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BombNES IV: As the Crow Flies


Never mind...
Jan 7, 2003
BombNES IV: As the Crow Flies

In 1610 Duke Ernest II of Brunswick-Lüneburg fell ill with a fever. Knowing he was nearing the end of his life and would soon loose the ability to govern his lands, the Duke agreed to wishes of his top advisor, Friedrich Von Witmondt, by granting him almost full control of the Duchy’s finances.

“And that is it. That’s my proposal. Will you lead the expedition to Krahesteg?”

“You mean it brother?”

“There’s no one I’d trust more than you, Brandt. You’re practically family!”

Isenbrandt Von Witmondt squinted at his half brother for a moment before responding.

“True, but what good is it to me? A title with land and no population is meaningless!”

“You can have a Barony in Krahesteg, or you can split a few miles of farmland between all the rest of father’s bastards.”

“But I’d die Fried! The savage men there eat Christians alive!”

“Only Catholics, my dear brother. Now, I don’t suppose you’ve had a close look at the Dutch maps of the area...”

“Very close, thank you, and I more than understand the interest in the area. The gold alone could make the colony profitable-”

“Yes... that.”

Isenbrandt’s eyes narrowed. He recognized this tone of voice from far too many past occasions.

“You lied about the gold? You said the island was awash with gold when you were talking to the Duke!”

“I’ve told the Duke many things.”

“You take far too much advantage of Ernst!” exclaimed Brandt, exasperated.

“If it changes things at all Captain Kuijers insists he found some alluvial gold in a few of the inland streams. I have my doubts, but it’s possible. At any rate, you shouldn’t bother arguing- you’re still the only one I’d send out to lead this mission.”

“Brother, I-”

“Don’t ‘Brother’ me, Brandt- we’ve worked so long for this. The Duke is an invalid. This is the chance for the house Von Witmondt to take the position of power that it has been denied for so many generations. The new world awaits, a ripe fruit for the taking. This is your one chance in your brief, mortal existence to mean something more than a single nightly indiscretion by our dear father. The Duchy will take a foothold in the New World, and a Von Witmondt will be at its helm.”

Isenbrandt was speechless. With an apologetic look on his face, Friedrich continued in a lighter tone.

“You are the only person I trust. You’re well-traveled-”

“I’ve been to Genoa! Once!”

“You know how to farm.”

“Well, my servants do...”

“And you’re the one person in the family who isn’t possessed by an overwhelming desire for power. Because you’re spineless.”

“Spineless?! Me?”

“I’ve yet to see otherwise. You barely even make a grab for the most fantastic opportunity that’s faced any man in Europe for generations, even when it’s hanging succulently right... in front... of your face. I’d take it, but my servitude to our noble Duke Ernst renders me incapable of doing so.”

Isenbrandt gave his half-brother a fearsome scowl, before betraying a small nod.

“Very well. I’ll lead this fool’s venture, even if all it does is make you think better of me.”

“You’re not doing this for me, you’re doing this for you, Brandt.”

“You know, for once... I think I am.”

“That’s the spirit! Now, let’s get back to those maps. Captain Kuijers made note of several good natural harbours on the island...

Spoiler :


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Welcome to BombNES IV: As the Crow Flies. In this NES players will take control of a family on the island of Krahesteg, a fictional location off the coast of North America. The objective of this NES is to give its players a chance to guide a fictional political entity from its foundations as a European colony to wherever history may take it.

Game Play:

Players are tasked with creating their own family. At the start of the NES ("Turn Zero"), only three pre-decided player created families will be present. These players (which helped with much of the development of the NES) will represent the colony’s founding families and as a result, their actions will dictate most of the early history of the NES. As time goes on and the colony expands, slots for new players to join as immigrant families will become available. If you wish to join the NES you can apply to immigrate at the end of each of turn, however as this NES is an experiment in maximum player control of their environment, whether or not you will be accepted is not entirely the moderator’s decision. When creating an immigrant family, it is strongly suggested that you take into account the current political climate of Krahesteg.

