[RD] Brazile says Clinton Locked Up Democratic Nomination in August of 2015 Through Shady Backroom Deal

Can someone maybe explain to me why it's acceptable to publicly body shame a 70 year old woman?


Calling someone a fat liar or a big fat liar is a very common phrase. You know when someone says "liar liar pants on fire" they're not literally saying your pants have burst into flames right.

Seriously can we not do the thing where we try to twist one or two words out of someone's post as a way to ignore the rest, you people have done that to me plenty of times and it's exceedingly childish :/
Against those who want a christian theocracy in the US, those who want to make the US even more of a libertarian hellhole and those who promote xenophobia as a way of life I'd back the conservatives too if there was no other meaningful choice on the ballot. Any left wing revival in the US will have to come from inside the Democratic Party.

It's either incredibly disingenuous or ignorant. I'm not a Clinton democrat and never have been. I'm honestly not sure what he's trying to convince me of.


Calling someone a fat liar or a big fat liar is a very common phrase. You know when someone says "liar liar pants on fire" they're not literally saying your pants have burst into flames right.

Seriously can we not do the thing where we try to twist one or two words out of someone's post as a way to ignore the rest, you people have done that to me plenty of times and it's exceedingly childish :/

I find it unlikely that BvBPL was fat-shaming there, but "big fat liar" would have been a better choice of words to convey that more clearly.
It's either incredibly disingenuous or ignorant. I'm not a Clinton democrat and never have been. I'm honestly not sure what he's trying to convince me of.
What he's trying to convince you of, is that unless you went full Bernie-or-bust, and/or voted for Jill Stein, or did a write-in, (or voted for Trump I guess?) then you're a traitor to the progressive cause and guilty of perpetuating the corrupt system.
What he's trying to convince you of, is that unless you went full Bernie-or-bust, and/or voted for Jill Stein, Trump or did a write-in, then you're guilty of perpetuating the corrupt system.

*bows head in penitence*
Against those who want a christian theocracy in the US, those who want to make the US even more of a libertarian hellhole and those who promote xenophobia as a way of life I'd back the conservatives too if there was no other meaningful choice on the ballot. Any left wing revival in the US will have to come from inside the Democratic Party.

Then get used to christian theocracy and libertarian hellholes in that side of the Atlantic, because none will come from there. That is what so many people still fail to understand: rotten institutions require replacement, not mending.

Those in control of institutions can make it impossible to "reform from within", and it is far, far more difficult to change against that opposition them that to build new ones. I may be wrong in this but I strongly suspect that the time and effort spend of internal fights to take over a rotten party would have been better used setting up an alternative, even in a system such as the US's.
Seriously can we not do the thing where we try to twist one or two words out of someone's post as a way to ignore the rest, you people have done that to me plenty of times and it's exceedingly childish :/

Oh irony of ironies... Maybe you missed this while stepping out:

That was posted by Commodore on the 3rd page and you responded to it, right? Thats about %45 of Bernie's voters running away from Hillary (that doesn't include people who stayed home). And who were Hillary's voters in 2008 who went for McCain? Mostly centrists? Not the type of voters who'd support Bernie, not the type who'd vote for Obama - not the base. You see, they didn't run from Hillary to McCain, they ran from Obama - he was the presidential candidate, not her. Now, you didn't explain how over 50 million more registered voters in 2016 could result in almost 4 million fewer votes for Hillary than what Obama got in 2008. Much of her base went elsewhere, or stayed home.

Calling someone a fat liar or a big fat liar is a very common phrase. You know when someone says "liar liar pants on fire" they're not literally saying your pants have burst into flames right.

Seriously can we not do the thing where we try to twist one or two words out of someone's post as a way to ignore the rest, you people have done that to me plenty of times and it's exceedingly childish :/

I take it you've never perused the comments on Twitter whenever a conservative makes a post about Hillary Clinton.

I've heard "big fat liar" as an expression not aimed at someone for being fat. Can't say as I've heard "fat liar" before. So I'm left to wonder, since the colloquial "big fat liar," conventionally used to describe someone's lying as big and fat, not the person, wasn't used - it likely conveys something else. Right? That's why it's called a "choice of words" - people choose words for a reason.
I take it you've never perused the comments on Twitter whenever a conservative makes a post about Hillary Clinton.
I've heard "big fat liar" as an expression not aimed at someone for being fat. Can't say as I've heard "fat liar" before. So I'm left to wonder, since the colloquial "big fat liar," conventionally used to describe someone's lying as big and fat, not the person, wasn't used - it likely conveys something else. Right? That's why it's called a "choice of words" - people choose words for a reason.

So there are two possibilities here:

1)He used a shortened version of a common phrase because this is supposedly a casual place and they don't expect their every word to be picked over by lawyers with a fine-tooth comb trying to look for anyway to "get them"
2)He decided to literally call Hillary Clinton fat

You have now declared, as fact, that it's #2, and the onus is apparently on him to defend himself. This is the level we've fallen to. You guys have a real penchant for over-analyzing and telling people what they think.I sti

I've personally been subjected to this tactic by people in this thread in the past to call me a racist (among other things) and totally sidestep my arguments. It's not very hard to see through when you deal with it enough and realize who's arguing in bad faith. When it happens to me I just roll my eyes and move along, but when it happens to someone else (and no one gives them any benefit of the doubt at all) it actually makes me kinda angry.
2) My remarks were based on the core that hobbes example of deliberate Republican political machine chicanery was misapplied, and his response was canned liberal soundbites of Republicans & voter fraud.

Sometimes canned soundbites are all it takes. If you're in the mood for a hot pocket it doesn't make a lot of sense to set a full five course meal.

I have written extensively on this subject elsewhere and I don't feel the need to write multiple wall-o'text duplicate thesis every time the subject comes up.
I've personally been subjected to this tactic by people in this thread in the past to call me a racist (among other things) and totally sidestep my arguments. It's not very hard to see through when you deal with it enough and realize who's arguing in bad faith. When it happens to me I just roll my eyes and move along, but when it happens to someone else (and no one gives them any benefit of the doubt at all) it actually makes me kinda angry.

Okay this is where I'm stopping because you're either lying or just being willfully ignorant to make your narrative work. Studies showed that as many as 25% of Hillary primary voters went for McCain, in contrast to the 1-in-10 number cited of Bernie supporters going for Trump by NPR etc. Hillary voters in 2008 were infinitely more spiteful than Bernie's in 2016. Your arguments have no basis in reality, so I think I'm stepping out of this one.

~%45 of Bernie's voters went to other candidates instead of Hillary according to Commodore's post, and that doesn't include the ones who stayed home... Your complaints about how you're treated are hypocritical, they sidestep while you step out. Btw, you sidestepped mine before disappearing - I said Bernie's voters ran from Hillary and you changed the subject to how many went for Trump.
You're right, from what I can tell the 1/3rd of Bernie's supporters who didn't support Hillary was based on pre-election, post convention polling


That link shows about %25 of Bernie's voters didn't support Hillary in the general and ~%12 went to Trump. But the article also says Bernie's supporters who did go for Trump made the difference in the 3 battleground states. Had they stayed home or gone 3rd party Hillary would have won all three. I still dont understand the argument (check the comments section) why it mattered that ~%25 of Hillary's voters went for McCain in 2008, or if thats even true. They didn't run from Hillary, they ran from Obama. And they were probably more centrist and further from the Democrat base. Had she won the primary vs Obama she would have kept that %25 and probably not lost %25 of the Democrat base, ie she would have beat McCain too.



That article says %15 of Hillary's voters in 2008 went for McCain
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