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[BtS] DIPLOMACY: a mod for Diplogames!

Another thing, Nehru was an Atheist, but I was going to give him Hinduism anyway because I'd rather have India choose Hinduism in the Choose Religion setting so they don't block another civ from their religion (like if they chose Olympic Pantheon or something). You think that's fine or should I just give him NONE?

I think a leader who was an atheist should get the religion of his people. I gave Mao Confucianism and I gave Stalin Christianity, so I think you should give Nehru a religion.
If Mao has Confucianism, it's fine. It's not like wanted to destroy all the religions in the world.

I actually think I set Mao (and Stalin for that matter) at NONE, but I could always change them to Confucianism and Christianity, I think I currently have Salamasina at NONE too. Should I leave it or should I give her Shamanism? (even though it is flavored towards the Native American civs).
Speaking of Nehru, here is his place-holding LH in game. It looks even less like him in-game than it does in NifSkope, but that's okay because i'll replace it. I just wanted you guys to see the background I went with; it is from a computer generated image of the Gateway of India in Mumbai, I also have a pretty good one of the India Gate but I think this looks a bit better.

I had no idea whose personality to base him on so I went with FDR for right now.
He doesn't look like Nehru, and his clothing is a little odd (especially those pockets), but I rather like the face. With modified clothing, a future-era Indian leader, perhaps?
I still think it'd be neat to create a religion for the God-On-Earth leaders we have. Castro, Stalin, Kim, etc.
Have the religious shrines and such be monuments (to a very vague/generic looking leader) instead. Saddam Hussein style stuff.
He doesn't look like Nehru, and his clothing is a little odd (especially those pockets), but I rather like the face. With modified clothing, a future-era Indian leader, perhaps?

I know he doesn't look like Nehru, he's just a place-holder for the playtest. I just reskinned that Rudolph Maister LH and removed the military stuff, I am going to make a Nehru later.
I still think it'd be neat to create a religion for the God-On-Earth leaders we have. Castro, Stalin, Kim, etc.
Have the religious shrines and such be monuments (to a very vague/generic looking leader) instead. Saddam Hussein style stuff.

Well, without modifying Python, I have reached the limit of religions so unfortunately I can't do that. I don't think Castro or Stalin ever referred to themselves as gods though, but I get your motivation here. I think the amount of religions we have now is pretty good though and combined with the great Culutral City-styles and the flavored units you can really get emersed in the culture of the civilization you are playing as.

@ Madman, for some reason the Diplomacy Texts aren't showing up (only the standard, "stock," diplo texts are), well the first contact texts are, and I'm not getting any python errors so I'm not sure what the deal is. I am going to have to look into it. I probably should have checked on that before adding all of the leaders I have added so far. :(
I actually think I set Mao (and Stalin for that matter) at NONE, but I could always change them to Confucianism and Christianity, I think I currently have Salamasina at NONE too. Should I leave it or should I give her Shamanism? (even though it is flavored towards the Native American civs).

Polynesians have a polytheistic/animistic tradition, with a strong focus on ancestry, mana and tapu. It's more akin to Greek Mythos than it is to Shamanism. The majority of Polynesian peoples adopted Christianity from British and French missionaries but neither Salamasina or Kamehameha did so, for now, NONE is the best option.
@ Madman, for some reason the Diplomacy Texts aren't showing up (only the standard, "stock," diplo texts are), well the first contact texts are, and I'm not getting any python errors so I'm not sure what the deal is. I am going to have to look into it. I probably should have checked on that before adding all of the leaders I have added so far. :(

How do you know they're not showing up? After all, the game randomizes everything when LHs talk to you, so maybe you just weren't lucky and didn't get the unique sentences yet. These sentences appear seldom, so if you got the greetings to work, the rest probably works too.
How do you know they're not showing up? After all, the game randomizes everything when LHs talk to you, so maybe you just weren't lucky and didn't get the unique sentences yet. These sentences appear seldom, so if you got the greetings to work, the rest probably works too.

I guess I can keep an eye out, I have only done one playtest since putting in some of these new leaders so maybe I just didn't have the luck of the draw, but I didn't notice one yet. So we'll see.
How do you feel about this text for Ahuizotl?

