Blue Marble V3.0

do i put this file in the programfile\civ4\mods or the mydocuments\civ4\mods? i have civ 4 gold and bts from d2d.

Unzip CivBlueMarble.exe (the installer) from, then run it. If the installer does not find your version by itself, because it does not follow the standard installation scheme, trying putting the installer into the program directory and run it from there (the directory where you installed the program). This will work for the base version. The BlueMarble is looking for a "Civilization4.exe".

If your BtS version from DtD is not installed inside of your Civilization base directory (directory "Beyond the Sword") then BlueMarble will not work for your BtS out of the box. You can try a workaround: try copying your BtS directory into the Civilization base directory and start the Blue Marble installer again. If it finds a "Civ4BeyondSword.exe" in the directory "Beyond the Sword" it should finally recognize it.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but out of the box I can only support the regular CD/DVD-version I have myself, not all of the many download versions with different installation schemes I do not have.
thanks. it does work with the d2d version. once i installed it in the civ gold file all the expansion had it
i like this alot.. but i cant get it to work with BAT mod.

if i run the game normally i get blue marble. but if i load BAT mod i get stock terrain.

i cant imagine playing without BAT mod.. so im currently stuck with stock terrain. how can i get blue marble to "stick".
You need to enable Custom Art and Custom Assets in the BAT mod's INI file. For further instruction, see the BUG and Blue Marble topic. The procedure is the same for BAT as discussed later in that topic.
Ok, I installed everything from the Blue marble mod.

I think it makes the game looks great, although I need to readjust a bit.

What I do not like are the new fonts, the cursor, and the fact that the backgrounds that are supposed to appear in the advisor screens are simply not there. how can I activate those features and remove the things I do not like? thnx!
What I do not like are the new fonts, the cursor, and the fact that the backgrounds that are supposed to appear in the advisor screens are simply not there. how can I activate those features and remove the things I do not like?

You can adjust the fonts with the new BlueMarble version v4 in the "Texts" tab. If you still use BlueMarble v3 you should update:

The leaderhead background in the advisor screens have been removed intentionally. If you do not like this you can disable the "leaderhead" option during installation of BlueMarble. If you do not like the new cursors you can disable the "Themes" option during installation of BlueMarble.
You can adjust the fonts with the new BlueMarble version v4 in the "Texts" tab. If you still use BlueMarble v3 you should update:

The leaderhead background in the advisor screens have been removed intentionally. If you do not like this you can disable the "leaderhead" option during installation of BlueMarble. If you do not like the new cursors you can disable the "Themes" option during installation of BlueMarble.
Yup I reinstalled it and it is good now.

I wanted those backgrounds like the tech advisor screeny shows. I think it looks so good... Too bad I cannot get those to work. I got used to BM really fast and I don't think I can play without it any more. Beautiful work. You are my new best friend! :lol:
This program allows the installation of a new graphic design for Sid Meier's Civilization IV™, based on images of the NASA projects Blue Marble and Hubble, supplemented with a graphically modernized and harmonized user interface. Individual components are selectable in the setup program.
Homepage and Download:
German Mirror:
How can i download 3.0? sorry but I like the sky alot more then the new green one. I use vanilla civ4

signed up just for your mod Great Job!
How can i download 3.0? sorry but I like the sky alot more then the new green one.

The "green" one actually is supposed to be "gold". ;)
Before dropping V4 please make sure that you have actually tried it, because it includes a special gold texture for the Civilopedia and the advistor screens for better readability than the irregular clouds background of V3.

With V4 you also have the possibity to access the new "texts" tab of the installer to select "Aqua" as background color for texts to get the same text background color as in V3. Or for example "Copper" for another great color layout.

However, for downloading the old V3 I now prepared an extra download link on the project homepage for your convenience:
Homepage and Download:
I did try it but the blue looks so much better to me ( i guess im vane lol) Thanks again!
hey i love the way this looks but im kinda new where do i put this?

After you downloaded ("saved") the zip file to your HardDisk, open it and extract the enclosed exe (installation) program. Run this installation program and it will offer different install/uninstall options (high-res, low-res etc.) if you have the PC CD/DVD-versions of Civ4. Download versions like ones from 'Steam' will not be recognized and so will not work, sorry.

Note that Blue Marble v3 is an old version. The latest release v4 you can find here:
After you downloaded ("saved") the zip file to your HardDisk, open it and extract the enclosed exe (installation) program. Run this installation program and it will offer different install/uninstall options (high-res, low-res etc.) if you have the PC CD/DVD-versions of Civ4. Download versions like ones from 'Steam' will not be recognized and so will not work, sorry.

Note that Blue Marble v3 is an old version. The latest release v4 you can find here:

ok yes i've done this but what folder do i put it in? mods? Assets? or somewhere else?
ok yes i've done this but what folder do i put it in? mods? Assets? or somewhere else?
As said, just run the BlueMarble EXE installer. It will find and handle your installation automatically, no matter where started from, if you have a regular CD/DVD version. In case you have another version this is not supported, sorry. Here you could try putting the EXE installer into the Civ4 program directory (where Civilization4.exe can be found) and start it from there, but as I do only have the CD/DVD-versions I cannot test and support other versions, like for example the 'Steam' version, that has a different installation scheme.
I was using Civscale with a boxed version of Civ4. When I bought BtS off of Steam, the Civscale tool no longer works.

Do you think the easiest way to solve this is still by copying and moving the BtS directory, even though I only want the Civscale tool and not BM itself?
Sorry, my mods do not work with the Steam versions, because the Steam versions use other file layouts than the CD/DVD versions and I have no Steam for developing and testing such solutions. Yes, you can try copying Steam's BtS folder to where it sits in a regular installation (directory "Beyond the Sword" in the Civ4 directory) so that CivScale will detect it. But it probably will only help you if you can play BtS from this folder.
Sorry for what might be a silly question, but.
Will Blue Marble work well with the "Civ 4 Complete Edition" version?
I'd like to install Blue Marble, but I have an XML-only mod. Does Blue Marble change the XML files? I guess it probably does, bu I'm hoping all it changes are the actual art files.

Most importantly, doe it change the unit and building files? It wouldn't be worth getting if it changes the art line of every unit in UnitInfos or something like that.

Aslo, just to be sure, it works with 3.19, right?

Thanks in advance.
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