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BirdNES 2: Forge of Empires -- The Manipur Coast

What does it change exactly for me?
Leadership/Stability/Culture: 1/2/8
Technology: Trained and armored spearmen and archers; improved bronze weapons and tactics; horsemen. Improved dirt Roads. Religious altars & Shrines.

Leadership (Civ/Mil/Rel) 1/1/1
Government: Despotism,
Military: Bronze Age: Trained, improved armored, spearmen, swordsmen, archers; Improved tactics
Naval: None
Economic: Mining; Improved dirt roads; Caravans;
Culture/Religion: Altars and shrines.

You do not lose the 'Leadership/Stability/Culture: 1/2/8' line, new lines are added at the bottom.
not must changes... but i guess organization is good. so yeah change it for me too.
Over time they will diverge from the short version.
The Manipur Coast​
Update Six: Peace Reigns​

For the first time in many years the Manipur Coast was at peace. The leading nations looked to their own needs and tried to repair the ravages of war. The deeds of generals and the sack of cities fell out of everyday conversation and were replaced by news from traders, government officials and the sex lives of those rich and powerful. From time to time news of some noteworthy invention made its way into the buzz of the marketplace.

In Yexal Var Keesalee gave birth to twins: a son named Keejexeev and a daughter Keefuus. Few were concerned about the ‘not so clear’ identity of the father. Motherhood suited the Var well and she found new energy and enthusiasm for the issues of governing. She sent sailors south along the coast and settlers to the islands. At home the priests of Voruu Kaskuuix took up the task of educating the children of the wealthy in the stories of old such as the “Moon Brothers and their courtship of Lady Sun” and the basics writing and counting.

To the north in Racadonia the Empress Julia rebuilt her army and decided that it was time for her nation to improve its relations with the sea. Efforts to improve shipbuilding were made and the results trickled down to the fishermen and merchants over time. Eugusta was proclaimed heiress to the throne.

Negala ruled Mernacia with a similar mindset. He pushed his borders as best he could, but his real emphasis was on improving his nation’s mining and metallurgy skills along with education among the upper classes. Mernacian smiths became quite proficient in working with iron. The economy blossomed and a new economic center grew up in the west.

Aabal! was the most surprising. It recovered from its terrible wars and rebuilt a thriving economy. King Nuh was a worrier and spent much of his time fearing the next disaster, but while doing so he traveled about the country and had scribes take notes of what he saw. The tablets were archived in the palace for later reference and were instrumental in creating the changes needed to rebuild the country. The city of Domarhin, west of the capital on the river Gihon became a center of commerce up and down the river and to and from Mernacia.

Even the warlike Iskan settled into to a more peaceful life. Bareit the Ruthless used the years to consolidate his power over his nobles and root out dissent and disagreement. In doing so Bareit strengthened the nation’s infrastructure, the leadership of his hand-picked henchmen and the bureaucratic apparatus that managed things. There were whispered questions about spending money on training a navy that didn’t exist, but only those with a death wish would openly question the directives of Bareit. As the use of iron spread in the region, replacing copper and bronze in tools and weapons, small disks of silver that had been merely a decorative accessory among the rich, began to be circulated among other people as a medium of exchange. It was more convenient than toting wheelbarrows of grain.

