• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

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Wow moving fast! Sorry Gpcii just saw I bombarded you with the save. Tacker kept telling me it was my turn when I refreshed it though.
Hey!! Why didn't my Holy Rome get Hindu?!:mad:
It cost alot of Advance gold to buy Poly. :deal:
As 3rd in turn order, how could some civ who's turn had not come yet get it?
Gr-r-r. Any explanations guys?
When multiple civs unlock a religious tech with advanced start, its basically a coin flip for who actually gets the religion. You just got unlucky.

And this is why I think we should have made it a houserule to not buy religion founding techs with Advanced Start points.
Lol this is quite funny. Especially as medi is cheaper! I'm used to simultaneous turns where everything from religions to wonders is a coin toss, you learn to brush it off fairly quickly after a few set backs.

Also very astute post there imp ;)
As I have said in the "Temporary Leave Announcement Thread", I am in the process of moving so there may be delays in my turns for the next week or so. In the interest of keeping things moving along, would anyone object to my teammate taking my turns for me on days that I fail to do so myself?
I don't object, especially since I was about to send a similar message myself (I won't be there from the 18th to the 21st and from the 24th to the 27th).
I have a better idea. I'll play your turns. :satan:

Hahaha right, and of course you wouldn't leave my cities deserted for barbs to attack or pillage my land or nothing like that. :lol:

Alright Civtilidy, if during this week my turn is creeping up to a 24 hour delay, I will try to prevent that from happening, feel free to take my turn. I will send you a pm giving a general idea of what I will like done in the event of you taking my turn. I of course trust your judgment if you feel the need to change something in dire situations. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a pm. I often check up on the forums via my phone when I am away from my computer (like now), and will try to get to them as soon as possible.
I don't object, especially since I was about to send a similar message myself (I won't be there from the 18th to the 21st and from the 24th to the 27th).

That's cool dude, there isn't really gonna be much difference this early as to what we think is best I would imagine.
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