@Thunderbrd @Dancing Hoskuld @JosEPh_II @Toffer90
I made calendar, that is tied to tech tree.
I went with two scenarios: All techs researched before going to next era and minium amount of techs researched before going to next era.
Resulting era lengths were averaged.
This means no round dates or steps.
But this also means if you maintain constant research speed (11+- 0.3 turns spent on 10 techs [Blitz] depending on your tech tree research tactic), then you should reach new eras close to checkpoints.
Only globals for Prehistoric and era infos for later eras should be readjusted.
Safety margin of 10% should cover majority of games.
That is reaching Ancient (Future) era in 90 - 110 (900 - 1100) turn of Blitz is acceptable.
By the way you don't need integer years (iMonth(Day)Increment*iTurnsPerIncrement doesn't have to be divisible by 12 (300(), and you can use day increment larger than 300 days.
I uploaded excel file, where I did calculations.
Checkpoints (percentages are at point where era should end):
Prehistoric - 200 000 BC - Ends at 10.0% of game
Ancient - 6000 BC - 18.7%
Classical - 2000 BC - 25.1% (First quarter of game is in between of Classical and Medieval era)
Medieval - 600 AD - 31.1%
Renaissance - 1300 - 37,4%
Industrial - 1700 - 43.5%
Modern - 1900 - 54.7% (Middle of game is around half way of Modern era)
Information - 1990 - 62,9%
Nanotech - 2050 - 72,5%
Transhuman - 2150 - 81,5% (Third quarter of game is somewhere in Transhuman era)
Galactic - 2300 - 88.2%
Cosmic - 3000 - 93.5%
Transcedant - 4000 - 100%
Future - 6000
Edit: I added map, where nothing can happen, that is everything that can be disabled is disabled and whole map is orbit terrain except mountain and brute on top of it.
This map is perfect to check calendar integrity.
I made calendar, that is tied to tech tree.
I went with two scenarios: All techs researched before going to next era and minium amount of techs researched before going to next era.
Resulting era lengths were averaged.
This means no round dates or steps.
But this also means if you maintain constant research speed (11+- 0.3 turns spent on 10 techs [Blitz] depending on your tech tree research tactic), then you should reach new eras close to checkpoints.
Only globals for Prehistoric and era infos for later eras should be readjusted.
Safety margin of 10% should cover majority of games.
That is reaching Ancient (Future) era in 90 - 110 (900 - 1100) turn of Blitz is acceptable.
By the way you don't need integer years (iMonth(Day)Increment*iTurnsPerIncrement doesn't have to be divisible by 12 (300(), and you can use day increment larger than 300 days.
Spoiler Calendar :
I uploaded excel file, where I did calculations.
Checkpoints (percentages are at point where era should end):
Prehistoric - 200 000 BC - Ends at 10.0% of game
Ancient - 6000 BC - 18.7%
Classical - 2000 BC - 25.1% (First quarter of game is in between of Classical and Medieval era)
Medieval - 600 AD - 31.1%
Renaissance - 1300 - 37,4%
Industrial - 1700 - 43.5%
Modern - 1900 - 54.7% (Middle of game is around half way of Modern era)
Information - 1990 - 62,9%
Nanotech - 2050 - 72,5%
Transhuman - 2150 - 81,5% (Third quarter of game is somewhere in Transhuman era)
Galactic - 2300 - 88.2%
Cosmic - 3000 - 93.5%
Transcedant - 4000 - 100%
Future - 6000
Edit: I added map, where nothing can happen, that is everything that can be disabled is disabled and whole map is orbit terrain except mountain and brute on top of it.
This map is perfect to check calendar integrity.
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