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[BtS] DIPLOMACY: a mod for Diplogames!

Man this is much more tedious than I remember it. Part of it is some reskinning I've done America and the Arabs so far. Here's the new Harun al-Rashid. I think it looks pretty spiffy myself.
Oh yeah, and Madman if you are going to work on those Nasser Diplomacy Texts I will also need Ahuitzotl too, I suppose I could use Itzcoatl's but it might be better if they had different stuff.
Eh, I suppose you are right... I hate to do it but I think I am going to remove the Songhai :sad: . Well, they had a fun ride while it lasted (I actually played as them a lot in the old mod, which is why I didn't list this as an option). In the interest of representing Africa more, I will add a new African civ in their stead as part of Module Pack II, so we'll figure that one out when we get to it.

ANYWAY, besides crying about my football team's loss, I made the first place-holder LH and actually it doesn't look too bad at all if I do say so myself. This is the Nasser that will appear in the PLAYTEST. I will have a much better one for the final mod, but in the meantime we will be using this one, it is a reskin of some LH from CivGold, but I think that was just a reskin of FDR, so its a reskin of FDR. I think it looks pretty decent for a simple place-holder LH... what do you guys think?

Also who's personality should I base him on and what traits should he have? And I need ideas for a background (man am I unprepared).

For his background, why not use the dam?
Also, I'd make him maybe Industrious/Organized, but give him the personality of... hmm... who is a big warmonger and builder? Maybe Stalin as a placeholder.
Man this is much more tedious than I remember it. Part of it is some reskinning I've done America and the Arabs so far. Here's the new Harun al-Rashid. I think it looks pretty spiffy myself.

Capo, do you remember I sent you my version of Harun with a better background (you liked it). Do you have it somewhere or do I need to upload it again? Also you must change Harun's animations from Zara Yaqob's to Suleiman's because Zara doesn't work well for him (clipping, floating moustache, inflating cheeks).
EDIT: do you need help with shaders?
Capo, do you remember I sent you my version of Harun with a better background (you liked it). Do you have it somewhere or do I need to upload it again? Also you must change Harun's animations from Zara Yaqob's to Suleiman's because Zara doesn't work well for him (clipping, floating moustache, inflating cheeks).
EDIT: do you need help with shaders?

I do not have your new background, so I'll need that, although I don't really think this one is too bad but if you said I liked it before go ahead and send it over. I am a little dubious about changing the animations because the LH is based on Suleiman and I don't want it to look too much like him, some of the clipping is fixed by adding the lining to the vest though but I can send him over to you to take a look at.
@ Madman; I am not sure if you saw it because the page got bumped but I need some Diplomacy texts for Ahuitzotl and Nasser ASAP!

By the way, writing those is a lot harder than it seems. I (attempted) to make some for Nasser and they were awful compared to what you have done. The amount of leaders you have covered and the quality of them is pretty staggering. :goodjob:
I'm making his diplotext right now! I just got the inspiration.

Here's a teaser, though.

<English>The people of [OUR_CIV_SHORT] do not want to hear your words - they want the sound of battle - the battle of destiny. Now go away before I destroy you.</English>
<English>What are you doing here? Didn't anybody tell you that it's rude to occupy other people's territories?</English>
<English>We're a sentimental people. We like a few kind words better than millions of dollars given in a humiliating way. This wouldn't be bad, though...</English>
Nasser is done. See, what did I tell you?

<English>I, [CT_NAME], leader of the [CT_CIV_ADJ] peoples, bid you welcome to our land. I look forward to our friendship. Just remember that if take anything from us by force, we will restore it by force.</English>
<English>The people of [OUR_CIV_SHORT] do not want to hear your words - they want the sound of battle - the battle of destiny. Now go away before I destroy you.</English>
<English>There is no longer a way out of our present situation except by forging a road toward our objective, violently and by force, over a sea of blood and under a horizon blazing with fire! So the answer is no.</English>
<English>I have been a conspirator for so long that I mistrust all around me - except for you, [CT_NAME]. Welcome back to [OUR_CIV_SHORT]!</English>
<English>What are you doing here? Didn't anybody tell you that it's rude to occupy other people's territories?</English>
<English>We're a sentimental people. We like a few kind words better than millions of dollars given in a humiliating way. This wouldn't bad, though...</English>
<English>Our soldiers are ready to defend the grains of sand in the desert to the last drop of their blood. Think about that before you provoke us. Now, hand it over.</English>
<English>Events are not a matter of chance. If you wake up to see that your land has become a heap of rubble, it is because you didn't give this up. Well?</English>
I'm making his diplotext right now! I just got the inspiration.

Here's a teaser, though.

<English>The people of [OUR_CIV_SHORT] do not want to hear your words - they want the sound of battle - the battle of destiny. Now go away before I destroy you.</English>
<English>What are you doing here? Didn't anybody tell you that it's rude to occupy other people's territories?</English>
<English>We're a sentimental people. We like a few kind words better than millions of dollars given in a humiliating way. This wouldn't be bad, though...</English>

I like it so far, and I like how you integrate his quotes into it. For now I gave him Industrious/Charismatic, but I might change that to Inudstrious/Organized. His favorite civic is Nationhood.

I am working on putting in Ahuitzotl right now, you can forget about making his Diplomacy Texts I think I'll try this on my own (hopefully).
I'll do it when I have time.
I'll do it when I have time.

Well, if you want to I won't stop you.

