After a long hiatus I decided to come back, with a new modmod: Bits_of_tales
Available at repository:
In short I will track the main branch, but add changes to light some interesting but mostly unknown historical aspects.
New 300AD scenario! Play at the eve of classical era.
Cities and minor civs:
Technical features:
to be continued
Available at repository:
In short I will track the main branch, but add changes to light some interesting but mostly unknown historical aspects.
- Egypt: How about a game with both Lower and Upper Egypt? Also watch out the Hyksos.
- China: The Qin state struggles to overthrow the Zhou dynasty and unify China
- Babylonia: Assyrians won't be subjected so easy anymore, and what about Akkadians?
- Greece: Start as the Myceneans, experience the 2nd Greek colonization and rush the League of Corinth against the Persians
- India: Pancala and Avanti won't give up without battle this time.
- Phoenicia: Who knows what would happen if Carthaginians won the Romans?
- Persia: Meet the Medians, Mazdaism and more zoroastrianism.
- Rome: Begin as the city state that conquered the world.
- Ethiopia: Exploring Red Sea trade routes not optional anymore.
- Korea: Play as Goryeo or Joseon in a more hostile Korean peninsula.
- Maya: Build the temple of Kulkukan in its rightfull position and maybe settle Europe.
New 300AD scenario! Play at the eve of classical era.
- China: The Jin dynasty struggles to keep China a leading power in the next era.
- India: Play as Chandragupta trying to keep up Asoka's legacy.
- Persia: Play as Khorsow against Justinian and prepare for the Arab invasion.
- Rome: Can you restore control of Rome over a collapsing empire?
- Korea: Play as Goryeo, the evolution of Goguryeo.
- (Note: All UHVs of civilisation with spawning date before 300AD have been invalidated)
- Byzantium: Restore the Roman Empire, try for the silk and fight against the endless barbarians that want to take you down. Also, there will be more competition for the culture goal.
- France: Defend the Franks against the Moors, the Vikings, the English and the Germans. Consider bringing the pope or winning the 100 years war. Spread the French revolution and its scientific importance throughout Europe.
- Arabia: Play as Rashidun, Ummayad and Abbasid caliphate, meet emirate of Crete, conquer the Visigoths and Sassanids. Saudis will try to establish their control much earlier this time (Emirate of Diriyah, Nedj).
- Tibet: Learn about Kyunglung, meet the Buddhist Palas, conquering Kashgar not optional. AI Tibet is initially more aggresive.
- Indonesia: Play as Melayu and Maratam. Chola won't neglect you anymore, prepare for battle! Build the Borobudur and find your pearl resources.
- Italy: Start as Venice and evade Germans and Byzantines through trade and cunning.
- Vikings: Normandy, Scotland and England are awaiting for your raids, but Franks won't be decentralised this time.
- Japan: Spawn at Shengoku period Japan with strongholds and rival Samurais. Claim the shogunate for your clan and then open to the world.
- Moors: Lead your Ummayad caliphate anticipating external and internal threats. What would happen if Muslims prevailed in Iberia?
- Philipe Augustus (new): The man who renamed Franks to French and saved from English-German-Flemish coalition
- Enrico Dandolo: renamed Lorenzo di Medici
- Ibn Saud: The man who started with no city and 40 men and ended up with the biggest and richest Arab state under his own complete rule.
- New music fo Augustus, Charlemagne, Dandolo, Alfred (credits to Kevin McLeod for letting his music free)
Cities and minor civs:
- Chinese cities: Zhou capital, birthplace of Comfucious and more
- Assyria: Ninua won't be easy to conquer.
- Crete: Minoans, Romans, Arabs, the rich history of Crete from Minoans to Modern Greece
- Sudan: Merowites, Emirate of Dungulah, Hartum
- Crimaea: Greek colonization, barbarians, Russians and Ottomans
- Kryptos Limen: The "hidden port" awaits to be discovered.
- Kingdom of Alba's Scuin
- Papal states are represented as a HRE city.
- The oracle functions as an ancient Trading Company, destined to be used by Greeks, Phoenicians and maybe Romans.
Technical features:
- More turns, especially in ancient era! Normal speed is a total of 700 turns. More room to forge your classical empires and better AI performance.
- Stability: Can keep a large empire if population is low enough.
- New polity mechanism (technical): Changing cores, capitals and leaders has never been easier.
177 polities are pending patiently to be implemented - Naming: generic monarchy, city-states and grand duchy titles, attempt to centralise the code instead of civ-dependent.
- City naming: Some changes to better handle era-dependent naming.
to be continued
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