Bare Necessities

Look for the file "SeemsGood.sql" in the mod folder.

Search for this line (86 - 87 line):
INSERT INTO Building_ScienceFromYield (BuildingType, YieldType, Yield)

Change it into:
INSERT INTO Building_YieldFromYieldPercent (BuildingType, YieldIn, YieldOut, Value)

There you go.
I'm using Magnus' modpack and I also have this issue, and editing that file doesn't work. I've edited values like these by searching for the line inside the override files (specifically CIV5Units.xml), but it's not there. Also just adding the correct line (with the correct format) isn't working either.

Do you guys have any idea on how to fix this?

Edit: I digged some more inside that file and I noticed that the bugged buildings (all but the mandir, really) don't have their special yield (aul's GG, jinja's GA and so on), it seems that the rest of the script wasn't loaded into the modpack so this may be quite hard to fix without fixing the modpack itself.

Edit 2: I realized that the flag to purchase the buildings with faith was missing too so I tried to add the line back, turns out you can purchase them now but the buildings themselves don't do anything! I'll transfer the rest of the code and if I can get it to work properly I'll share it over the modpack thread.
Last edited:
State Embassy with 4 civil servant specialist slot feels a bit too much. Statecraft policy tree already increases GD by 50% as well as giving extra votes. With that building vote disparity between statecraft vs non-statecraft civs gets too much.
- Updated for current version of VP.
- Ggantija now provides a free shrine instead of a temple. Production cost reverted to 150. An archer now spawns near the city when constructed. Grant 30 Food to 50 Food bonus. Now grants +1 Culture.
- Newgrange now provides a free monument instead of a shrine. Tech requirement moved from The Wheel to Pottery. A Worker appears near the City.
- Skara Brae no longer grants +1 Food, but now +1 free Horse.
- National Wonders from framedarchitecture's population threshold adjusted.
- Reduced State Embassy's Civil Servant slot from 4 to 1.
- Fixed bugs with governor stuff.
- Fixed bugs with new religious buildings.

Not save-game compatible obviously. Stay tuned for more updates...
Just wondering, but has any reason been given why the "More Processes" haven't been added to the base VP? Seems like a no brainer.
Looking at the policy buildings:

Doesn't the City Hall seem OP compared to the other two ancient policy buildings? Maybe not since you don't get yields (other than border growth) from the building itself. Stronghold seems to be the weakest.
Manor House looks noticeably weaker than the other two medieval buildings. Maybe additional food? Either a flat yield or a bonus on something like pastures and wheat?
Depot looks weak compared to the other industrial buildings. Maybe a little closer to parity if the gold and hammer bonus scaled with population?

Finally, is there a way to require a certain number of policies within a specific tree to unlock a building outside of the opener and finisher? I was thinking these would be better if you had to have three policies in a tree to prevent cherry-picking.
Unfortunately this mod doesn't work anymore, which is a pity, because the construction automation function is essential.

[127960.500] Runtime Error: C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Vox Populi's Bare Necessities (v 5)\RecallAll.lua:14: attempt to index local 'pCity' (a nil value)
I cannot replicate that error, runs fine for me. By the way the mod apparently had some text issues, here's the version with those and dependencies fixed

Awesome! Thanks for fix it. I'm just interesting in construction automation aspect so the text issues are fine.
Hi Enginseer; thanks for your work! This mod conflicts with your Community Balance Compatibility mod. Is there any work around so both can be used?

Maybe is a bit too late, bit i found a way to make it work with CBC: you have to modify the .modinfo of Bare Necessities and delete the part where it blocks CBC: then, in CBC folder you have to delete all the common files in Bare Necessities (e.g. processes, Policy Building ecc), only leaving the terrain Improvements for all civs (but I don't recommend it, it's a bit broken since I can build other improvements such the Bayou cabin of Cajuns of Louisiana for all civs, and that's not what I wanted) and the building packs. Works flawlessly this way
Hello ildivincodino99. Thanks for the clues. I was able to get it to work once (hurray for Shrine of Nourishment!), but lost the file and now can't replicate it. Could you, maybe, post your version?
Can anybody tell me if i can set governor in such a way, that it only produce buildings, and no units?
I would use govenours, mostly to catch up with city upgrades in newly conquered cities, but last time i tried it, it did produce some units..

I quick looked on lua file and any significant line corresponding to what it really do is this..
So it seems, we have no control on what is actually produced., and it behave similar to production in puppet city.. or am i missing something?
Well.. atm, i can't really recall, if the city had garrison, so maybe building unit was a "one time thing"..

Any way, i would love, to have some "Prevent building units" button..
I updated Bare Necessities to make it compatible with Community Balance Patch Mods Compatibility (now updated!) and New Beliefs Mods by pdan (by removing any Gurdwara references), and moved some of the components here to that mod, like National Wonder Collections and Neolithic Wonders.