I reskinned Igor's Itzcoatl and am going to use him as Ahuitzotl. Here is what he looks like in-game with his new duds, I think I'm going to add a jade skull to his necklace for the final version.
I wonder why you didn't use him as Itzcoatl and used that Toltec guy as Ahuizotl.
I wonder why you didn't use him as Itzcoatl and used that Toltec guy as Ahuizotl.

Because I didn't want to change the LH from the original version and also I made Ahuitzotl more of a military leader than Itzcoatl and I thought this one looked a bit more militaristic. And it doesn't matter really either way honestly.
Thanks Igor. :goodjob:

Well I thought I'd have the playtest out earlier, but it appears it will be on schedule (so a little less than a week and a half from now), these LHs are taking a while to get in as I have explained before. But its okay because I don't have the amount of playtesters I want just yet so there's still time anyway.

But for now here is another PLACEHOLDER preview. It is Cartimandua of the Celts, it is just a reskinned Dido with a few things removed but I think it looks pretty decent for a place-holder LH. Check her out!

EDIT: I was going to give her freckles, but that would have taken forever so I didn't.

EDIT 2: Also she's pretty obscure, and actually probably doesn't really deserve to be a leader of a Civ (but I already started on her LH so screw off!!!), so it means we could probably do whatever with her traits and personality. I was personally thinking of Charismatic/Protective, but does anyone have a better idea?

EDIT 3: I know, I know, I'm wasting my time on these PLACEHOLDER LHs, but I am a leaderhead maker dammit and this is what I do! Also I have already had requests to post the Nasser placeholder. LOL.
Thanks Igor. :goodjob:

Well I thought I'd have the playtest out earlier, but it appears it will be on schedule (so a little less than a week and a half from now), these LHs are taking a while to get in as I have explained before. But its okay because I don't have the amount of playtesters I want just yet so there's still time anyway.

But for now here is another PLACEHOLDER preview. It is Cartimandua of the Celts, it is just a reskinned Dido with a few things removed but I think it looks pretty decent for a place-holder LH. Check her out!

EDIT: I was going to give her freckles, but that would have taken forever so I didn't.

EDIT 2: Also she's pretty obscure, and actually probably doesn't really deserve to be a leader of a Civ (but I already started on her LH so screw off!!!), so it means we could probably do whatever with her traits and personality. I was personally thinking of Charismatic/Protective, but does anyone have a better idea?

EDIT 3: I know, I know, I'm wasting my time on these PLACEHOLDER LHs, but I am a leaderhead maker dammit and this is what I do! Also I have already had requests to post the Nasser placeholder. LOL.

The other two Celt leaders are Charismatic, so I'd suggest giving her something different.
I'm not sure what to recommend, though. I always avoid playing as the celts because they seem kinda... gimped. Not a fan of the UU and UB.
The other two Celt leaders are Charismatic, so I'd suggest giving her something different.
I'm not sure what to recommend, though. I always avoid playing as the celts because they seem kinda... gimped. Not a fan of the UU and UB.

I usually let the game decide what civ I play as, in SP games at least. Which is part of the reason I am adding so many leaders to the game. I don't know the Celt leaders off-hand, since Cartimandua isn't so well-known I suppose I could really give her almost anything. I want to go with Protective on this one though so Protective and Organized/Philosophical/Financial? I think one of those would be good, Imperialist isn't a good fit for any Celtic leader really (especially considering how fragmented they were, I mean any war AGAINST the Celts usually involved some sort of Celtic ally as well).

EDIT: I just noticed I forgot to color her eyebrows.

EDIT 2: And as far as the Celts being gimped - I usually do pretty well with them, their UB kinda sucks, but honestly it doesn't cost much in the way of hammers and it gives a bonus that isn't fantastic but is actually pretty useful considering that any player worth his salt will use hills as his stacks travel around for extra defense, and that just bolsters it much more and really if your whole army has hills defense, and your cities are built on hills, with the free promotion it really leaves you more space to have attack armies rather than defenses. Combine that with the charismatic trait and you can really stockpile those XP points, so it depends on how you play them, for a traditional builder/specialist style the Celts are difficult, but if you play to their strengths they can be pretty powerful. Not to mention they can get a quick religion since their start with Mysticism, so if you throw that in and really spread their religion (which you should be doing anyway) that's a lot of money for tech too. So I wouldn't say they're that worthless.
I just put in a few new leaders and reskinned Constantine, but to my dismay Ekmek seems to have updated the LH, so now I have to go back and reskin it again. I thought the'd look more regal in white for some reason and I added a Labarum to his armor. And there's also an image of Cartimandua's placeholder LH too. I just cancelled my trivia for tonight so I am going to try and put in as many LHs as I can today (although it is kinda boring after a while).
I just put in a bunch of leaders, I gotta get going in a minute but before I go I'll leave you guys with yet another reskin preview. If you remember my old mod I used the Spanish King from Colonization as King Henry VIII, the only problem is the new Charles V LH uses his clothes, so they'd have the exact same outfit on, so knowing that Henry had an affinity for brightly decorated attire I threw together this new texture for him. I also gave him blue eyes and reddened his hair a bit, and I removed the feather just so he looked a little more different from Chucky. His pendant now has the Tudor rose on it as well.
Henry's still not my favorite choice for a leader, but that retexture looks very much like him. Based on this shot, I don't think that you need to make any other changes to the model.
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