Though this NES begins in the year 1610, with the foundation of the colony, the game itself will be split into several “periods” which are in turn made up of several turns. Each period will represent a turning point in the history of Krahesteg and along with it, significant changes to the politics, demographics and landscape of the game. The advantages of this method are the ability of the NES to skip long stretches of relative inactivity, as well as to “even the playing field” so to speak, so incoming players can join the game in new niches as they become available. While players that did well in previous periods will start with innate advantages, representing the success of their family, new players will also have advantages in that they generally will have more flexibility and are not burdened by previous decisions. Nonetheless, if you are expecting to be on equal footing with the established families upon joining, you are sorely mistaken. Like most real immigrant families, you will have to start from the ground up and build a successful life for yourself.

This NES will by and large be built on what the players make of it. As time goes on the rules for the NES will adjust themselves to best fit the current situation of Krahesteg. It is likely that as Krahesteg develops, institutions such as governments, political parties and businesses will naturally evolve. Though it is up to the players how these institutions act, as moderator I will be responsible for managing their organization and powers largely through player orders done via private messaging.

Explanation of Stats:

In this NES, there are three major sets of statistics (stats) of player concern. These are the stats for player families, individual family members and for Krahesteg as a whole. In addition to these three, other less important stats may also exist at certain times in the game. The vast majority of these less important stats will be simply for players to use as a reference.

Family Stats:

The stats for a family are probably of the most concern for an individual player. The first four (name, nationality, religion, patriarch/job) are largely up to the player at the start of the NES, while the remaining are based on player actions throughout the game. Wealth will initially be decided based on the job of the patriarch, though it will change depending on how the player chooses to act. Assets and properties are only those in Krahesteg and are again, based on the player’s actions. There is no defined jobs, but it is suggested a player pick something appropriate for the setting and time period. The moderator has the authority to veto any job or family that do not fit with the setting. Example family stats are below:

Family Name/Player:
Other Important Family Members:
Important Assets:

Family Member Stats:

Every family may have a maximum of ten members at any one point. The founding members of a family are completely up to the player (within reason). Players may pick up to three of the starting traits for any of their founding members, though other traits will fade and develop as time goes on. Since starting traits determine what other traits will later develop, it is recommended that players think very carefully about what they assign to their family members. While using all three traits is perfectly acceptable, it is not necessarily the best course of action as it may very well impede the development of certain traits that cannot be directly selected by the player. Player actions will affect family member traits, but do not dictate them. The only job which a player directly decides on in their first is turn is that of their patriarch upon immigration. It should be remembered that your family members are normal human beings and thus can choose to leave the colony, get sick and even die through no fault of your own. This being the case, it is recommended you don't become too heavily invested in any character beyond their use. Example stats for family members are below:


Starting Traits are below:
Spoiler :

Green Thumb

Krahesteg Stats:

Though in all probability the most important, the stats for Krahesteg as a whole are the ones on which the player has the least amount of direct control. Since Krahesteg is a community of families, its stats are based on the collective decisions and averages of all of the players. Though the initial stats represent the specific situation under which the colony was founded, they will not necessarily stay the same throughout the game. Nonetheless, certain stats are likely to be relevant for most, if not the entirety of the NES. The only player which has any sort of direct control over these stats are whoever is the acting governor/leader. It is strongly recommended that whoever holds this position send two sets of orders. One for the actions of the Krahesteg’s government, and one for their personal family actions. It is recommended whoever takes the position as leader of the colony (at the moment the governor) make their decisions with the input of other players. It is up to the players how they wish to formalize group decision making, however as moderator I will take this into consideration when processing orders. The stats for the Krahesteg at the beginning of the game are below:

Colony of: Brunswick-Lüneburg
Monarch: Duke Ernest II
Food Supply:

Important Assets and Properties:

In addition to wealth, which is the amount of money a family has directly on hand, family possessions are also measured in assets (small belongings) and properties (land and buildings).

