Brazilian naval visit to London


Sep 5, 2001
Centre of the maritime world
I was buying fresh bread and croissants this morning when I noticed a naval vessel passing by up the Thames (I live in Greenwich, London). It was quite amusing as at first I was simply curious as to what it was, then I noticed music playing -they had a full brass band on deck, at 09:00 on a Sunday morning.
Then I noticed it was The Girl from Ipanema, which provoked my curiosity further until I noticed the Brazilian flag on the breeze!

I've tried googling and searching for news on their visit, but had no luck. Does anyone know a good source of naval news? It's unlikely to be a big deal, a small frigate (Ex-US Garcia Class) I believe it was either the Para, Paraiba or Parana (D27, D28 or D29).

Anyone got any ideas?

I have no idea which vessel it might be, but this sort of naval visits is quite common. Last week I saw south african frigate, about a month ago I saw a british one :)
And I don't go near the docks that often, or I'd see more.
Partying on a sunday morning? what where they thinking? They should still be in bed at that time!
There might be a bit on it on london radio when they do local news.
Occasionally the local newspaper for a port will have arrivals/departures listings for merchant ships and foreign naval ships buried on one of the back pages.
Disrespectful war-mongering noise polluters are terrorising my sleep-in :crazyeye:
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