<English>Why, hello, stranger. Welcome to the magnificent land of the [OUR_CIV_ADJ] people! Are you here you bend to the every whim of our mighty kingdom, or do you prefer to face the wrath of the gods?</English>
<English>Hey, go away! Unless you're here to voluntarily sacrifice yourself to the gods, I don't want you anywhere near the [OUR_EMPIRE]!</English>
<English>Are you kidding me? After all the thousands of warriors I've sacrificed to the gods, wouldn't you think they would have tipped the scales in my favor?</English>
<English>Greetings, [CT_NAME]. Hey, I have an idea. How about we sacrifice somebody who's bothering you to the gods? Huh?</English>
<English>I'm absolutely baffled, [CT_NAME]. How is it that the gods still allow you to lollygag around my palace?</English>
<English>You don't mess with a hungry jaguar, [CT_NAME]. You don't mess with the [OUR_EMPIRE] either.</English>
<English>Comply with our demands, [CT_NAME]. Trust me, you don't want to share the same fate as the last guys who refused my offer.</English>
<English>You know, they say that when they chop off your head, you live long enough to see yourself roll down the temple stairs. Don't want to find out? Then hand it over!</English>
Very nice, those are much better than the ones I wrote, I'll put them in as soon as I can. I'm trying to rifle through these other leaders as quickly as possible because I'd like to get this playtest out and I think it'll have to be a long playtest too because there are over fifty new leaders being added so it may take longer to playtest especially because I ONLY HAVE THREE PEOPLE SO FAR, so please please please, if you haven't sent me a PM about playtesting and intend to or could help me out at all I really need more people. The more people I have the less time I have to spend testing out the new leaders and the more time I have to finish the mod up.

Anyway I was researching Sejong in order to write up a Civilopedia entry and I came across this image:

What the hell is that about? :confused:
Sejong wants the kids to play with his water clock...
LOL, I was going to ask which traits I should give him. Since pedophile isn't an option I suppose I should go with something else. (That was horrible, I hope no Koreans are reading this)

Creative and Philosophical sound good? Maybe Philosophical/Organized, but I think Creative/Philosophical is pretty good, although its a bit overpowered, at least with the way I play, I like that combination. I also have to admit Sejong is one of my favorite leaders, he was a bit ahead of his time so I'll probably give him a pretty strong AI.
LOL, I was going to ask which traits I should give him. Since pedophile isn't an option I suppose I should go with something else. (That was horrible, I hope no Koreans are reading this)

Creative and Philosophical sound good? Maybe Philosophical/Organized, but I think Creative/Philosophical is pretty good, although its a bit overpowered, at least with the way I play, I like that combination. I also have to admit Sejong is one of my favorite leaders, he was a bit ahead of his time so I'll probably give him a pretty strong AI.

Creative/Philosophical is perfect.
Damn, did Sundiata Keita have some sort of mental instability, because this Diplomacy Text you wrote up for him is pretty crazy Madman.

@ TAdF: Were you still working on personalities for these leaders, if you are or intend on doing so wait for the next playtest before you finalize anything just to see how everything goes, but if you think its too much work that's fine too.
I didn't write it. The World of Legends team did.
Damn, did Sundiata Keita have some sort of mental instability, because this Diplomacy Text you wrote up for him is pretty crazy Madman.

@ TAdF: Were you still working on personalities for these leaders, if you are or intend on doing so wait for the next playtest before you finalize anything just to see how everything goes, but if you think its too much work that's fine too.

I'll still do the personalities, I was just waiting to see what all leaders I need to do. I -think- I covered all the old leaders.
Once I know who all I need to do, and the direction you want to go with some leaders(IE if there's some things you want certain leaders to have, or if you want a leader to represent the time period rather than what the leader's actual rule was like) I'll get back to work. I'd kinda like to at least know all of the leaders for certain before Christmas Eve, going to be kinda busy for a few weeks starting then, but I have nothing but free time until then.
Thankfully, I still have all of the personalities I did from before saved.
I didn't write it. The World of Legends team did.

They're fine, I was just wondering what the motivation behind them was. Did you get a chance to read them? It seems like he is bipolar or something. It's pretty funny, I just found it odd.
I liked them, so I put them in.

I wonder why you never asked me about Afonso's diplotext. It's only half done now.
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