Important Assets:

Important Assets are primarily made up of the small possessions, stored food and drink, and the livestock that a family owns. Keep in mind that they do not represent all of the belongings a family has, but rather the things that would have some value in trade or the performance of one's duties. For example, if your family is listed as having one set of clothes, this does not mean the family has only one shirt, one pair of pants, etc to share amongst your whole family, but one extra set to use in an emergency or a trade. Similarly, just because a family is not listed as having a barrel of grain, it doesn't mean they are on the verge of starvation, it just means they don't have a barrel of surplus grain laying around at that time. However, the amount of listed assets that are more expensive or rare such as livestock, weapons and furniture, should be taken at face value. Common sense should dictate most of this, but if you really are curious about something just ask. Bulk items can be used down to the 1/8 level before they are considered fully used. Items that are sold back in Europe sell for 90% of their cost on the supplies sheet. The supplies that a colonist can buy for the journey over is listed in an excel file located here:

At times, you might find that your family has somehow acquired new assets that you have not directly purchased or produced. Generally, these are the items created by one of your family members in their free time, or acquired through minor trades with NPC colonists. It is possible to direct your family members to create new assets if they have the know-how and access to the required raw materials.

In addition to player assets, the colony itself will often times have a set of its own possession. These good mostly consist of stored food, military supplies and equipment for public use. How they are used and divided is up to the governor of the colony. They are listed under the stats for the general colony.


Properties are the land that a family owns and what is located on it. As of right now, there two types of properties of direct concern to a player: homes and farms/workshops.

Homes generally do not produce anything. They house your family and that is about it. Larger homes are needed for larger families. Homes can become "damaged" through in-game events or just general wear and tear. Though damage at higher levels (above 75%) almost certainly indicates there is some physical destruction of the property, lower level damage can simply mean that the property is very unkempt. Since a damaged house can be very detrimental to family health and moral, it is strongly recommended you assign a family member to maintain and manage the property.

Farms/Workshops are properties that produce something. Their production output is located next to the property's name in the stats. The output of a farm/workshop can be either directly consumed (which in the case of perishables, automatically takes place if it is needed by the family to survive) or stored for future use. Properties are listed as having none, poor, decent or good productivity. Poor productivity means that your family isn't producing enough to maintain its health, decent means it is maintaining its health, and good means it is producing enough to improve upon its health. If you happen to produce a surplus it will be listed with a +number of surplus units produced. What to do with the surplus is up to the player. If nothing is listed it will be put into the family inventory and be listed with assets. Most foods are perishable and will only last a turn in storage. Like homes, these properties can become damaged as well. Damage will generally lead to a decline in productivity.

In addition to the types of properties players can own, the colony itself has properties that it manages as well. These include various government buildings, as well as military structures, storehouses, and other buildings that are open to public use. Public properties have a tendency to degrade at a much faster rate than private ones, if only because they are used much more frequently. Despite this, most of them are extremely important to keeping the community functioning and thus maintaining them should be a priority. Goods that publicly owned farms/factories produce are put directly into the public storehouses for use (colonial assets).
Turn Four: Tying Up Loose Ends

Current Date: September 8, 1611 A.D.

With the arrival of new immigrants, the size of the colony has nearly doubled since last Spring. While most of the older colonists are established not to starve, ensuring all of the new immigrants have both food and shelter is nonetheless far from guaranteed. Unfortunately, one of colony's most important sources for food is under threat. While trade with the Yenawpin is still possible, the tribe's own internal problems have resulted in them having a sense of distrust for their white neighbors. It is advised you tread carefully when dealing with them. Perhaps the most immediate issue that needs to be dealt with is the arrival of the mysterious trading vessel The Dorian. Are these English traders who they say they are? Can they be trusted? What is their connection to the missing children Willem and Hulda?

This turn players should focus on:

1) Helping the new colonists get settled.
2) Coming to a decision on how to handle the situation with the Yenawpin.
3) Deciding how to deal with the arrival of the Dorian and its crew.
4) Finishing construction of the new walls.

The Colonial Charter

Ernest, by the Grace of God, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, hereby grants his permission and blessings upon his most loyal and well disposed subjects, Friedrich Von Witmondt, Isenbrandt Von Witmondt, and a diverse group of others to explore, inhabit and make proper use of the lands in the Americas commonly referred to as Krehesteg.

