Hillary Stole the Election


Dec 30, 2000
the golf course

“The Court thus assumes that the DNC and Wasserman Schultz preferred Hillary Clinton as the Democratic candidate for president over Bernie Sanders or any other Democratic candidate. It assumes that they stockpiled information useful to the Clinton campaign. It assumes that they devoted their resources to assist Clinton in securing the party’s nomination and opposing other Democratic candidates. And it assumes that they engaged in these surreptitious acts while publically proclaiming they were completely neutral, fair, and impartial.

Well, it was stolen on her behalf at the very least... How ironic. Seems poetic justice keeps following Hillary around like a ball and chain. She votes to invade Iraq and loses the primary to anti-Iraq war Obama. She cheats Bernie out of the election and loses to Trump with help from Russian hackers exposing DNC double dealing.
Wasn't this already a known fact? The biggest problem with the rigging of the primaries is that there's nothing you can actually do about it without tearing down the system that allows it in the first place. This dismissal doesn't really reveal anything that wasn't already known.
Is it, though? I don't know anyone who expected anything different than dismissal.
Let me ask this once again, for I have never gotten an answer. What did Hillary, the DNC, and/or Wasserman Schultz DO?

Yes, Wasserman Schultz favored Hillary, but what did she do? Yes, some low-level people at the DNC kicked around ideas about how to help Hillary, but what did they do?

Your out-of-context quote proves nothing. The court's statements were made in evaluating a 10b5 motion to dismiss. As the court explained, "In evaluating Plaintiffs’ claims at this stage, the Court assumes their allegations are true—that the DNC and Wasserman Schultz held a palpable bias in favor Clinton and sought to propel her ahead of her Democratic opponent...” If the complaint had alleged that kangaroos are purple, then for the purposes of ruling on that motion, the court would have been required to assume that kangaroos are purple. It does not mean that kangaroos are actually purple.

So, take your purple kangaroos, go home, and stop trying to distract people from the real issues of the day.
From the court record (that the article provided a link to it is its only redeemable quality), from the start of the document:

Democratic National Committee
THIS MATTER is before the Court upon Defendants’ Motion To
Dismiss Plaintiffs’ First Amended Complaint (DE 44). The Court has
carefully reviewed said Motion, the entire court file, and, with
the benefit of oral argument, is otherwise fully advised in the
In the 2016 presidential election’s Democratic primaries,
Bernie Sanders and others vied against Hillary Clinton for the
Party’s nomination. This case, in short, involves allegations that
the Democratic National Committee1 was in cahoots with the Clinton
campaign and sought to tip the scales in her favor in the
Democratic primaries, all at the direction of, and under the
leadership and watchful eye of, its then-chair, Deborah Wasserman
Schultz, despite the DNC’s and Wasserman Schultz’s promise to
remain impartial. Plaintiffs discovered what they believe is
evidence of that bias after the DNC’s computer servers were
penetrated by hackers. Shortly thereafter, they brought this
putative class action against the DNC and its former chair.
In evaluating Plaintiffs’ claims at this stage, the Court
assumes their allegations are true——that the DNC and Wasserman
Schultz held a palpable bias in favor Clinton and sought to propel
her ahead of her Democratic opponents. Plaintiffs assert several
fraud-type claims. But they do not allege they ever heard or acted
upon the DNC’s claims of neutrality. Plaintiffs also assert a tort
claim on behalf of all registered Democrats, even though the harm
they allege impacted all Democratic-primary-eligible voters——and
under their theory, the entire body politic——the same way. And
finally, Plaintiffs claim that donors to the DNC are at an
increased risk of identity theft as a result of the computer hack.
But they do not allege that the DNC regularly keeps the type of
information necessary to facilitate identity theft or that the
hackers targeted, much less obtained, that information. The Court
must now decide whether Plaintiffs have suffered a concrete injury
particularized to them, or one certainly impending, that is
traceable to the DNC and its former chair’s conduct——the keys to
entering federal court. The Court holds that they have not, which
means the truth of their claims cannot be tested in this Court.

Court: "Let's for the sake of argument assume what you claim is true..."
I'm a bit pissed off now. I've got seeing that story appear on facebook over and over to look forward to.
Hillary stole nothing. Her people rigged the system at the 2012 convention, but she never needed to actually steal anything.

Seems like old news to anyone who actually knew what was embarrassing about the wikileaks email dump.
Really/ What didshe DO?
Superdelegates. It was a way to tie up delegates before the beginning of the primary season. There was the fear of another 2008. In retrospect, it was a fully justified fear. Nothing they did was nothing completely new, but the deck was thoroughly stacked. The tricks with debates was small change.

Superdelegates. It was a way to tie up delegates before the beginning of the primary season. There was the fear of another 2008. In retrospect, it was a fully justified fear. Nothing they did was nothing completely new, but the deck was thoroughly stacked. The tricks with debates was small change.

Well, that was technically legal or whatever. Hillary herself remained relatively clean on this but the media purposefully made Bernie look bonkers while avoiding most of his purely common sense policy ideas, the DNC purposefully buried debates at odd times and days and apparently Hillary was fed more info about the debates than her competitors were.
Give me a break. Much as I despise Clinton, the media was against her til she clinched the nomination. Not like they were, are, against Trump, but the normal bias the right complains about so muchThey were out to prop up someone from the start, because any race is better than none. Bernie turned out to be the guy.

The only thing worse than that article is the American insistence on omitting the definite article before 'plaintiff' and 'defendant'.
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