Version 1.13 is here for 3.17
Enhanced Sized Cities - Cities expand their radius with larger cultural borders. After a certain size, the city expands to a radius of 3, and at the level before legendary, radius 4. The actual culture level this happens at is controlled by the xml. Cities also can gain a health and happiness boost from higher culture. By default, this bonus is +1 happiness per level,, starting at Fledgling, but no health bonus. Also moddable with XML.
Get version 1.13 here:
This mod is for version BtS 3.17
Open Tech trading - If trading with a civilization and researching a tech they have and you don't, you get a +150% research boost in all cities.
Get version 0.81 here:
This mod is for version BtS 3.03
Enhanced Sized Cities - Cities expand their radius with larger cultural borders. After a certain size, the city expands to a radius of 3, and at the level before legendary, radius 4. The actual culture level this happens at is controlled by the xml. Cities also can gain a health and happiness boost from higher culture. By default, this bonus is +1 happiness per level,, starting at Fledgling, but no health bonus. Also moddable with XML.
Get version 1.13 here:
This mod is for version BtS 3.17
Open Tech trading - If trading with a civilization and researching a tech they have and you don't, you get a +150% research boost in all cities.
Get version 0.81 here:
This mod is for version BtS 3.03