Furthermore, the Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg, in the name of his Ducal Highness Ernest, hereby grants a sum of 10,000 ducats to the Lüneburg Company of Krehesteg for use in the founding and maintenance of settlements in the land commonly referred to as Krehesteg, upon the agreement of the Company to acknowledge the supreme authority of the Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg in all matters of military, trade, tax and religion in lands under the Company's supervision.
Family Stats:

Spoiler :

Family Name/Player: Von Witmondt/Lord_Iggy
Nationality: German (Brunswick-Lüneburger)
Religion: Lutheran
Treasury: 105
Patriarch/Job: Isenbrandt/Governor
Important Family Members:
Spoiler :

Name: Isenbrandt
Age: 36
Job: Governor, Farmer
Health: Decent
Traits: Disciplined, Green Thumb, Handy, Lawful, Depressed

Name: Franziska (Nee Dietrich)
Age: 31
Job: -
Health: Healthy
Traits: Disciplined, Neat, Nurturer

Name: Hermann
Age: 12
Job: -
Health: Hearty
Traits: Clumsy, Brave, Competitive

Name: Kristen
Age: 11
Job: -
Health: Healthy
Traits: Outgoing, Elitist, Charming, Feisty

Name: Hulda (Missing)
Age: 8
Job: -
Health: Unknown
Traits: Intelligent

Name: Margarethe
Age: 4
Job: -
Health: Healthy
Traits: Artistic

Name: Willem (Missing)
Age: 2
Job: -
Health: Unknown
Traits: -

Name: Kondrad
Age: 2
Job: -
Health: Healthy
Traits: -

Name: Albert Kolbus (Friederich)
Age: 35 (41)
Job: Farm Hand
Health: Healthy
Traits: Intelligent, Charismatic, Ambitious

Important Assets:
Spoiler :

3 Beds
1 Set of Bedding
3 Blankets
1 Desk
4 Chairs
1 Clock
5 Sets of Clothing
2 Table
1 Cooking Pot
1 Set of Dishes
1 Set of Knives
1 Manger
1/4 Case of Ink
1 Quill Pen
3 Sheets of Paper
4 Pairs of Shoes
1 Cat
10 Chickens
4 Goats
8 Pigs

Spoiler :
Large House (Perfect Condition)
Small Vegetable Field (Good Productivity)
Small Wheat Field (Good Productivity)
Small Apple Orchard (No Productivity)

Family Name/Player: Kuijers/North King
Nationality: Dutch (Frisian)
Religion: Calvinist (Dutch Reformed)
Treasury: 190
Patriarch/Job: Rafael/Explorer, Ship Captain
Important Family Members:
Spoiler :

Name: Rafael
Age: 34
Job: Explorer, Ship Captain
Health: Healthy
Traits: Ambitious, Intelligent, Dishonest, Multilingual

Name: Katelinje (Nee Hart)
Age: 29
Job: -
Health: Decent
Traits: Intelligent, Elitist, Artistic, Cautious

Name: Luuk
Age: 13
Job: Translator
Health: Healthy
Traits: Charismatic, Intelligent, Adventerous, Multilingual

Name: Elsje
Age: 9
Job: -
Health: Healthy
Traits: Nurturing, Artistic

Name: Mina
Age: 10
Job: -
Health: Healthy
Traits: Brave, Outgoing

Name: Zoe
Age: 6
Job: -
Health: Healthy
Traits: Ambitious

Name: Mark
Age: 1
Health: Healthy
Traits: Independent

Important Assets:
Spoiler :

1 Musket
4 Beds
1 Table
4 Chairs
3 Clothing Sets
2 pairs of Shoes
1 Set of Dishes
1 Map Maker's Kit
6 Dogs
1/4 Case of Jars
1 Case of Wild Berry Preserves
1 Set of Knives
1 Cooking Pot
1 Shovel
1 Axe
5 Blankets
1 Hammer
1 Horse
1 Plow

