[BTS] and [BTS] Larger City Radius and Open Borders Tech Trading

And CCV can do much more for you but is not so overloaded like RoM, Next War Advanced, overlord,... .

Actually, A New Dawn expansion do so much more than CCV can at the moment. The most powerful reason: AND 1.74 (in beta now) has a well-functioning advanced unit automations while CCV doesn't have them :D. Never again will I be willing to play with a mod without AUA anymore :).
Actually, A New Dawn expansion do so much more than CCV can at the moment. The most powerful reason: AND 1.74 (in beta now) has a well-functioning advanced unit automations while CCV doesn't have them :D. Never again will I be willing to play with a mod without AUA anymore :).

CCV can do things no other mod can! There is no other mod with such a good invisible system, interception system,...! But your right, A New Dawn is a fantastic mod (expansion). No question. But if AUA is all you desire I will include them into Patch B. Something more?
CCV can do things no other mod can! There is no other mod with such a good invisible system, interception system,...! But your right, A New Dawn is a fantastic mod (expansion). No question. But if AUA is all you desire I will include them into Patch B. Something more?

I will move my request to CCV forum now... :)
is there any standalone modcomp for 3.19 available? can somebody create it?
I did it, there are now culture 9 levels, each with a different maximum number of tiles to be worked:


Sadly, this person hasn't been online for over 3 years and all that. But I would like to know if anyone has any idea how he did this and can help me replicate it. With my expansion idea being:

Plots available besides the 1 where the city is:
4 8 12 18 22 28 32 and so on. So that each cultural level expands the city workable plot radius the least possible symmetric number. Thanks if anyone can help me with this.
i checked what i have,

i got the mod, but its compatible with 3.13, but i tagged all the relevant tags,
so you guys need to compare it to the 3.19 files and compile - if you know how to compile - its 95% of the work done for you.

also i got an almost the same mod - but only it was made by jooyo, the tags are also marked so its the same story, need to be compiled.

tell me if this helps.
Is this much different from what is in AND/CoM?
No, either it's exactly what was used in RoM or RogerBacon's mod was. I just needed freshest isolated code for extra working range, version for 3.17 turned out good enough.
No, either it's exactly what was used in RoM or RogerBacon's mod was. I just needed freshest isolated code for extra working range, version for 3.17 turned out good enough.
would you be so kind to share this? As i don't know what needs to be changed to update it.
would you be so kind to share this? As i don't know what needs to be changed to update it.
First of all, you'd need to recompile the DLL. If it's too much for you, look for simpler mods that integrate this feature.

v1.13 is good to transfer from and Mylon noted their entries, if you don't have any version managers you can use soft like Compare It! to spot the difference, there aren't many files affected. Just don't transfer changes between 3.17 and 3.19 accidentally. For range you need iCityRadius tag in CIV4CultureLevelInfo.xml, I didn't implement Culture Happiness&Health, though it's a great touch, but History Rewritten already has lots of mechanics to pay for investment in culture. CIV4GameInfoSchema.xml isn't noted, so you should compare it to the vanilla schema if you already have one heavily changed. GlobalDefinesAlt.xml makes sure new circles fit into city screen.

Thing about extra working range though is that outside of working juicy tiles like riverside, forests or resources it's hard to keep paying off food investment once you hit happiness cap or free unit maintenance cap with Monarchy, so there needs to be infrastructure around - diverse new happiness resources, buildings for them and yet more like happiness from specialists that AI knows how to work with. Maintenance should be reasonable too, in vanilla it (maybe just NoSM?) doubles every 8 extra population. All that is already addressed in my modmod, btw.
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