cheapest tech from a hut the majority of the time however there does seem to be a small chance that you pop a more expensive tech, I don't think anyone has done tests to determine what that probability is however I know it exists having experienced it a number of times myself.

Yours in friendship
Sultan Aigburth

Dear Zyxia

A quick update on the trade situation, the Carthaginians have agreed to sell map making + 60 gold for currency, the deal will take place on turn 72 when I complete currency. I have not yet heard back from the Iroquois regarding the proposed Republic trade, perhaps best you start on construction this next turn?

Sultan Aigburth

Dear Sultan,

Congratulations on the trade deal! Now let's hope the
Iros are interested as well.

Also aquick update from my side: my hut pop brought
barbs, and I have started Construction.

Let me know when you wish to receive Lit and CoL.

All the best,

Dear Zyxia

Can you please send Lit next turn, I have a library pre-build that will need to be switched to avoid wasting shields. I will need CoL on turn 73 at the latest as that is the turn I will be popping the two huts.

I also have some sad news, my curragh was sunk by some murderous burgundian pirates so there will be a delay in establishing a trade route. Do you have a nearby curragh that can divert towards me?

Thanks and best wishes

Dear Sultan,

I have sent Lit and CoL this turn.

It is sad to hear that your curragh was lost. I will send a punishing expedition to the Burgundian camps as soon as possible!
Also, I will divert a curragh your way, but it will take a dozen turns or so to get there. Whereabouts is your prospective harbor town?


Very interesting to read about your thoughts regarding our communications. I was looking forward to reading some about the latter stages as well, but I know you've been busy, a pity. But good luck, and I'll keep lurking. :D
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