Spoiler :
Modest House (Perfect Condition)
Small Wheat Field (Decent Productivity)
Small Peach Orchard (No Productivity)
Small Maize Field (Poor Productivity)

Family Name/Player: La Rochelle/Masada
Nationality: French
Religion: Calvinist (French Reformed)
Treasury: 40
Patriarch/Job: Marion/Head of the Colonial Militia
Important Family Members:
Spoiler :

Name: Marion
Age: 33
Job: Captain of the Guard
Health: Healthy
Traits: Charismatic, Insane, Intelligent, Lustful

Name: Francis
Age: 39
Job: Militia Officer
Health: Decent
Traits: Aggressive, Stupid, Loyal, Playful

Name: Anais
Age: 34
Job: -
Health: Hearty
Traits: Intelligent, Outgoing, Delusional

Name: Benoit
Age: 22
Job: Soldier
Health: Decent
Traits: Artistic, Neat, Fat

Name: Leonie (Nee Dietrich, Von Fallersleben)
Age: 34
Job: -
Health: Hearty (Pregnant)
Traits: Watchful, Dishonest, Nympho, Needy

Name: Honore
Age: 16
Job: Construction Foreman
Health: Healthy
Traits: Brave, Disciplined, Cautious, Responsible, Proud

Name: Henri
Age: 1
Job: -
Health: Healthy
Traits: -

Name: John (Adopted)
Age: 1
Job: -
Health: Healthy
Traits: -

Important Assets:
Spoiler :

1 Sheet of Paper
1/4 Case of Wine
3 Beds
2 Chairs
1 Table
1 Set of Bedding
1 Cooking Pot
1 set of Dishes
4 Sets of Clothing
1 Set of Armor
1 Sword
1 Saddle
1 Arquebus
1 Horse
4 Dogs
6 Ducks
10 Rabbits
3 Sheets
1 Golden Ring

Spoiler :
Modest House (Perfect Condition)
Medium Vegetable Field (Decent Productivity)

Family Name/Player: Von Fallersleben/NPC
Nationality: German (Brunswick-Lüneburger)
Religion: Lutheran
Treasury: 50
Patriarch/Job: Klaus/Quartermaster General
Important Family Members:
Spoiler :
Name: Klaus
Age: 17
Job: Quartermaster General
Health: Hearty
Traits: Elitist, Paranoid, Insane, Egotistical, Authoritarian

Important Assets:
Spoiler :

1 Sheet of Paper
1 Quill Pen
1/4 Case of Ink
1/4 Case of Wine
1 Bed
1 Set of Bedding
2 Chairs
1 Set of Dishes
1 Set of cloth
6 Ducks
1 Donkey
1 Kettle
1 Axe

Spoiler :
Modest House (Perfect Condition)
Tiny Vegetable Field (Decent Productivity)

Family Name/Player: Crane/Luckymoose
Nationality: Scottish
Religion: Unaffiliated Christian
Treasury: 45
Patriarch/Job: Archibald/Hunter, Trapper
Important Family Members:
Spoiler :
Name: Archibald Cornelius
Age: 18
Job: Hunter/Trapper
Health: Healthy
Traits: Loyal, Brave, Shy, Ambitious

Important Assets:
Spoiler :
1 Musket
1 Case of Ammo
1 Axe
1 Dog
2 Deer Pelts
1 Pound of Dried Meat

Spoiler :
Tiny Vegetable Field (Low Productivity)

Family Name/Player: Stabenow/NPC
Nationality: German (Brunswick-Luneburger)
Religion: Lutheran
Treasury: 136
Patriarch/Job: Bruno/Minister, Theologian
Important Family Members:
Spoiler :
Name: Bruno
Age: 38
Job: Lutheran Minister, Theologian
Health: Healthy
Traits: Intelligent, Outgoing , Charismatic, Proud

Name: Gretta
Age: 36
Job: -
Health: Healthy
Traits: Perfectionist, Green Thumb, Outgoing

