Beta Patch 1.13 Released

MS release classification:

Gold master == candidate release
Service pack 1 == Gold Master

It's called milk the cash cow before the software is ready.

== PF
Originally posted by Marlor
Wow... it seems seven days is an eternity in CivFanatics time.

It's been about a week since I've had time to check the forums, and in that time Tavis has allowed a review of the actual corruption code, a new patch has been released, and the patch's changed corruption model has been tested, analysed, graphed and discussed. And that's just the couple of threads I've read so far. Phew.

I think I'll have to somehow find more time for checking CivFanatics... either that or quit my job ;)

Hah!!! I haven't been by for two days reading New Spring the Novel and all this happened. If you do hunt for another job make sure you get one with two machines so things go easier. One to work on and one to surf civfanaitcs on. :D BTW make sure the surfing machine is able to run civ that way you can get a whole game in over a week while at lunch.
I am most pleased with the results on corruption of this patch.

One minor thing I am sure has arrisen since installing the patch; even if you have culturally linked starting locations on, it doesn't work. I kept starting random games as Sumeria to test it out. Rather than starting near Babylon or Arabia etc as you would expect I kept popping into people like the English and on another game the Mongols. If this is an issue it should be looked into immediatly for the official patch, IF it is indeed an issue and not just something I am doing wrong.

One other thing, hopefully the annoying issue where seafaring civs, because they have to start near the coast, muck up custom scenerios by not going to their assigned location because the location is not on water.

That is all.
Does anyone know if they fixed Shift-D? In the original c3c release, Shift-D was mapped to both Auto-Pollution clear and Diplomacy screen. Hopefully they've changed it back to only Diplomacy screen, and moved Auto-Pollution back to Shift-P.
It's tough to get used to, but you can do Ctrl-Shift-D for diplomacy. Personally, I want my Shift-P back. I think that's what it was, I always used the advanced worker button tho.

Dammit. . .C3C is making me rely more on my mouse, when I've always used the keyboard!
Originally posted by planetfall
It's too bad there isn't a more logical naming schema.

Alpha- developers release
Beta-- pre alpha
Gamma-- Alpha
Delta -- closed beta
Epsilon -- open beta
Zeta -- Candidate release
Omega -- gold master, FCS

But as the Fiddler on the Roof says, "Tradition, Tradition"

== PF

Heh heh... good lord. More often than not people have trouble keeping track of alpha and beta milestones. :-)

As it is, every software company I've worked at has had its own nomenclature. For instance, when a product is completed, it has "gone gold," reached "FCS" (First Customer Ship), had its RTM ("release to manufacturing"), has "gone to duplication", had its "final final" (as opposed to a "First Final"), reached a "versioned build" (as in v2.0 instead of v1.92), or simply been "released" or "shipped."

Personally, I think software in any industry is never really released... it's merely "allowed to escape." ;)

Jeff Foley
Originally posted by Jeff_ATARI

Personally, I think software in any industry is never really released... it's merely "allowed to escape." ;)
Jeff Foley

You win, that is the best description of software today: it just escapes.

== PF
Originally posted by Jeff_ATARI
I think software in any industry is never really released... it's merely "allowed to escape." ;)

Jeff, I ask your authorization to use this phrase as my signature.
Originally posted by afterware

Jeff, I ask your authorization to use this phrase as my signature.

Wish I could say it was my invention, or that I had any sort of claim on it, but it's a fairly common phrase -- I believe it was first uttered to lampoon Microsoft software releases... I used to have it on a button when I was a release engineer (before I turned away from engineering and went to the Dark Side ... the marketing department).


Jeff Foley
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