British calls to ban kitchen knives.

So who wants to tell Gordon Ramsey they are taking his fave knife away from him?

Before the ban can we stab him real fast? No one will have to tell him anything.
and so we have a useless measure against a serious crime
Wouldn't it be more effective to ban the English from drinking?

If you can't use a knife you could always bludgeon someone with a chair or something. Why not get rid of the root cause which is that the English can't handle their liquor, it turns them into a bunch of surly thugs.

Only when combined with football! ;)

EDIT: Or women :)
Firstly, this is old news (from ).

Either that is some serious sarcasm, or you have never cooked a meal on your own. Either way, that argument was pitiful.

Kitchen knives are necessary to cut food for people who eat! Newsflash! You can't slice up a quarter of beef with a butter knife! Chopping vegetables is also something that requires kitchen knives!
Did you read the post? It's about the pointy tips. Not kitchen knives in general. I don't know about you, but I don't chop or slice with my pointy tip.

Maybe there is a need for pointy tips, but let's not sidetrack the debate with false claims that people are trying to ban all knives.
Firstly, this is old news (from ).

Did you read the post? It's about the pointy tips. Not kitchen knives in general. I don't know about you, but I don't chop or slice with my pointy tip.

Maybe there is a need for pointy tips, but let's not sidetrack the debate with false claims that people are trying to ban all knives.

How about if the object you are cutting is larger than the length of your knife (say watermelons for instance)? You have to stab into it about halfway through and cut it in half. By the way, this is an arguement for not having knife points blunted.

And I also found it funny how the number of violent crimes is still holding steady, despite banning guns.
Did you read the post? It's about the pointy tips. Not kitchen knives in general. I don't know about you, but I don't chop or slice with my pointy tip.

Maybe there is a need for pointy tips, but let's not sidetrack the debate with false claims that people are trying to ban all knives.

I don't know about you but every one of my kitchen knives have pointy tips other than the butter knives. Thats just a fact. the vast majority of knives have pointy tips.

If 99% of all knives have pointy tips, then banning pointy tips pretty means 99% of knives are illegal right?

Just the suggestion that pointy things be banned is enough for me to laugh hysterically. No need to stretch any facts here.
I don't know about you but every one of my kitchen knives have pointy tips other than the butter knives. Thats just a fact. the vast majority of knives have pointy tips.

If 99% of all knives have pointy tips, then banning pointy tips pretty means 99% of knives are illegal right?
No, because the proposed legislation was aimed at _sale_, not possession.

So given a choice between (a) only selling butter knives, or (b) producing sharp knives with blunt tips, which do you think manufacturers will go for?

Just the suggestion that pointy things be banned is enough for me to laugh hysterically. No need to stretch any facts here.
Then I wonder why people are stretching the facts.

I'm not particularly in favour of legislation, and certainly wouldn't be if there are reasons why sharp tips are useful. But on the other hand, it would be nice to have them more commonly available as an option and they seem a good idea (same for scissors too - you can get scissors with blunt ends which mean you can use them a lot more easily without worrying about accidents, I think they're mainly intended for medical use, but you rarely see them for sale).
Well of course this is ridiculous.

Only way affect that way rates of violence is other means than banning weapons of that sort.

Guns are different issue though.

No offence old chap but that doesnt make the slightest sense to me :)
It's not even a "bill". One single group of doctors from one single hospital suggested it.

I wish people would just read the god damn article before they get on their high horse and spout BS.

Yeah, it's OT at its worst. An article from 2 years ago ? Which some don't even manage to read and describe as a bill or a law ?

Do we get any attempt at sceptical thought as to how widespread this view on knives is, or on how likely it would be to become a law or even just a bill, or on how much support this idea has accrued in the last 2 years ? Or do we mostly get a rush of knee-jerk anti-PC posts ? The answer is unsurprising, but pretty depressing.
Point is you'd have to be pretty close to do any damage, and it's much easier to defend against. I don't know about you but I'd much rather be attacked by a guy with a 3 inch knife than a guy with a 12 inch knife.

It's not even a "bill". One single group of doctors from one single hospital suggested it.

I wish people would just read the god damn article before they get on their high horse and spout BS.
I don't want to attack you but this is all nonsense. It's a rididculous and . .. .. .. .ed up idea by ridicilous and . .. .. .. .ed up politicans who are to dishonest to admit that their gunban is a total failure. IIRC the last time it was brought up it was by some government agency!
And you have obviously no idea about knifefights, you can just as easily kill with a screwdriver, infact alot of really dangerous people prefer them.
In fact, a friend of mine stabbed a guy in the neck with a watercolour paintbrush and almost killed him even though it wasnt sharp, knives are for cutting mainly, rarely stabbing unless u wanna stick a pig while you're hunting.

Die pigs!:mad: (not related to police in any way)

Or is it?
Considering the quality of English food, banning kitchen knives could be a good thing. Let them order out for a generation or two and try again later.
99% of respondents so far need to read the article.

Hospitals deal with a lot of domestic stab victims from aggressors who lost the plot in a moment of insanity grabbed the nearest weapon and had at it in a frenzy

Suggested solution:
Sell kitchen knives with blunt tips

Hospitals deal with "multiple bruise" victims instead of corpses

Sounds like a good idea to me.
Sure, until the backlash of an increase in fork and spork stabbings. I think the brits, and the rest of the EU for that matter, should only be allowed dull edged spoons until they can behave like civilized people. Wooden utensils only for those tards, I say. It's amazing that they can prune a tree without massacres occuring. If the brits would have gone to a 'dull wooden utensils only' policy right after jack the ripper, think of all the lives that could have been saved.

People don't kill people. Knives kill people (well, pointy ones anyway).
Well I didn't think it'd go this far but...

Now I'm hoping that this just noise but I'm not sure of anything anymore.

This is the first I've heard about it. I despair at the lengths some people go to, to try and convince the government their jobs are necessary.
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