Name: Corina
Age: 16
Job: -
Health: Healthy
Traits: Rebel, Ambitious, Brave, Feisty

Name: Philip
Age: 7
Job: -
Health: Healthy
Traits: Disciplined, Neat

Important Assets:
Spoiler :
2 Beds
1 Table
1 Chair
1 Desk
1 Set of Dishes
1 Cooking Pot
3 Sets of Clothing
2 Blankets
1 Magnifying Glass
3 Sheets of Paper
1 Quill Pen
1 Case of Ink
1 Case of Wine
5 Geese
1 Cow
3 Buckets
10 Bibles

Spoiler :
Modest House (80% Complete)
Medium Vegetable Field (Decent Productivity)

Applicant Families:
Spoiler :

Family Name/Player: Schmidt/merciary
Nationality: German
Religion: Lutheran
Wealth: 1,050
Patriarch/Job: Günter/Smith
Important Family Members:
Spoiler :
Name: Günter
Age: 35
Health: Healthy
Traits: Handy, Perfectionist, Intelligent

Name: Magda
Age: 28
Health: Healthy
Traits: Nurturer, Green Thumb

Name: Bernhard
Age: 10
Health: Healthy
Traits: Outgoing, Brave

Name: Harald
Age: 7
Health: Healthy
Traits: Ambitious

Age: 2
Health: Healthy
Traits: Loyal

Krahesteg Colonies:
Spoiler :

Colony: Willemstadt
Colony of: Brunswick-Lüneburg
Capital: Willemstadt
Monarch: Duke Christian
Governor: Isenbrandt Von Witmondt
Treasury: 2405
Food Supply: 5 months at full rations
Military: 60 militiamen with 11 muskets, 6 swords, 1 cannon
Population: 145
Growth: Growing
Infrastructure: Tolerable
Health: Decent
Moral: High
Spoiler :
The Duchess Margaret (15% Damaged)
Dock (10% Damaged)
Mill (15% Damaged)
Northern Watch Tower (Perfect Condition)
Southern Watch Tower (10% Damaged)
Fortified Wall (20% Completed)
Storehouse (Perfect Condition)
Town Hall (Perfect Condition)
Armory (10% Damaged)
Chapel (Perfect Condition)
Brewery (Good Productivity +5) (Perfect Condition)
Stockade (Perfect Condition)
Large Wheat Field (Good Productivity)
Medium Tobacco Field (Good Productivity +5)
Small Apple Orchard (No Productivity)
Small Cherry Orchard (No Productivity)

Colony Assets:
Spoiler :

1/8 Case of Brandy
8 Kegs of Beer
1/4 Barrel of Malt
1/4 Barrel of Barley
1/2 Barrel of Dried Beans
3 Barrels of Dried Fruit
10 Barrels of Grain
1/4 Barrel of Hops
1/2 Barrel of Nuts
1/8 Barrel of Dried Peas
1/4 Barrel of Rye
4 Barrels of Dried Fish
8 Barrels of Maize
1/4 Barrel of Salt

5 Sets of Beads
3 Buckets
1/8 Case of Candles
28 Empty Barrels
1 Barrel of Homemade Glue
1/8 Case of Matches
1 Sheet of Cloth
1/2 Case of Needles
1/2 Case of Razor Blades
2 Yards of Rope
1 Sewing Kit
1 Shovel
1/4 Case of Soap
6 Yards of Thread
9 Pounds of Tobacco
5 Sheets of Paper
4 Horses

1 Cannon
3 Swords
3 Barrels of Gunpowder
4 Cases of Ammo
6 Muskets
3 Arquebuses
1 Pitchfork

1 Anvil
1 Blacksmith Set

1 Logging Set
1 Carpentry Set
1 Auger
1 Axe
1 Chisel
1 Hand Saw
1 Hatchet
1 Hammer
1 Shovel
1 Case of Nails
1/8 Case of Paint