Also update to make it compatible with VP 3.0


  • Vox Populi's Bare Necessities (v 6).zip
    1.1 MB · Views: 122
I wanted to try this mod again, but with this mod loaded Catalonia and Cambodian civ and at least Catalonia doesn't work.
Lua loading issue which I suspect is caused by VP 3.0. Try to delete the cache folder and re-enable mods again to fix the loading problem.
The Lua.log should provide an error line if there's a Lua error. But because of VP 3.0, it will blame the InGame.lua file instead and won't load the file, which is unhelpful for modders.
Lua loading issue which I suspect is caused by VP 3.0. Try to delete the cache folder and re-enable mods again to fix the loading problem.
The Lua.log should provide an error line if there's a Lua error. But because of VP 3.0, it will blame the InGame.lua file instead and won't load the file, which is unhelpful for modders.
Deleting cash folder did help, thanks a lot.
Hotfix update to version 6a.
I've disabled City Governor Lua files for now since it's not working on VP 3.0, and it caused the Lua files (that would be loaded after) won't load.


  • Vox Populi's Bare Necessities (v 6).civ5mod
    812.8 KB · Views: 112
An update?
More Processes!
  • Reduced Propaganda's Production -> Tourism from 15% to 5%.
  • Increased Prosperity's Production -> Golden Age Points from 10% to 25%.
  • Prosperity now adds Food, Gold, Culture, Faith, and Science based on 5% of your Production while also reducing unhappiness needs by the same percentage as well.
  • Prosperity unlocked earlier at Alternative Energy.
More Beliefs
  • Added Support for pineappledan, HungryForFood, & Recursive's New Beliefs (Will not add my version of Gurdwara if their mod is used).
  • I don't really want to write them. Check OP.
  • Added 1 more reformation belief.
Neolithic Wonders
  • I don't know. I don't wanna write them anymore. Check OP.
Policy Buildings (Some concepts borrowed from @N.Core's Updates)
  • Saunas, City Halls, and Stronghold had their production cost increased from 70 to 80.
  • Saunas generate +2 Food and +1 Culture. Grants 10 turns of WLTKD and -1 Urbanization Unhappiness.
  • City Halls have +1 Production and now generate +1 of a specific yield (from food, production, gold, culture, and science) from each Progress policy. Gain +5% Production toward Buildings.
  • Strongholds generate no yields but gain 75 Border Growth Points when completed. Gain +10% Production toward Land Naval Units. Have +5 Defense and +50 City HP. Grants +1 Production to nearby Forts and Citadels.
  • Manor House generates +3 Faith and +2 Food. Gain 150 Food when completed. They may be faith-purchased or constructed with production. Converts 15% of all Faith purchases in the City into Food and Culture.
  • State Embassy generates +0.1 Food/Production/Gold/Culture/Science/Faith/Golden Age Points/Tourism per citizen. Increases the influence of all city-states by 40 when completed. Grants 1 delegate to the World Congress. Gets +1 Food/Production/Gold from City-State Friendship and an additional +1 Culture/Science/Faith when upgraded to City-State Alliances. Can only be built in the Capital. +1 Gold to all Civil Servants globally.
  • Memorial generates +3 Culture. +10% Great People Generation. Each Great Works, Writers, Artists, and Musicians generate +1 Golden Age Point. Grants +5 Culture to Writer's Guilds, +4 Golden Age Points to Artist's Guilds, and +3 Tourism to Musician's Guilds.
  • Patent Office now serves as the Industry's policy buildings. Generates +4 Gold. Grants +1 Production and +1 Gold to Engineers and Merchants. Gain 30 Production and 15 Gold in the City every time you research a Technology, scaling with era. When you construct a building from the Industrial Era or later, gain 5% of its construction cost as Points towards a Great Merchant.
  • Depot now serves as the Imperialism's policy buildings. Generates +5 Production. +20% Military Supply from Population. Generate 50 Gold from Internal Trade Routes completion, scaling with era. Gain 10% of all units' production costs as gold when trained. City Connections generate +2% more gold each.
  • Botanical Gardens now serve as the Rationalism's policy building. Generates +3 Food and +2 Science. Gain +1 Science for every 25 Food generated per turn. +1 Science for every 2 Jungle or Forest tiles worked. Gain 25% of the Food and Science output of the City as an instant boost to the City's current Growth and [ICON_RESEARCH] Research when a [ICON_CITIZEN] Citizen is born in this City. Grants +2 Science to Scientists and Gardens.
Check the Steam Update!
Another update?
National Wonders!
  • Seamanship no longer provides double movements on Ocean/(or Coast for that matter). Now provides +10% Combat Strength and +1 Movements. Also uses an icon from Asterix Rage suggestion.
More Beliefs
  • Fixed Divine Teachings not allowing Library to be faith-purchaseable.
Neolithic Wonders
  • Ggantija's instant yield population bonus increased from 1 to 2.
Policy Buildings
  • State Embassy's influence with all City-State upon completion reduced from 40 to 25.
Check the Steam Update!
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