Belaslava’s plans for Striga were simple and she directed her lords to carry them out. First, she wanted her builders to learn the arts of constructing things that would stand strong and last. She wanted real walls around her city and bridges and buildings that would not fall down in a big wind or when the earth shook. She wanted her generals to know more about how to lead an army and fight a battle, and last she wanted the peasants to be able to produce more food more reliably. She wasn’t asking too much was she? She was sure such capable men would find a way to accomplish it all. While they did so she was going to Harum. A grand triumph had been planned for 332 or 333 and she was taking Ana and Belosita with her to the land of their dead father. Ana was almost 11 and a bit bossy, but she was smart as a whip and when she set her mind on something, it was as good as done. Little Bela was 8 and a picture of beauty and poise. She, perhaps, talked too much, but was quite persuasive. Her energy was dramatic and playful and often overpowering for those around her. But she sang exquisitely. They would be gone for some time and the trip would broaden the girls view on the world and life outside Striga. With her court, servants, and soldier escorts, Beloslava’s entourage numbered well over 300 people. Most of the journey would be by boat and during their passage of the rebellious eastern provinces, the King Coan sent additional soldiers for their protection. The rebels were being stubborn and the more stubborn they got, the more ruthless Coan was. Within a few years, though, peace had been restored and the unrepentant lord’s heads were rotting on pikes along the roads. Everywhere else on their trip were signs of progress and prosperity. The army was disciplined; the fields ripe with crops and the merchants gossiped about exploration into the west. And the grand triumphal parade was grand. The Harum nobles and the Striga lords hardly bickered and some even got along well. Callan’s family welcomed her and her daughters warmly. The girls loved the attention. And fate too played its hand that year. Coan’s young heir Zoin was quite taken with Belosita and their troths pledged. It would be some years before the actual wedding, but such things did take planning. But those plans changed when, in 339, King Coan died while dining. Zoin was coronated soon after and the wedding date moved up to coincide.

In Gedmeria the peace was a nervous peace. Ataricn Mtoric wasn’t so trusting and he guarded his borders vigilantly, both those facing Trys and those opposite Harum. He too rebuilt lands that had been wrecked by war and he also looked to add new lands in the west. And for the first time in many years the Gedmerian traders looked to the sea for wealth and built new ships to sail along the coast to Tradur and places east. Some traders even experiment with new ship designs, but without real government support little comes of their efforts. And while the conditions in Kapo and Trys are not known, it does appear that the seafarers of Tradur have prospered and enlarged their presence along the coast.
Map for update 6:


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Apparently my king didn't hear that the navy sunk along with the sailors. I'm assuming boats exist so... Could that have been money spent on sailors (but not ships)? <I'm just kind of hoping that any EP I spent wasn't wasted--but I guess it's alright, given that it was my mistake>

Looking forward to the 100-year turns!
Stats are up and several of you now are eligible for UUs; read carefully! :thumbsup:
Ohh... My country is going nice!

Now to improve trade and build up the core!

Are you sure about the 100 years update? I really would like to continue on slowly...
Great update Birdjaguar! Hmm, I'm feeling a bit uninspired, I think I'll shake things up a bit. ;)
New stats are going up. They will fix some errors in army size and show new costs for troops.
Orders sent, but I'm still thinking of a UU. If you (Birdjaguar) still have my older UU idea, use that if I am suddenly out of commission before I send in a UU-PM.
If I would have had Iron age by now I would have had my UU. But I don't, so it is in the waiting...
Orders sent, but I'm still thinking of a UU. If you (Birdjaguar) still have my older UU idea, use that if I am suddenly out of commission before I send in a UU-PM.
I don't have it.

If I would have had Iron age by now I would have had my UU. But I don't, so it is in the waiting...

Harum/Erez87 - Manipur
Ruler/Heir: Coan /Yucai
UU: 0/0
Army: 3450-I, 50-M, no -aUU (21000-max)
Navy: 0-W, 5-T, 0-nUU
Projects: No
Army Costs: 1 EP buys: 3000-I, 500-M, 200-aUU
Navy Costs: 1 EP buys: 10-W, 5-T, 10-nUU
Leadership (Civ/Mil/Rel) 1/1/1
Government: Despotism,
Military: Bronze Age: Trained, improved armored, spearmen, swordsmen, archers; Improved tactics

Iron age or not, your stats do not show you eligible for a UU yet. When you are the red 'no' changes to a '0'.
So I can have a naval one? it says 0...
No, once the army one goes to zero then you can have a naval one instead. :p
lol, I so don't need a UU. I intend to have a well organized army... no need for UU's when your whole army can kick ass!
No, once the army one goes to zero then you can have a naval one instead. :p

lurker's comment: Maybe I am horribly mistaken, but isn't this contradicted by the example on the front page?
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