1 Hoe
1 Plow

1 Brewer's Kit

1 Fishing Set
1 Net

Native American Stats:
Spoiler :
Tribe: Yenawpin
Leader: Weroance Towarassum
Other Important Members: Isurhi (Thomas Beckett)
Lifestyle: Seasonal Farmers
Food Supply: Several Months
Military: Warriors with bows, axes and knives
Population: Several Hundred, but declining
Assets: Unknown

Tribe: Macherew
Leader: Unknown
Lifestyle: Raiders/Hunter Gatherers
Food Supply: Unknown
Military: Warriors with bows, axes and knives
Population: Unknown
Assets: Unknown

Tribe: Yetetica
Leader: Weroance Nakatusu
Lifestyle: Fishermen/Seasonal Farmers
Food Supply: Unknown
Military: Warriors with spears and bows
Population: Several Hundred
Assets: Unknown
Isenbrandt Von Witmondt and his family are preparing to set out for Krahesteg!
Quite ready! :)

Rafael Kuijers & associates shall venture forth into this New World.
You see how that lovving Papist look at me Marion? Well that son-ah whoreson won’t be looking it me now. I took that there knife I did and gouged his eyes out I did, bugger was dull as a Popist prick too and my hands dirty with eye juice now. Tried to wipe it on fancy shirt but that didn’t work that there juice is sticky. I wouldn’t touch the knife now Marion, I took it and shoved it up where the priests like to go looking for good measure.

How’d it get back here Francis then?

Good point sah. I suppose youse can pick it up again and have a look if you want.

Marion la Rochelle put his flagon down with care, swept the knife off the table with a flick of his hankerchief and asked:

Where'd you put the body Francis?

I rolled em in the water. He'll be floating now somewheres away.

Good enough I suppose. Next time turn out his pockets first.

Ill do sah.
Family Name/Player: Kuijers/North King
Nationality: Dutch (Frisian)
Religion: Calvinist (Dutch Reformed)
Patriarch/Job: Rafael/Merchant
Other Important Family Members: Katelinje
Family Wealth:
Important Assets:

Name: Rafael Kuijers
Age: 32
Traits: Ambitious, Intelligent, Dishonest

Trader from a fairly wealthy merchant family native to Leeuwarden, Friesland, in the Spanish Netherlands. Offered to sponsor a significant portion of the cost of the Krahesteg colonial venture. Has experience at sea, with numbers, management, etc.

Name: Katelinje Kuijers (nee Hart)
Age: 28
Traits: Intelligent, Elitist, Artistic

Daughter of a town councilman in Leeuwarden. Married to Rafael for 12 years.

Name: Luuk Kuijers
Age: 11
Traits: Charismatic, Intelligent

Luuk is the golden boy of the Kuijers family, and chances were he'd still be the golden boy even if he weren't the only boy.

Name: Elsje Kuijers
Age: 8
Traits: Nurturing

She loves her dolls. Honestly, we haven't noticed much else out of her. She's not particularly inquisitive, or interesting.

Name: Mina Kuijers
Age: 7
Traits: Brave, Outgoing

Even at 7, Mina is a climber, swimmer, and avid connoisseur of grass. Truly a child to be reckoned with.

Name: Zoe Kuijers
Age: 4
Traits: Ambitious

How does this manifest itself in a four year old? You tell me!
Family Name/Player: von Madeburg/Neverwonagame3
Nationality: German (but do not see self as such)
Patriarch/Job: Martin/Soldier
Other Important Family Members: Heinrich, Maria
Family Wealth:
Important Assets:

Name: Martin
Age: 32
Traits: Charismatic, Disciplined, Perfectionist

Name: Heinrich
Age: 21
Traits: Brave, Outgoing, Loyal

Name: Maria
Age: 19
Traits: Handy, Loyal, Nurturer

Name: John
Age: 13
Traits: Artistic

Name: Phillipe
Age: 12
Traits: Intelligent

Name: Isabella
Age: 14
Traits: Intelligent, Disciplined, Ambitious
Some people just can't read Francis and you know how much I hate an illiterate - not you Francis, other illiterates:

bombshoo said:
At the start of the NES, only three pre-decided player created families will be present. These players, which helped with much of the development of the NES, will represent the colony’s founding families and as a result, their actions will dictate most of the early history of the NES. As time goes on and the colony expands, slots for new players to join as immigrant families will become available.




