[BtS] DIPLOMACY: a mod for Diplogames!

Well I've been using it for a few months now, I use it to host the mods I've converted to Mac. Have not had any issues with it whatsoever, and no-one has complained to me about inavailability or slowness of download. Uploads can be a bit slow but I that's more an issue with my ISP. Uploads resume (on Mac at least) if they drop out.

It's very popular on Mac but works on Windows and Linux too.
It says I have three hours to upload, which is around the same amount of time as file front said it would take (actually a little less time than filefront). So I'll check in on it in an hour or so, and if it still says three hours I'm going to flip out. It's crazy that the most frustrating thing about this mod has been getting it uploaded.
I don't know how accurate that original time was, because now it says one hour to upload. It could be rounding down or up or something though, who knows. But it's workin, so I'll put out the the playtest tonight barring some terrible catastrophe or whatever.

EDIT: Oh, well, apparently this dropbox upload thing fluctuates like :):):):). It now says it will be seven more hours to upload. :eek:

I officially have no idea what is going on right now, and I'll let this run its course. But if it doesn't do the job tonight I am going to have to try ANOTHER plan. :):):):).

Guess what happened?

I don't even want to get into it. I'm begining to NOT want to put out a playtest now. This is :):):):)ing infuriating.

That's two days completely wasted for me now. Well, I guess I gotta try something else out, with my :):):):)ing luck that won't work either. I have the worst luck in the world, this is happening because I need it to be uploaded for ModCast, that's the only thing I can think of. :):):):). :):):):). :):):):).

After all of my complaints and foul language the playtest is up (as far as I know). If you PMed me about a playtest you have a PM and will get another one on Monday with more specific instructions. I just wanted to give you the weekend to explore the mod and see what issues you can find on your own before giving out assignments.

If you signed up to playtest and did not get a PM please PM me and let me know.

If you forgot to sign up to playtest and want to now there are still a couple of slots open, so please PM me and I'll get a playtest link out to you.

Have fun, and let me know if you run into any issues with installing the mod.
I just wanted to make a quick clarification on the playtest.

If you participated in the last playtest you should probably DELETE the last one and install this one by itself. There may be conflicting files.
I hope everybody who has started the playtest is enjoying themselves. Feel free to post anything you notice here or in a PM to me (either one is fine).

I have some great news though, I finally got Blender to work so I can begin making LHs again. So I am pretty excited about that. I have a lot of LHs to make so that will be what we're working on next. If you guys have any ideas on some LHs please let me know. The LHs I plan on making are...
  • Maurits van Nassau (Netherlands)
  • Cartimandua (Celts)
  • Ptolemy Soter (Egyptians)
  • Jawaharlal Nehru (India)
  • Clovis (Franks)
  • Lalibela (Ethiopia)
  • Cetshwayo (Zulu)
  • Nasser (Arabia)
  • Abbas (for Iran module)

So any of those LHs listed about should have place-holders in the mod rather than finished LHs. If you have any suggestions for any of these leaders please let me know about them as it would be very helpful. Sometimes the hardest part about making LHs is coming up with a concept. I hope you guys enjoy the mod and don't hesitate to tell me about any issues you might have, even if is just a mere matter of preference (i.e. "This unit looks stupid" "I think X should look like X instead"). I might not change anything but you may have noticed something I didn't.

Also try to keep track of any buttons that are off (like if a Maceman has a Samurai button, or if a swordsman has an axeman button) and write them down to report to me, I don't think I got them all (in fact I know I didn't).
You know, I was taking a look at Thomas War, and I think the Tomb of Marie Laveau would be a more interesting Shrine than the Temple of the Ansyen Bon, not to mention that this one is an actual site where Voodoo practitioners make pilgrimages.

So far your mod only seems to have the religions in it...
I have some great news though, I finally got Blender to work so I can begin making LHs again. So I am pretty excited about that. I have a lot of LHs to make so that will be what we're working on next. If you guys have any ideas on some LHs please let me know. The LHs I plan on making are...
  • Maurits van Nassau (Netherlands)
  • Cartimandua (Celts)
  • Ptolemy Soter (Egyptians)
  • Jawaharlal Nehru (India)
  • Clovis (Franks)
  • Lalibela (Ethiopia)
  • Cetshwayo (Zulu)
  • Nasser (Arabia)
  • Abbas (for Iran module)

Well, I hope these LHs will be shadered. I know you don't know how to do it yet, but I will tell you what you should do: don't work with the nonshader model and also copy all the art files (the DIFF, the ENV, the SPEC, the NORM) when you are starting a LH. That way, the only thing you'll need to do to add shaders is activate them in Nifskope after the nifswap and that's it.
Another LH we know we want it Vercingetorix. I sent an e-mail to Pencilgod and asked him about this project. So far no answer. I would like to try it over, but I'm afraid Pencilgod will make Vercingetorix (and it'll be better than mine, obviously), so all my work will be for nothing.
Look, the LHs, I :):):):)ing told you, were place-holders.

I'm going to KICK YOUR ASSES with awesome LHs.

tell me about other things....
:):):):)LAH;akfdssf4wef zsdc
Has anybody else downloaded the mod? I only get the religions and some pak files.
That's drunk for "I want to rub cockoroches on by back and swim in butter with Richard Nixon".
Man I don't know. Has anyone other than Madman had issues with playing the mod?

I'd probably suggest downloading it again if it didn't work for you. I haven't had anyone else complain and have received reports on the mod already, so I assume if there were problems I wouldn't have reports.
GeoModder has pointed out a crucial (gamebreaking) error. If you got the following pop-up:

You can fix it by opening the CIV4UnitArtStyleTypeInfos.xml file (it should be in the Assets/XML/Civilzations folder) and changing this...


To this...


If you did NOT get this error message it means you have removed the DLL, in that case you should still edit that file, otherwise the game will crash.
I've tried downloading like n times infinity times and it always happens.
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