Francis la Rochelle​
Those were means things to say Marion.

There ain't nothing you ain't done that ain't there, Francis.

I don't like it when they call you the Bucher of Indents.

Neither do I.



Marion la Rochelle
What's this'n?

Just something that a lady friend once sent me.

Which one?

The Countessa.

The Eytelian Catlick one?

The very same, dear friend.
Family Name/Player: Von Witmondt/Lord_Iggy
Nationality: Brunswick-Lüneburger
Religion: Lutheran
Patriarch/Job: Isenbrandt/Landowning Nobility
Other Important Family Members: Friedrich
Important Assets:

Name: Isenbrandt
Age: 35
Traits: Disciplined, Green Thumb, Handy

An honest, straightforward, if somewhat undirected man of minor noble standing, whose preferences lie towards agriculture and the comfortable status quo.

Name: Franziska (Nee Dietrich)
Age: 29
Traits: Disciplined, Neat, Nurturer

Isenbrandt's loving, patient, and beautiful wife, of a similar status in the minor nobility of the Holy Roman Empire.

Name: Hermann
Age: 11
Traits: Clumsy, Brave

Dad's little knight, Hermann is an adventurous young boy who traveled with his father to Genoa, and is being groomed as a successor to Isenbrandt.

Name: Kristen
Age: 9
Traits: Outgoing, Elitist

The little princess of the family, Kristen is a very confrontational and outgoing little girl, already with a significant cohort of friends and enemies amongst the children of the Duke Ernst's Court.

Name: Hulda
Age: 6
Traits: Intelligent

Endlessly curious, Hulda's current main hobby is asking her father for stories about his trip to Genoa. When not harassing adults, she is digging around through the family garden, collecting everything she can find.

Name: Margarethe
Age: 2
Traits: Artistic

Adorable little curly-haired toddler. Just beginning to speak, although has already created several watecolour compositions with her fingers.

Name: Willem
Age: 1

Identical twin of Konrad. Burbles.

Name: Konrad
Age: 1

Identical twin of Willem. Gurgles.

Name: Friedrich
Age: 39
Traits: Intelligent, Charismatic, Ambitious

Isenbrandt's half-brother and confidant of the Duke, Friedrich is the mastermind behind the Krahesteg colonization project, as well as a shrewd, if rather unscrupulous, political climber.
As for NWAG's family, they seem like they could be a reasonable group to arrive in the first wave. :)

Although I'm curious about their nationality. What do they consider themselves if not German? Brunswick-Luneburger?
Lord_Iggy said:
As for NWAG's family, they seem like they could be a reasonable group to arrive in the first wave.

Nope. I just couldn't let him play with all those real life pressures he's under. I won't be a party to someone failing life!
Well, NWAG's absolutely pitiful record of staying in NESes is well known. How do we know that he will not do the same here? NWAG, you're the one who has to answer that question for us.
Who cares about his terrible record: think of all those RL pressures!
Family Name/Player: von Madeburg/Neverwonagame3
Nationality: German (but do not see self as such)
Patriarch/Job: Martin/Soldier
Other Important Family Members: Heinrich, Maria
Family Wealth:
Important Assets:

Name: Martin
Age: 32
Traits: Charismatic, Disciplined, Perfectionist

Name: Heinrich
Age: 21
Traits: Brave, Outgoing, Loyal

Name: Maria
Age: 19
Traits: Handy, Loyal, Nurturer

Name: John
Age: 13
Traits: Artistic

Name: Phillipe
Age: 12
Traits: Intelligent

Name: Isabella
Age: 14
Traits: Intelligent, Disciplined, Ambitious

You are reserved as an applicant for the first batch after the original colonists that settle in turn zero. :goodjob:
That's it- I've had it with your insults. Leaving NESing- this time, for good.

Is posting a legitimate concern over your participation an insult? At any rate, quitting is not the right way to allay our concerns.
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